
logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, it-2, gl-1, (sq, sk, ms, hi)-0.5
  • Personal info: Hi, everyone! This is my seventh confirmation as a steward, and I am honored to be part of this awesome team for so long. As a steward, I deal mostly with LTA and cross-wiki abuse/vandalism/spam, but also have a reasonable bit of action in other areas such as user rights management and account renaming. I also do some behind the scenes stuff, such as the management of mailing lists and the private checkuser wiki (those additional accesses required as users get promoted or removed from their roles, and other mantainence tasks there).

    Although 2020 was not an easy year for me by no means, things seemed to have returned to normal in 2021. However, in the middle of last year, I changed roles at work, and had to acquire new assignments quickly. In the midst of it all, I had covid 2 times, and also lost 2 co-workers to this disease. All this affected my time available for Wikipedia projects, but thankfully, by October, I managed to to rearrange most things and resume my activities on Meta-Wiki. Anyway, if my activity level drops again, I will not seek for confirmation in 2023.

    Since I am still active and around for dealing with emergencies or daily requests, I am interested in continuing serving as a steward for one more year, if I can count on your support. I think I can be useful to the corpus of stewards, and I hope I could get the opportunity to share my views and experience with the incoming stewards. Thank you for participanting!
  • ভাষা: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, it-2, gl-1, (sq, sk, ms, hi)-0.5
  • ব্যক্তিগত তথ্যাদি: translation needed
  • Sprachen: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, it-2, gl-1, (sq, sk, ms, hi)-0.5
  • Informationen zur Person: translation needed
  • Idiomas: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, it-2, gl-1, (sq, sk, ms, hi)-0.5
  • Información personal: translation needed
  • Nyelvek: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, it-2, gl-1, (sq, sk, ms, hi)-0.5
  • Személyes információk: translation needed
  • Lingue: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, it-2, gl-1, (sq, sk, ms, hi)-0.5
  • Informazioni personali: translation needed
  • Taalvaardigheid: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, it-2, gl-1, (sq, sk, ms, hi)-0.5
  • Persoonlijke informatie: translation needed
  • Языки: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, it-2, gl-1, (sq, sk, ms, hi)-0.5
  • Личная информация: translation needed
  • 可说语言: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, it-2, gl-1, (sq, sk, ms, hi)-0.5
  • 个人资料: translation needed
  • 可說語言: pt, en-3, es-2, fr-2, it-2, gl-1, (sq, sk, ms, hi)-0.5
  • 個人資料: translation needed

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