
The following discussion is closed: This election is closed and these pages are an archive of that event.

La votazione di riconferma 2013–14 avrà inizio il 8 febbraio e terminerà il 27 febbraio.

Le elezioni 2013–14 per i nuovi steward rappresentano una buona opportunità per verificare il livello di soddisfazione esistente nei confronti degli attuali steward. Al fine di rendere agevole la procedura, sono riportate qui le modalità di svolgimento.

Per comentare, effettua l'accesso con un account che abbia effettuato modifiche (su qualsiasi wiki) precedentemente al 1º febbraio 2013. Durante le elezioni del 2013, indica gli eventuali motivi di soddisfazione o scontento rispetto l'uso delle funzioni di steward da parte dell'utente indicato. Per esempio, potresti riferirti all'inattività. Gli steward inattivi, come stabilito nelle policy di riferimento, perderanno il proprio status.

Al termine delle elezioni, gli steward attuali e i nuovi eletti esamineranno le segnalazioni contenute su questa pagina e sceglieranno se rimuovere i diritti di steward, sia tenendo conto dei commenti lasciati dalla comunità, sia delle prospettive e dell'interpretazione del proprio compito da parte di ciascuno. Tutti gli steward eletti prima del febbraio 2012 ripeteranno questo iter di riconferma al termine di ciascuna elezione. La conferma per gli steward eletti nel'ottobre 2012 è opzionale in questo caso poiché non hanno ancora ricoperto tale ruolo per un intero anno. Saranno soggetti a una regola econferma obbligatoria durante l'elezione del 2014.

Vedi anche:

Purge the cache of this page?

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<Italian not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en
  • Personal info: My apologies for not making a statement earlier. I have indeed been mostly inactive as a Steward, except for doing some deletion that I came across in small wikis. I'd prefer to keep the status in case I find some time & job to do as a Steward in a few months time, but as there are no specific plans at this time I have full understanding if I get removed for inactivity now.

Comments about Andre Engels


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<Italian not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en, he-2
  • Personal info: I remain very happy to see that requests in general, and checkuser issues on which I tend to focus in particular, have been answered in a reasonable amount of time by stewards. I would like to continue to support the family of Wikimedia projects as a steward in the coming year. Thank you very much for both your past trust and present consideration. -- Avi (talk) 23:46, 5 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Avraham


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<Italian not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: de, en
  • Personal info: For health reasons I wasn't able to hold my office. I stayed at hospital for more than half a year and therefore wasn't online most of the time. Last week I started my occupational rehabilitation - and beyond that to care more about wikipedia/wikimedia again. Alone, I'll need my time, to rediscover my old constitution. I understand the displeasure about my absence, but I ask for mercy and some more time to give proof of my usefulness. Greetings

Comments about Axpde


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

  • Lingue: de, en-4
  • Informazioni personali: Questa è la mia seconda riconferma, poichè sono stato eletto solamente nel 2011. Sono stato abbastanza attivo in quest'anno di servizio. Ho usato gli strumenti da steward per vari scopi, facendo cancellazioni e blocchi a livello cross-wiki per esempio (vedi le statistiche). Mi sono occupato anche di vandalismi e spam, bloccando molti utenti e IP. Ho fatto anche molte modifiche ai diritti, principalmente al mio account per prevenire abusi e rimuovere cose offensive, ma ho cambiato molto anche i privilegi di altri utenti. Di solito aiuto un pò ovunque, dove l'aiuto è necessario, su IRC e anche qui su Wiki. Se hai domande, chiedi pure.

Comments about Barras


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

  • Lingue: zh, en-3
  • Informazioni personali: Ciao, sono diventato uno steward durante la seconda fase di elezione nel 2011 e questa è la mia prima riconferma. La mia attività come steward non è tra le più alte, ma, per quanto mi riguarda, sono contento comunque del mio livello di attività. Le mie aree di attenzioni erano principalmente rispondere alle richieste in IRC e occuparmi del cross-wiki vandalismo, seguito da i lavori in SRP e in SRCU. Mi piacerebbe avere il tuo supporto per servire come steward per un altro anno. Fammi sapere i tuoi commenti e opinion in modo tale da migliorare il mio lavoro per il futuro. Grazie per le tue considerazioni. --Bencmq (talk) 02:49, 6 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Bencmq


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<Italian not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: id, en, jv, zh
  • Personal info: I'm happy to be able to help as steward, and hope that I could be given another year to serve as steward. While a change in job schedule has left me unable to patrol in the timezone where most of the stewards asleep, like I promised in my election page, I still able to help mitigating crosswiki abuse and stand-by on IRC channel several hours every weekday. Lastly, I would like to thank the community that have been very helpful to the stewards via IRC. Salam.

Comments about Bennylin


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<Italian not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: en
  • Personal info: I plan to continue in the role of steward, if the community is willing to confirm me. I have pretty much undertaken the tasks I said that I would when I was elected last year. My mop has been active and consistent in areas of strength, and I have undertaken some activities in other areas as required. Stewards have worked cooperatively and respectfully; as a team sharing the work, sharing advice and requesting assistance as necessary, it has been a harmonious and pleasant group with whom to work, and I commend them for their passion, diligence and efforts. — billinghurst sDrewth 13:34, 6 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Billinghurst


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

  • Lingue: en
  • Informazioni personali: Questa è la mia seconda riconferma come steward. Fui eletto in febbraio 2011, e, da allora, sono stato attivo. Sono stato attivo come steward cancellando lo spam a livello crosswiki e facendo attenzione agli spambot. Sono ansioso per un altro (nuovo) anno di steward. --Bsadowski1 (talk) 23:51, 6 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Bsadowski1


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<Italian not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: de, en-3, grc-3, la-3, es-1
  • Personal info: Unfortunately, I could not have been as active as in the last years. That's mostly due to my work at university and academy and my changed focus in the Wikiversum: I always want to learn about new parts of the Wikiversum and try to improve their structure and effectivity. Hence, I'm currently working as a member of the board of Wikimedia Deutschland.

    Regarding steward work, we currently have more active users than in the last years so that my main focus changed to teaching and helping them if necessary. Thank you all for your tremendous work! Since some trolls could be prevented from disturbing our projects, the focus of most stewards switched from fighting vandals to locking spambots and blocking open proxies. Although that's useful for our projects, it doesn't give great pleasure to me. Instead, besides assisting my fellows, I helped a bit on SWMT, SRGP, and on IRC and our mailing list.

    Furthermore, I co-organized the annual steward meetup at Wikimania where we planned some improvements for our work. My part was to write a script for a planned global rename policy. Due to some fixes by Hoo man, the script could have been used on secure server when this policy had been accepted (and I still hope that this will happen soon). With deactivating the secure server, the time-consuming programming was all for nothing because the script cannot be used elsewhere. But luckily, the WMF developers are currently working on a global rename tool (or hopefully at least on a rename API).

    I recently became a member of the steward election committee (a job I did in the last couple of years too) and thus hope to approve some new fellows elected by the global community. I'd be happy to serve the community and my beloved fellows with my experience for the next term. Thank you!

Comments about DerHexer


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

<Italian not available, displaying English (help us translate!).>
  • Languages: fr, en-3
  • Personal info: My motivation hasn't changed since my election as a steward a year ago: I would still like to help out with cross-wiki issues. I rarely take care of on-wiki requests; most of the steward operations I have undertaken this year have been done upon my own initiative or upon requests on IRC.

    As to the alleged issues about my use of the CU tools sur frwiki that were raised during my election, the Ombudsman commission has told me not having seen any evidence of breach in the privacy policy, and has given to frwiki checkusers some advice to make sure they are always in compliance with the CheckUser policy.

Comments about Elfix
