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Report of activities for 2024 - Communications

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First quarter report (Jan-Mar)

WMB's Communications Strategic Plan

Discussion session on the first WMB's Communications Plan

The ratification and publication of WMB's Communications Strategic Plan is the result of a process launched in August last year to align our communication processes with our 2023-2025 Strategic Plan. The communications plan was produced by the professional team with a volunteer-based committee and discussed with WMB community members for several weeks before being approved on February 26, 2024, during a General Assembly.[1]

The Communications Strategic Plan was listed on WMB's 2024 annual plan of activities, as one of the two strategic implementation plans we expected to deliver. The overall intent of establishing a new direction for our external communication is to ensure our framing and methods are ensuring the strengthening of the Wikimedia ecosystem, including the conversion of internet users into editors, in line with our strategic direction of "Fostering and diversifying partnerships for free knowledge in Brazil".

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Second quarter report (Apr-Jun)

Promoting the values and strengths of our collaborative ecosystem

WMB participating in the panel on Information Integrity

Wiki Movimento Brasil has acted in international meetings and campaigns to promote the Wikimedia way. These actions have included an Open Letter to influence the Global Digital Compact and the NETmundial+10 declaration.[2]

These actions were focused on implementing part of the WMB's Communications Strategic Plan and directed towards positioning WMB in international debates on Internet Governance and digital environment regulation.[1] Thus, they align with WMB's Strategy to foster and diversify partnerships for open knowledge in Brazil, emphasizing the development of campaigns using Wikimedia projects to combat misinformation and establishing a political advocacy role for the protection and dissemination of free knowledge.

We implemented a communicative strategy to raise the profile of our involvement in internet governance, strengthening relationships with the press, organizations, the community, and the general public through various products and actions.[3] Qualitatively, we made progress in identifying journalists active in this field, achieved narrative alignment to communicate two distinct situations, and enhanced the community's sense of belonging. Quantitatively, the results included one video with three interviews,[2] an article on Diff summarizing the actions,[4] an article in Le Monde Diplomatique,[5] and two news pieces on the institutional website and six social media posts reaching 1,200 accounts.[2]

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Third quarter report (Jul-Sep)

Website refactoring: creating a central resource platform

Screenshot of the Tainacan collection at the WMB's website

The Wiki Movimento Brasil website was relaunched in 2023, focusing on engaging diverse audiences. A key aspect of this effort was the integration of a centralized resource platform to facilitate broader access to the knowledge generated by our affiliate, which occurred this trimester.

The primary goal was to harmonize communication across both on-wiki and off-wiki platforms, utilizing a more familiar visual language for non-Wikimedians. By understanding how audiences access content, we were able to develop more effective engagement strategies in alignment with our Communications Plan. A key outcome includes the implementation of the open-source software Tainacan as a resource-sharing system, which is continually refined to enhance user experience and navigation.[6] To date, we have listed over 170 resources produced by our user group, complete with their metadata.[6]

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Fourth quarter report (Oct-Dec)

Resource on how Wikimedia fights disinformation

collection of texts on information, democracy and media education

To promote information integrity, Wiki Movimento Brasil has led campaigns and produced educational resources since 2022. Aligned with the strategic axis "Fostering and diversifying partnerships for free knowledge in Brazil," WMB explored this year new ways of communicating and presenting the Wikimedia projects as an essential instrument against disinformation. This resulted in the production of a multistakeholder e-book about information integrity.[7]

This e-book represents a significant milestone in WMB's effort on combating disinformation, bringing together nine authors to create a publication of over 40 pages. Authors are generally members of partner NGOs that fight disinformation in Brazil. Divided into five sections, the e-book covers the consequences of disinformation, presents the challenges and principles for combating it, and offers replicable tools and actions. Qualitatively, the project successfully demonstrated the multiple ways of combating disinformation in Wikimedia projects, expanding partnerships and generating a collaborative network of sharing, articulation, and recognition.[8]

Operational and General metrics

Operational and General metrics
Activity Metrics Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total References
Community Sessions Number of sessions - - 1 1 2 [9] [10]
Partnerships Number of new partnership ratifications - 1 1 5 7 [11] [7] [8]
Number of activated partnerships - 1 - - 1 [11]
Programs and Campaigns Number of activities - - 1 1 2 [12] [13]
Governance Sessions Number of sessions 1 - 4 - 5 [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
Communications Deliverables Number of media mentions 14 23 32 29 98 [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29]
Number of people reached through social media 4163 24665 103114 17229 149171 [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38]
Number of followers on social media 504 397 763 243 1907 [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38]
Number of community publications - 2 - 3 4 [4] [39] [40] [41]
Products Number of new or improved products - - 1 - 1 [42]
Resources Number of resources 2 3 - 5 10 [1] [2] [5] [6] [43] [42] [13] [7] [44] [45]
- Number of organizers that continue to participate/retained after activities 4 5 1 5 15 [1] [14] [30] [19] [46] [2] [5] [3] [31] [20] [6] [11] [21] [4] [43] [32] [22] [33] [23] [24] [34] [15] [16] [8] [35] [25] [17] [18] [9] [36] [26] [42] [10] [39] [40] [41] [13] [7] [27] [37] [28] [44] [45] [29] [38]
Number of participants 3 154 101 147 405 [14] [2] [15] [16] [8] [17] [18] [9] [10] [13] [44] [45]
Number of organizers 4 8 1 10 23 [1] [14] [30] [19] [46] [2] [5] [3] [31] [20] [6] [11] [21] [4] [43] [32] [22] [33] [23] [24] [34] [15] [16] [8] [35] [25] [17] [18] [9] [36] [26] [42] [10] [39] [40] [41] [13] [7] [27] [37] [28] [44] [45] [29] [38]


  1. a b c d e Strategic Communication Plan
  2. a b c d e f g Participation in the NETmundial+10
  3. a b c Open letter to protect Wikipedia and other public interest projects in the Global Digital Compact
  4. a b c d Diff post: We need real commitments to an internet focused on the free knowledge ecosystem across all forums
  5. a b c d Peschanski, João Alexandre (2024-04-25). "Três compromissos em defesa da internet livre, colaborativa e diversa". Le Monde diplomatique Brazil. 
  6. a b c d e Adoption of Tainacan in Wiki Movimento Brasil's website
  7. a b c d e Integridade da informação, pilar da democracia
  8. a b c d e Communications Partnerships (Instituto Palavra Aberta, LUPA and Desinformante
  9. a b c d Live "Aprenda a editar na Wikipédia" - Campaign Paralympic Games on Wikipedia
  10. a b c d Live "Bate papo sobre patrimônio e mudanças climáticas | O Campanário Patrimônio Cultural"
  11. a b c d Partnership with Secretaria de Cultura e Turismo de Cachoeira
  12. Participation in the G20 Digital Transformation panel
  13. a b c d e Estudantes de comunicação conectados com a comunidade Wikimedia Program
  14. a b c d Communications Committee meeting - January
  15. a b c d 1st meeting of the "Foster and diversify partnerships for open knowledge in Brazil" axis subcommittee
  16. a b c d 2nd meeting of the "Foster and diversify partnerships for open knowledge in Brazil" axis subcommittee
  17. a b c d Communications Committee meeting - August
  18. a b c d 3rd meeting of the "Foster and diversify partnerships for open knowledge in Brazil" axis subcommittee
  19. a b c Media clipping:
  20. a b c Media clipping:
  21. a b c Media clipping:
  22. a b c Diff post: Stories from the anti-disinformation repository: Why Wikimedia is an antidote to disinformation (translation into Portuguese)
  23. a b c Media clipping:
  24. a b c Media clipping:
  25. a b c Media clipping:
  26. a b c Media clipping:
  27. a b c Campaign for Wikimedia Literacy in the Media (
  28. a b c Media clipping:
  29. a b c Media clipping:
  30. a b c d Social media metrics - February
  31. a b c d Social media metrics - April
  32. a b c d Social media metrics - May
  33. a b c d Social media metrics - June
  34. a b c d Social media metrics - July
  35. a b c d Social media metrics - August
  36. a b c d Social media metrics - September
  37. a b c d Social media metrics - October
  38. a b c d Social media metrics - November
  39. a b c Diff post: Esforço conjunto para dar visibilidade aos Jogos Paralímpicos na Wikipédia
  40. a b c Diff post: Wiki Movimento Brasil escuta Grupos de Pesquisa para ampliar os usos da Wikiversidade
  41. a b c Diff post:A true Wiki marathon: How Wiki Movimento Brasil organized events in three different states for five consecutive days
  42. a b c d Notas para engajamento ético da mídia com a Wikimedia
  43. a b c Brochure Wiki+Educação: Por que usar os projetos Wikimedia na sala de aula?
  44. a b c d Mediation program for accreditation of Wikimedists
  45. a b c d Launching of the e-book "Integridade da informação, pilar da democracia"
  46. a b Letter requesting modification of the content license on the Lula Oficial Flickr account