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Report of activities for 2024 - Capacity Exchange

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First quarter report (Jan-Mar)

An Outreachy Program for the Wikimedia Peer Power Tool

Outreachy participants and their mentors.

Between December 2023 and March 2024, the Capacity Exchange team participated in Outreachy,[1] an international internship program for open-source and open science projects, mentoring Oyindamola Olatunji, a young developer from Nigeria. Our participation is related to WMB's strategy under the axis of (Re)imagining the socio-technical infrastructure of the Wikimedia Movement: Collaborating within the Wikimedia Movement and with external stakeholders for the development of open technologies aligned with the strategic direction of knowledge as a service.

The objective of our Outreachy engagement was the development of a Python application for Capacity Exchange. The internship involved weekly mentoring sessions with the intern, interspersed with formal and bilateral feedback points. Additionally, it included integration activities with the CapX and WMB teams. Qualitatively, the internship provided insights into international mentoring of interns in the field of open-source and open science. And it led to the expected deliverable: the Python application was developed.[2]

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Second quarter report (Apr-Jun)

CapX Front-end Deployment

Landing page

Building upon our Technical Plan, we started the front-end implementation, considering the Mobile First principle and enabling translation and dark mode. The web application is now hosted at https://capx.toolforge.org.[3] The implementation is related to the strategic direction of "(Re)imagine the sociotechnical infrastructure of the Wikimedia Movement" by acting from a Global South perspective while exploring solutions to improve user's access and user experience.

The goal was to deliver a functional, responsive, and remarkable interface for the web application's landing page. Foremost, the back-front-end dynamics had to work perfectly. Additionally, the page had to embody the project's visual identity. We delivered according to these expectations and managed to set structures to the translation to function through TranslateWiki. We have also implemented the light/dark mode toggle, which is ready to be operated on all future pages. Besides the main delivery, we have also managed to set the main structures for the deployment of the following pages, which are: Profile, Skills, and Events. Since the beginning of the implementation, two months ago, we achieved Release 1.6.2 on the back-end and Release 1.1.2 on the front-end.[4] [5]

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Third quarter report (Jul-Sep)

CapX launch at Wikimania 2024

Launch session at Wikimania 2024

The Capacity Exchange (CapX) prototype was launched for initial testing at Wikimania 2024.[6] The event, held in Katowice, Poland, included a joint activity between CapX and Let's Connect, along with the distribution of promotional materials.[7]

This activity's objective was to introduce the CapX prototype to the global Wikimedia Movement, inviting various communities to test it and provide feedback and evaluations needed for planning the tool's second phase of development. We managed to hold a forty-four-people workshop together with the team of Let's Connect and had the opportunity to make connections and network with key stakeholders, which will improve the future global governance of the tool.

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Fourth quarter report (Oct-Dec)

Updating the technical development plan and restructuring the team

CapX session at WMB meeting in November, 2024

Throughout September and October, the CapX team underwent a management transition, hired a new developer and a designer, and selected five new Wikimedia volunteers as global facilitators.[8] In parallel to that, the project had its technical plan refactored, aligning with the principle of evaluation, iteration and adaptation.[9] The primary objective was to restructure the team while ensuring the tool's development, utilization, and broad understanding within the Movement. The management transition and the recruiting of a front-end developer and a UX/UI designer[10] and five international outreach facilitators[11] required a period of onboarding to make the team more efficient and integrated with the mission of this project and the development principles involved.[12] We also managed to refactor both the technical development plan and the outreach plan.[9]

Operational and General metrics

Operational and General metrics
Activity Metrics Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total References
Community Sessions Number of sessions - 2 1 3 6 [13] [6] [14] [15] [16]
Number of Wikimedia agencies engaged - - - 1 1 [17]
Communications Deliverables Number of community publications 1 - - - 1 [2]
Products Number of new or improved products 2 - - - 2 [18]
Resources Number of resources - 4 9 6 19 [19] [20] [21] [3] [22] [23] [24] [7] [25] [16] [9]
- Number of editors that continue to participate/retained after activities 2 17 1 2 22 [18] [2] [26] [27] [13] [21] [3] [12] [17] [11]
Number of organizers that continue to participate/retained after activities 10 3 1 4 18 [18] [2] [28] [29] [30] [26] [27] [31] [19] [20] [13] [32] [21] [3] [22] [33] [23] [24] [7] [6] [10] [12] [25] [17] [14] [8] [15] [16] [11] [9]
Feedback from participants on effective strategies for attracting and retaining contributors - - - 5 5 [15]
Number of participants 60 87 50 126 323 [18] [28] [30] [26] [19] [20] [13] [21] [3] [6] [10] [17] [15] [16] [11]
Number of editors 2 61 - 9 72 [18] [26] [27] [13] [21] [3] [12] [17] [11]
Number of organizers 12 6 1 5 24 [18] [2] [28] [29] [30] [26] [27] [31] [19] [20] [13] [32] [21] [3] [22] [33] [23] [24] [7] [6] [10] [12] [25] [17] [14] [8] [15] [16] [11] [9]


  1. Assist Capacity Exchange Development - Phabricator (T346641)
  2. a b c d e Reimagining Wikimedia’s Sociotechnical Infrastructure: Contributions from Brazil, Nigeria, and Uganda in Outreachy Round 27 - Diff post
  3. a b c d e f g Capacity Exchange Technical Plan
  4. CapX Backend
  5. CapX Frontend
  6. a b c d e CapX Promotion at Wikimania 2024 CapX Promotion at Wikimania 2024
  7. a b c d Category:The Capacity Exchange visuals
  8. a b c CapX organizational transition
  9. a b c d e Capacity Exchange Technical Plan - v3
  10. a b c d Selection process for UX/UI Design and Front-End Development positions
  11. a b c d e f Outreach Facilitators Open Call
  12. a b c d e Integration of front-end developer and UX/UI designer
  13. a b c d e f Outreach of Capacity Exchange at the Wikimedia Summit 2024
  14. a b c Outreach of CapX at WikiIndaba 2024
  15. a b c d e Mapping Skills, Building Networks for Peer Learning: Testing the Capacity Exchange
  16. a b c d e CapX session at the WMB team meeting
  17. a b c d e f Meeting with sister initiatives (Wikimedia CEE Hub, Volunteer Supporters Network, WikiLearn, Let's Connect, Africa Wikimedia Technical Community and Wikipedia & Education User Group)
  18. a b c d e f Co-mentorship of Outreachy
  19. a b c d Intermediate CapX
  20. a b c d Expansion of the CapX visual identity
  21. a b c d e f Outreach of Capacity Exchange at the Wikimedia APP Community Call
  22. a b c Diff post: Prototyping a Collective Vision: Global Collaboration in Capacity Exchange
  23. a b c CapX team in-person meeting
  24. a b c CapX documentation (Glossary and User Guide)
  25. a b c Review of CapX technical and communication plans
  26. a b c d e Execution of the CapX technical plan
  27. a b c d User:YTavares (WMB)
  28. a b c Hiring of a frontend developer
  29. a b Meeting with CALIBRA
  30. a b c Grants:Knowledge Sharing/Connect
  31. a b Capacity Exchange Technical Plan
  32. a b Outreach of Capacity Exchange at the Wikimedia Hackathon 2024
  33. a b Capacity Exchange