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Report of activities for 2023 - Community

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First quarter report (Jan-Mar)

Strategy Wiki Movimento Brasil 2023-2025

Launch of the Strategy WMB 2023-2025

WMB dedicated the year of 2022 to the process of developing a new strategy to be implemented in-between 2023 and 2025. With the participation of more than 60 people, the final document was approved by the General Assembly of WMB and published on our pages. This document[1] redefines WMB's organizational identity and establishes the direction of its actions, taking into account the local contexts and aligning the changes in the global Wikimedia Movement.

On March 7th we published the methodology of our strategic process.[2] This document provides a comprehensive explanation of the process and it is intended to serve as a helpful tool for other affiliates and organizations to create their own strategy. Documenting the process not only adds meaning to the final document but also promotes transparency and effective communication. Moreover, it can be translated into other languages, expanding its outreach.

One week later, on March 14th, we officially launched the Strategy Wiki Movimento Brasil 2023-2025 for the broader audience.[3] The presentation provided context to the document elaboration process and set expectations for its implementation. The exchange of ideas between the people who participated in the strategic process was facilitated by the audiovisual format of the event and made it more relatable to the audience.

Before the public announcement of the new strategy, still in February, we conducted the first meeting of the newly established Strategy Committee, in which were defined the next steps for the establishment of the subcommittees for each strategic axis, such as the call for members and the committee's roles and responsibilities.[4]

Other metrics related to Communities activities executed in this quarter are listed below:

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Second quarter report (Apr-Jun)

Wikicontest Wiki Loves Pará

Logo of the Wiki Loves Pará project

From April 13 until July 11, Wiki Movimento Brasil promoted the Wikicontest Wiki Loves Pará, one of the many activities that we are promoting in 2023 to insert and give more visibility to the environmental, cultural and social diversity of the second largest state in Brazil: Pará. In the pages of the contest, we listed more or less 1400 articles about Pará's personalities, fauna and flora, historical cultural heritage, linguistic diversity and other topics related to the state. We promoted several events regarding this wikicontest[17][18][19][20][21] and have consistently reporting to the community and through our social media.[22][23][24][25]

At this time, these are the numbers:

  • More than 500 editors registered;
  • +200 articles created in Wikipedia;
  • +630 articles edited in Wikipedia;
  • 2.68 million characters added;
  • More than 658 thousand article views.

Other metrics related to Communities activities executed in this quarter are listed below:

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Third quarter report (Jul-Sep)

Wiki Takes

Drone photograph of the extractive reserve near Bragança
Photograph taken during the Wiki Takes Bragança event

Since 2019, we have been promoting an event called Wiki Takes a city, in which we promote several wiki activities in a chosen municipality in Brazil during a couple of days. We have adopted the practice that the primary basis for defining a municipality for a Wiki Takes is the GLAM-Wiki partnership. We also try to select municipalities in the state we are working in that year in the project Wiki Loves a State. For the year of 2023, that state is Pará. In Pará, the GLAM partnerships took some time to materialize. Fortunately, we managed to activate a network of partners in Bragança, encompassing GLAM and Education, which resulted in a larger audience than expected. Although there were challenges in converting participants into editors, one highlight of the event was the documentation of oral histories and drone footage in a nearby extractive reserve adjacent to Bragança.

Organizing a Wiki Takes event involves many steps[38] and preparation. In-person events play a crucial role in building trust among partners and engage the community, but can also raise several challenges, from which the limited time management to realize and delve into the activities is one of the major ones. Other examples can be exemplified by lack of computers or internet, or even agenda conflicts with other cultural activities happening at the same time.

We organized two Wiki Takes events in Pará in August: Wiki Takes Bragança and Wiki Takes Cachoeira do Ariri. The first one, in the city of Bragança, had 50 participants, with 8 editors. Only 2 articles were edited during the edit-a-thon, but 627 photographs were uploaded as a result of the photowalk. The second event, in Cachoeira do Ariri, was way smaller, with only 6 participants, that uploaded 90 photographs.[39][40]

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Fourth quarter report (Oct-Dec)

Wikicontest Brazilian Women in Sport

Launch of the Wikicontest Brazilian Women in Sport

The Wikicontest Brazilian Women in Sport was an initiative that brought together the Football Museum and the UN Women to improve the coverage of content about women in sport in a two month campaign, between October 2 and November 30.[64]

At first, the idea of the Football Museum was to promote an edit-a-thon, but later on the proposal became to do an impactful campaign. One strong point of the contest was in communications. There were three workshops about Wikipedia editing, research in hemerotecas (journal archives), and about the gender in sport to give participants more of the context of the theme of the contest.

Furthermore, the Football Museum used resources to deliver kits for players to publicize the contest on social media, something unprecedented for the WMB communications. It also constantly contributed to our Communications team to ensure consistency in publications throughout the competition, with content that ranged from data about the competition itself to gender disparity in sport on Wikipedia. An assistant was also hired to conduct evaluations and monitor the competition, which also ensured consistency and agility in the conduct of the competition.

Once again, wikicontests prove to be community engagement activities that result in content. We had the following results in this competition:[64]

  • 240 editors;
  • 1077 articles edited or created in Wikipedia;
  • 720 thousand views;
  • 3.82 million characters added.

Other metrics related to Community activities executed in this quarter are listed below:

Other metrics


  1. Strategy WMB 2023-2025
  2. a b Strategy WMB 2023-2025 Methodology
  3. a b c Launch of the Strategy WMB 2023-2025
  4. a b c 1st meeting of the WMB Strategy Committee
  5. a b c d Edit-a-thon BBC 100 Mulheres
  6. a b c d Edit-a-thon Mulheres na Ciência
  7. a b Ação coletiva na Wikipédia
  8. a b 1st WMB open meeting of 2023
  9. a b Reception of new WMB members
  10. February Calendar
  11. March Calendar
  12. 1st meeting of the Diversity Committee
  13. Visual identity for Wiki Loves Pará
  14. Museu Paulista Digital: Acervos em rede para a educação e a comunicação em museus
  15. Coalizão Direitos na Rede annual meeting
  16. WMB Libraries Strategic Committee
  17. a b c In-person launch of the Wiki Loves Pará at the Plantaformas event
  18. a b c Wikicontest Wiki Loves Pará launch event
  19. a b c 1st Wiki Apoia workshop
  20. a b 2nd Wikicontest Wiki Loves Pará workshop
  21. a b 3rd Wikicontest Wiki Loves Pará workshop
  22. a b 1st Wiki Loves Pará Newsletter
  23. a b 2nd Wiki Loves Pará Newsletter
  24. a b 3rd Wiki Loves Pará Newsletter
  25. a b 4th Wiki Loves Pará Newsletter
  26. a b c Let's Connect Strategic planning as a collaborative process
  27. a b Closing event of Obelepedia
  28. a b c d Wikipedia workshop "Mais História da Amazônia"
  29. a b Wiki Apoia launch
  30. a b c 1st Wikicontest Wiki Loves Pará workshop
  31. a b Virtual launch of Wiki Loves Pará
  32. a b c Wiki Apoia & Rapid Fund Workshop
  33. a b c Community consultation meeting about the WMF Fundraising Campaign in Brazil
  34. April Calendar
  35. May Calendar
  36. June Calendar
  37. Support to the Wikicontest Mais Pretas em Teoria da História na Wiki
  38. In-person and online activities hosted by Brazil during Wikimania 2022
  39. a b Wiki Takes Bragança
  40. a b Wiki Takes Cachoeira do Arari
  41. a b c CODA Amazônia 2023
  42. a b 1st meeting of the Strategic Committee of the "Coordinate the Brazilian Wikimedia agencies" axis subcommittee
  43. a b 2nd Wiki Apoia workshop
  44. a b c Launch of Wiki Encontros
  45. a b Wiki booth at XVIII Congresso RedPOP 2023
  46. a b c Wikicontest Wiki Loves Pará Awards Celebration
  47. 1st meeting of the Strategic Committee of the "Promote Knowledge Equity" axis subcommittee
  48. 2nd meeting of the Strategic Committee of the "Promote Knowledge Equity" axis subcommittee
  49. 3rd meeting of the Strategic Committee of the "Promote Knowledge Equity" axis subcommittee
  50. a b c Ver-o-peso market tour: Bringing Amazonian culture to the Wikimedia projects (Wikimania)
  51. a b WikiSalvador 6.0
  52. a b c A experiência do movimento de mulheres lusófonas na wikimedia: uma estima-ativa
  53. a b c d e Expedição fotográfica "Caminhos do Sol Noroeste de São Paulo"
  54. a b c d e Editatona Wikidata na Biblioteca do IME-USP
  55. a b c d e Caminhadas Fotográficas e Mapeamento do patrimônio cultural de Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ
  56. a b c d e Projeto Expedicionário Fotográfico Belém-Brasília
  57. July Calendar
  58. August Calendar
  59. September Calendar
  60. a b Wikimedia contra a desinformação: Como usar a enciclopédia livre e o seu banco de dados para incluir conhecimentos sub-representados na internet (CODA Amazônia 2023)
  61. a b L'actu sur Wikipédia (Wikimania)
  62. Wikicontest Wiki Loves Pará
  63. Support to the Wikicontest Mais Povos Originários em Teoria da História na Wiki
  64. a b c Wikicontest Brazilian Women in Sport
  65. a b c Wiki Movimento Brasil & editors from Guinea Bissau collaboration
  66. a b Wiki Movement Brazil Friendly Space Policy
  67. a b Wiki Encontros 2023 - Cuiabá
  68. a b c How to edit and create articles in Wikipedia
  69. a b c d Passeio fotográfico em Canavieiras-Bahia
  70. a b Editatona Memórias do Capitalismo
  71. a b c d e Editatona Wikidata e Saúde Auditiva
  72. a b Meeting of strategy subcommittees in Belo Horizonte
  73. a b c d Maratona WikiDesign de Ilustração para a Wikipédia e WikiCommons
  74. a b c Facilitation in the WikidataCon session "Wikidata: What happened over the past year? What's next?"
  75. a b c Facilitation in the WikidataCon session "Structured data and collaborative curation: WikiProjects and Wikidata"
  76. Brochure WikiCon Brasil 2022
  77. October calendar
  78. November calendar
  79. December calendar
  80. a b c Projeto Expedicionário Fotográfico PA-MT-GO-DF
  81. a b Caminhadas Fotográficas e Mapeamento do patrimônio cultural de São Mateus e Conceição da Barra-ES