Grants:Regions/LATAM and The Caribbean/ky

This page is a translated version of the page Grants:Regions/LATAM and The Caribbean and the translation is 3% complete.
Латын Америкасы жана Кариб аралдары

This region includes the following countries and territories:

Anguilla; Антигуа жана Барбуда; Аргентина; Aruba; Багама аралдары; Барбадос; Белиз; Бермуд аралдары; Боливия; Caribbean Netherlands; Bouvet Island; Бразилия; British Virgin Islands; Cayman Islands; Чили; Колумбия; Коста-Рика; Куба; Curaçao; Доминика; Доминикана Республикасы; Эквадор; Сальвадор; Фолкленд; French Guiana; Гренада; Guadeloupe; Гватемала; Гайана; Гаити Республикасы; Гондурас; Ямайка; Martinique; Мексика; Montserrat; Никарагуа; Панама; Парагвай; Перу; Puerto Rico; Saint Barthélemy; Сент-Китс жана Невис; Сент-Люсия; Saint-Martin; Сент-Винсент жана Гренадиндер; Saint Barthélemy; Sint Maarten; Суринам; Тринидад жана Тобаго; Turks and Caicos Islands; Уругвай; Венесуэла; United States Virgin Islands

Program Officer

Senior Program Officer for Latin America & Caribbean
Турган жери: Mexico City, Mexico
Убакыт алкагы: UTC-6/-5
Билген тилдери: Spanish, English, French

Regional calendar

Please reach out to your Program Officer if you are interested in applying before making any application or if you need flexibility on dates.

General Support Fund - Round 1 (2024-25)

2 сентябрь – 30 сентябрь 2024

Applicant support and eligibility check

9 сентябрь 2024

Renewal deadline

30 сентябрь 2024

Submission deadline

30 сентябрь – 24 октябрь 2024

Review and translation

31 октябрь – 15 ноябрь 2024

Review feedback and applicant engagement

29 ноябрь 2024

Decision announced

16 декабрь 2024 – 17 январь 2025

Agreement and first payment

1 июль – 31 июль 2025

Midpoint conversation

30 январь 2026 / 31 март 2026

Final or first year report due

General Support Fund - Round 2 (2024-25)

10 февраль – 1 март 2025

Applicant support and eligibility check

10 февраль 2025

Renewal deadline

1 март 2025

Submission deadline

3 март – 4 апрель 2025

Review and translation

4 апрель – 2 май 2025

Review feedback and applicant engagement

16 май 2025

Decision announced

30 май – 14 июнь 2025

Agreement and first payment

15 январь 2026

Midpoint conversation

31 июль 2026 / 15 август 2026

Final or first year report due

Contact us

Rapid Fund

If you want to apply or if have any questions about the Rapid Fund, please reach out to the Regional Program Officer at: lac_rapid

General Support Fund

If you have any questions about the General Support Fund, please reach out to the Regional Program Officer at: lac_fund

Set up a time to meet with the Program Officer

The regional program officer is available several times during the week to meet with you to answer questions, receive feedback, and provide any general support or guidance around our funding programs in the region. The meetings can be held in Spanish, French, Portuguese, or English. Please review the program officer's calendar on Google Calendar below and reserve a time that is most convenient for you:

Go to appointment page to reserve a time for Office Hours

To support preparation needs, please provide a brief explanation about the purpose of the meeting and your preferred language when reserving a time. This information can alternatively be provided via e-mail (mcaso(_AT_) If none of the available times works for you, please contact the program officer via e-mail to suggest a few alternatives of dates and times that will work well for you.

Regional Committee

The primary role of the committee is to contribute as thought partners in strategic thinking to understand the complexities of the Latin America and Caribbean region and to make funding decisions for applications in the region, providing expertise and experience to applicants to support the effective functioning of the movement's activities.

Contact the LAC committee:

  • Hedestad, August 2021- Sou historiador, atualmente fazendo mestrado, e Wikimedista desde 2018. Sou membro do Wiki Movimento Brasil e vivo em Porto Alegre, no Brasil.
  • Lilian Viana, August 2021- Eu me chamo Lilian. Atuo como bibliotecária em universidade no Brasil e integro a iniciativa. GLAM Bibliotecas da USP. Sou doutora em Ciência da informação. Comecei a explorar o universo Wikimedia em 2019, sobretudo Wikidata e Wikipédia em português. Sou de São Paulo, Brasil.
  • Salvador alc, August 2021- Abogado. Co-fundador de Wikimedia México. Wikimedista desde 2006. Actualmente estudio una Maestría en Tecnologías de la Información. Vivo en Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
  • Ivonne Dos Santos, January 2023- Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Maricarmen Sequera, January 2023- Paraguay.
  • Paulakindsvater, January 2023- Paraná, Argentina.
  • Superzerocool, January 2023- Santiago, Chile.
  • PilarSaenz, September 2023- Colombia.
  • Vanett Graneros, September 2023- Bolivia. Soy bibliotecaria-archivista de profesión, wikimedista desde el año 2019, voluntaria en el grupo de usuarios de Wikimedistas de Bolivia. Vivo en la ciudad de La Paz.
  • Onica aguilar, September 2023- Oaxaca, México.



Meet the Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Funding Committee

The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Regional Funding Committee is a group of volunteers from the Latin America and Caribbean region who, as of July 2021, bring their voices, perspectives, and opinions to help size up the region’s complexities to guide funding decision-making in LAC.

LAC Regional Funds committee and proposal review process

Slides for the proposal review process in the LAC funding region. It covers the LAC Committee, application round, review criteria, Committee COI guidelines, and contacts. Recording of the presentation in Spanish.
Slides available in: español, português, and français

Browse Applications

General Support Fund

Rapid Fund