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Report of activities for 2024 - Fundraising

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First quarter report (Jan-Mar)

Launching WMB's Financial Diversification Plan

A graphic representation of WMB's 2023-2025 Strategic Planning.

In pursuit of developing a culture of organizational sustainability, Wiki Movimento Brasil crafted a Financial Diversification Plan. This document sets forth management instruments and guidelines for fundraising.

The Financial Diversification Plan was listed on WMB's 2024 annual plan of activities, as one of the two strategic implementation plans we expected to deliver. It serves as a set of guiding initiatives that establish and link actions of specific impact and organizational objectives, enhancing decision-making and fostering a culture of transparency and innovation for fundraising. As the plan includes sensitive information, it is not made publicly available.[1]

The elaboration of this plan involved identifying organizational potentialities and expertise that would facilitate diversification goals and, concurrently, enable innovation in fundraising modalities. The overall expectation is that no single donor will correspond to more than 60% of WMB's yearly budget by 2025, and that single-donor dependency will progressively decrease after that milestone. Financial diversification operations have led to establishing a diverse pool of initiatives, and more importantly the hiring of a dedicated staff member for fundraising since February.

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Second quarter report (Apr-Jun)

New Partnerships in the Recôncavo Baiano

Training section in São Félix

One of the strategic actions of Wiki Movimento Brasil is the regional diversification of its community. This diversification also aims to promote equity in knowledge production among underrepresented groups. Regionality is among the factors of underrepresentation and primarily affects the northern and northeastern regions of Brazil.

In this regard, partnerships were established with the Departments of Culture and Tourism of the municipality of São Félix and the Departments of Culture and Education of the Municipality of Cachoeira. These partnerships have been established through local fundraising and contributed infrastructure and provided spaces for the activities of Wiki Ocupa Cachoeira and São Félix.[2] In addition to conducting a participatory inventory of the Independence of Bahia festivities in the municipalities of Cachoeira and São Félix, the event has aimed to improve and expand information about the cultural, historical, and natural heritage of the municipalities on Wikimedia projects.[3]

This project was awarded in the Paulo Gustavo Bahia Calls for Proposals and has financial support from the Government of the State of Bahia through the Department of Culture via the Paulo Gustavo Law, directed by the Ministry of Culture, Federal Government. Paulo Gustavo Bahia (PGBA) was created to implement emergency actions to support the cultural sector, in accordance with Complementary Law No. 195, of July 8, 2022.[4]

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Third quarter report (Jul-Sep)

Fundraising a Campaign on Copyright and Open Knowledge

WMB team at Coalizão Direitos na Rede annual meeting

Since 2020, the Wiki Movimento Brasil is part of the Digital Rights Coalition (CDR), a network of over 50 academic and civil society organizations dedicated to defending digital rights in Brazil. WMB actively contributes to the coalition's freedom of expression agenda. This effort emphasizes capacity-building partnerships among civil society organizations as a key approach to promoting sustainability.

The main goal of this initiative was to leverage WMB's expertise to support a Campaign on Copyright and Open Knowledge, proposed by the Freedom of Expression Working Group, to be held next year. As a result, WMB developed a campaign project[5] [6] and applied for funding through CDR's internal call for proposals. The project will help popularize discussions on copyright and free knowledge while strengthening ties between civil society organizations. WMB secured BRL R$ 50,000 in funding to execute the campaign,[7] further solidifying its role in the coalition and advancing open knowledge.

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Fourth quarter report (Oct-Dec)

New Donation Channel for Open Knowledge in Brazil

Wiki Movimento Brasil at the Dia de Doar

The Financial Diversification Plan of WMB was developed to promote sustainability actions for Wikimedia in Brazil.The creation of a direct Donation Channel was planned as a way to enable support for open knowledge in Brazil. This project was developed in correlation with the Open-Source Administrative Infrastructure, as laid out in the 2024 Activity Plan.[8] The convergence of these actions led us to choose the technology solution Floema for our donation channel, as it remains an open-source platform for receiving donations.

In September 2024, Wiki Movimento Brasil launched, for the first time, a donation channel linked to its website through the link: https://wmnobrasil.org/apoie. This channel allows supporters to support open knowledge in Brazil through direct donations. Donations can be made in three formats: one-time, monthly, and annually. It is possible to donate via Pix, credit card, and bank transfers. In addition to the new donation channel, we have established campaign cycles that will be associated with the annual activities of Wiki Movimento Brasil. The first donation cycle of 2024 was linked to Wiki Loves Monuments Brazil 2024. Future donation mobilization cycles will be associated with the actions of the Plan of Activities 2025.

Another unprecedented achievement this quarter was the participation of Wiki Movimento Brasil in Giving Tuesday. This global campaign to encourage a culture of donation and solidarity took place on December 3, this year. During our participation, in addition to promoting WMB's new donation channel, we have encouraged the creation of new partnership fronts with organizations that wish to engage in the production and dissemination of open knowledge through Wikimedia projects.

Operational and General metrics

Operational and General metrics
Activity Metrics Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total References
Community Sessions Number of sessions - - 1 - 1 [9]
Capacity Building Number of initiatives - - 1 - 1 [9]
Communications Deliverables Number of media mentions - 2 - - 2 [10] [11]
Resources Number of resources - - 1 - 1 [9]
- Number of organizers that continue to participate/retained after activities - 1 - - 1 [10] [11] [9]
Number of participants - 83 48 - 131 [10] [11] [9]
Number of editors - 1 1 - 2 [11] [9]
Number of organizers - 1 1 - 2 [10] [11] [9]