
English: The 2010 steward elections are finished. No further votes will be accepted.
Suomi: Vuoden 2010 ylivalvojien vaalit on loppu. Uusia ääniä ei hyväksytä enää.
العربية: انتخابات المضيفين لعام 2010 انتهت. لا أصوات أخرى سيتم قبولها.
Deutsch: Die Stewardwahlen 2010 sind beendet. Weitere Stimmen können nicht mehr berücksichtigt werden.
Español : Las elecciones a Steward del año 2010 han concluído. No se aceptan más votos.
فارسی: .رای‌گیری در مورد انتخابات ویکیبدهای جدید پایان یافته است.رای‌های جدید مورد قبول واقع نخواهد شد.
Français : Les élections de 2010 pour Steward se sont conclues. Aucun vote au-delà de cette date ne sera compté.
Gaeilge: Tá na toghcháin Maoir 2010 dúnta anois. Ní féidir aon vótaí eile a glacadh as an am seo amach.
Galego: Xa remataron as eleccións a steward do ano 2010. Non se aceptarán máis votos.
Alemannisch : D Stewardwahle 2010 sin umme. Du chasch nimmi abstimme.
עברית: בחירות הדיילים לשנת 2010 הסתיימו. הצבעות נוספות לא תתקבלנה.
Magyar: A választás lezárult, további szavazatokat nem fogadunk el.
Italiano: Le elezioni del 2010 a Steward sono terminate. Nessun voto ricevuto dopo questa data sarà preso in considerazione.
日本語: 2010年のスチュワード選挙は終わりました。今後の投票は受け付けられません。
Nederlands: De stewardsverkiezingen van 2010 zijn gesloten. U kunt niet meer stemmen.
Polski: Wybory stewardów w 2010 roku zakończyły się. Nowe głosy nie będą akceptowane.
Português : As eleições para Steward de 2010 estão encerradas. Nenhum voto lançado a partir desta data será computado.
Русский: Выборы стюардов — 2010 завершены. Дальнейшие голоса не будут приняты.
Svenska: 2010 års val av stewarder är avslutat. Ingen ytterligare röstning kommer att accepteras.
中文: 2010年监管员选举已经结束。逾期投票将会作废。
中文(简体): 2010年监管員选举已经结束。逾期投票将会作废。
中文(繁體): 2010年監管員選舉已經結束。逾期投票將會作廢。
Ελληνικά: Οι εκλογές επιτρόπων για το 2010 έχουν τελειώσει. Δεν γίνονται δεκτές άλλες ψήφοι.
Türkçe: 2010 kâhya seçimleri tamamlanmıştır. Daha fazla oy kabul edilmeyecektir.
Azərbaycanca: 2010 eşikağası seçkiləri tamamlanmışdır. Daha çox səs qəbul olunmaz.

The 2010-11 confirmation will begin on February 7, and will finish on February 28th.

The 2010-11 steward elections are a good opportunity to check if we are still happy with our current stewards. To make the process as smooth as possible, here is how things are organized.

To comment, please log in with an account that has edits (on any wiki) before February 1st 2010. During the 2010 elections, please mention if you are unhappy with one of the persons listed below and why. For example, you may mention inactivity or negative behaviour. Inactive stewards, as stated in the steward policies, will lose their steward access.

At the end of the elections, the current and newly elected stewards will consider complaints left on this page, and choose to remove stewardship as necessary taking into account both the comments left by community and their own perspective and understanding of the job. All stewards will go through this process after each election.

See also:

Purge the cache of this page?

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki logs & activity | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: pt, es-2, en-2, gl-2
  • Personal info: Steward since last election, I work with the requests on SRP. I hope can help the wikiprojects more this year. Thanks.

Comments about Alexanderps


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki logs & activity | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: nl, en, de...
  • Personal info: I have not been doing much lately, and to be honest that isn't very likely to change soon; still, it might. If people find that too little, I can accept it. On the other hand, I think I'm still trusted, and every little bit of help is help. And I do promise to do what I do the best I can, even if it is little.

Comments about Andre Engels


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki logs & activity | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: fr, en
  • Personal info: Personal info: Hi ! Although my steward related activities have been very light in the last year, I am still interested in keeping steward access. I'm currently struggling to start professional activities, so my involvement in steward stuff has been limited. But I'm still motivated and involved through the chapter in particular. I'll be happy to keep those access, but I would also fully understand (but regret :)) if removed due to my limited activity.

Comments about Anthere

  • I count two steward actions within the last year. If this is true, I respectfully move to remove as inactive per policy, though she's still quite a valued Wikimedian. The foundation is encouraged to add Anthere to an internally-run group (such as Staff) if an exception is warranted. If there are more than ten actions (and I may well be missing some, such as deletion review) please let me know so I can modify this opinion. Kylu 02:16, 7 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Unfortunately, inactive. Pmlineditor  07:13, 7 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Inactive. --WizardOfOz talk 10:31, 7 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Remove, sorry, but only 2 steward actions after last confirmation. —Innv {ru-ws} 10:47, 7 February 2010 (UTC)
  • Inactive. Doesn't need the tools -> remove. -Barras talk 11:53, 7 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Hardly any activity, so I'm afraid I must say remove. I do agree with Lar about benefiting from your expertise, but I think you simply are too inactive. (Especially if Kylu's right about the two steward actions.) --Erwin 14:07, 7 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
    Perhaps we need a "steward emeritus" role, folk who left without controversy/in good standing, and who can still stay on the mailing list so we can benefit from their insight and advice, but who no longer have the bit itself? ++Lar: t/c 14:38, 7 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
    I like that idea. --Daniel Mayer (mav) 14:48, 7 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
    Me too. I'd like to add that Angela and Anthere were only active in the earliest days and their memory and experience is valuable. --Aphaia 12:58, 9 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • inactive - so adios! We have too little active Stewarts but so much users think beacuase of Stewards like you we have enough. Marcus Cyron 17:32, 7 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • she told she wants to be active but she couldn't find anything to do , anyway i would be happy to see you as a active steward but till then i have to say remove --Mardetanha talk 17:47, 7 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Basically inactive. Rights are granted for the benefit of the community, when they ceased to be used to any degree they can be removed --Herby talk thyme 09:41, 8 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • totally inactive, remove (sadly) --FiliP ██ 11:36, 8 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Neutral. Obelix 11:45, 8 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • spectacular person who has given a lot to the foundation and its projects (and likely will continue to do so). However, it appears that she doesn't really need the tools and I would tend to say it is better to remove them for now. James (T C) 23:36, 8 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Inactive, remove. Razorflame 07:16, 9 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  •   Keep - Waerth 16:23, 9 February 2010 (UTC) - After everything Anthere has done this is the way she gets treated? Everyone should be ashamed of themselves![reply]
  • Keep, I'm sure we can find work for her. bastique demandez! 23:28, 9 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • keep - my view in general is that keeping onboard trustworthy people who have for some time been less active but are willing to continue using steward tools even when used very sparingly, will eventually lead to a greater evolutionary diversity in the stewards group. such diversity is essential, not only of talents or knowledge, but also variety of experience and number of years of service. with all respect, we don't want a uniform group of hyperactives solely, nor is there need of an overthrow of some sort of government, there is none here, since stewards do not rule. so let's keep such experience onboard where we can. in my philosophy, extended-rights communities should always be kept growing on a healthy wiki. please stay onboard by being/becoming sufficiently active (see current policy which sets the limits, but can use some updating as well imo). the case of anthere is special as well, and i know from experience how energy and time-consuming wmf board-work is, and that one really needs time to recover and pick up old and new routines and work again. oscar 00:43, 10 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • keep - turstworthy enough -- ※   JéRRy   ┼   雨雨   ※  16:15, 10 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • if outside life is the priority, make it so, revel in that, the requirement of stewardship is to have a requisite level of activity to meet the needs of the community. The only person who can tell us whether that is capable of being fulfilled is the steward. If you think that what you do matters, and meets the requirement, then you have my support to continue. billinghurst sDrewth 13:31, 11 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  •   Keep -FASTILY (TALK) 22:03, 14 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Keep. She wants to keep being steward. This is good enough reason for me :) --Millosh 13:22, 15 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Keep, per Bastique (talk · contribs). Cirt (talk) 02:29, 16 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Well, any choice will be okay ultimately :-) Perhaps I need to explain why I wish to keep steward access. Some months ago, when I decided not to run again for elections, it was also out of true exhaustion. I needed a break and a very serious one. I feel much better now. But I also need to run like crazy to get again my own life in a working condition (well, such as earning money) and that's a tough one. I kept a few activities in wikimedia related world because I still want to help. But to be fair, that's less than I wish I would do. Last time I went on Commons, I was completely lost within the new rules for deletion and I ran away after a dozen deletions because I was told three times in a row that I should do it this way, not that way, but specifically like this and not like that. I felt completely out of it. A few times, I came to the steward page and felt similarly paralyzed and out of fear of just not doing it the *right* way, I decided to not do anything. I honestly wonder if other oldbies do not feel the same :))) I feel a bit stretched between the idea that I should just do as Angela and completely drop the whole idea of helping in that area (and that would possibly be more reasonable ?), but having the fear that when (if) I want to help again in that area, I will just not be able to do it, and I *know* that I will be too lazy to go again through the entire process to be reelected. It feels like "giving up". To be fair, perhaps the best comment above is the one from Bastique: "Keep, I'm sure we can find work for her." Yeah, what can I be useful for ? Meanwhile... all my thanks to ALL active stewards that help things working properly. Anthere
    But, Anthere, when you say A few times, I came to the steward page and felt similarly paralyzed and out of fear of just not doing it the *right* way, I decided to not do anything., why didn't you simply ask if something was unclear? You really don't need to be ashamed for asking other stewards if you don't know what to do or how. ;o) We are there to help, you know. :) And actually, if you do something wrong, it can always be undone, explained and fixed. We are not on Commons, you won't get shouted on if you don't do things the "right way" after a longer break. ;) --თოგო (D) 00:34, 17 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
    Believe it or not... I am easily "not bold". Back in 2001... it took me a full month before daring to do my first edit :) Anthere
    Anthere, we don't need you for the stray bit flip or rename or global account lock or what have you. We need you for your experience, going way back, so that when we float new ideas on the mailing list you can say "we tried that in 2006 and here's what happened", and when we try to figure out thorny problems, or review policy implications, you can share your expertise with us. That's far more important than bit flipping. IMHO anyway. ++Lar: t/c 16:43, 19 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Fair enough, and for your question, that was exactly what I felt when I was back to meta from my several month long wikibreak, and that was mainly why I didn't ask for granting the permission I had lost during my break (it had been just few days ago I came back, lol) ... so   stay here, I sure bet you find yourself again quite comfortable and familiar in months or even in weeks, just I'm feeling so again. --Aphaia 02:00, 17 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Keep Per Millosh. Kropotkine 113 08:48, 17 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Keep Per Anthere's explanation. --Daniel Mayer (mav) 01:15, 18 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Keep Will Beback 09:07, 18 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Looks okay.--Caspian blue 05:30, 20 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Keep trustworthy user, her experience is a valuable asset we should not refuse. Lechatjaune 10:05, 20 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  •   Remove Sorry, inactive. Thanks for your hard work, but I think it's time to move on. Majorly talk 22:12, 20 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  •   Remove. Inactive. SM ** =^^= ** 21:22, 22 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  •   Keep--Bertrand GRONDIN – Talk 23:38, 22 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  •   Keep Two actions are more than one, and I'm not sure I find inactivity to be a very good reason for removal anyways. Anthere can clearly be trusted as a Steward. I don't see how the various projects benefit from a removal in this case. JoshuaZ 02:03, 26 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  •   Remove – per Kylu and Lar. Too inactive. --Geitost diskusjon 03:14, 26 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Confirm Institutional memory serves, and past history of exemplary service. Thank you for continuing. NonvocalScream 00:57, 27 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  •   Keep I agree with Joshua. If Anthere wants to remain a steward, that's good enough for me. Sarah 04:04, 27 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Inactive. Prodego talk 06:17, 27 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Keep. Anthere has always provided a level head around the project, and I'd like her to be a steward for that reason alone. SlimVirgin (talk) 13:16, 27 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • I'm afraid you will be still inactive, since you write statment you didn't make any steward action. LeinaD (t) 16:50, 27 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  •   Keep. Jayjg 19:56, 28 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • I felt comfortable this year with every single member of the team. This is true, regardless of the mere count of actions and the amount of interactions on wiki, mailing list, IRC, social networks or real life. Therefore I'd feel much more comfy if all current stewards are confirmed. --M/ 23:05, 28 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki logs & activity | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: en, fr-3, es-2
  • Personal info: Hi all. Although my non-staff steward related activities have been light in the last year, (thanks to my staff responsibilities)--I am still active with multiple projects and am available on demand for steward-related functions. I maintain an interest in stewardship and am current on steward procedures (actively read the email list and am in constant contact with other stewards).

Comments about Bastique


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki logs & activity | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: en, de-2, fr-1
  • Personal info: I have been a steward since Dec 2006. I am currently in the final semester of a MA Anthropology program. This has consumed most of my time for the past year and a half and will likely leave me with little free time until May. After May, I hope to resume a reasonable activity level.

Comments about Cspurrier


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki logs & activity | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: fr, en-3
  • Personal info: My general statement isn't that different from last year's : as a steward, I sometimes make a few mistakes but I think I'm not doing a bad work overall.
    For those not aquainted to me yet:
    • My home wiki is frwiki, the french Wikipedia. I arrived in nov. 2004 and became a sysop there in march 2005. I also worked there as a bureaucrat for 3 years (jun 2006 - sep. 2009) but gave up the bit so I could spend more time on other things.
    • I manage a bot named Loveless (see [2] and [3])
    • I became steward at end of 2006. I don't really do steward requests on wiki but rather use my availability time to take care of the emergency people tells us of on IRC (#wikimedia-stewards), which mainly consist of blocking vandals on wiki not having active sysops (sometimes blocking them globally if they go cross-wiki) and often help repair the damage they did. My public steward activities (everything but Oversight and Checkuser) are viewable on this page ; those local to meta (like right changes) on this one.

Comments about Darkoneko


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki logs & activity | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: de, en-3, grc-3, la-2, es-2
  • Personal info: Hi folks! I would like to continue working as a steward. Because of my studies in RL I unfortunally could not be as active during the last year as I would have liked to. But I tried to be frequently available on IRC to help out esp. on #cvn-unifications and #wikimedia-stewards. Concerning the first one I mostly did oversight related stuff, also as temporary oversight on frwiki. On the other hand, I managed those requests which were taken to the steward channel; in this context I'd like to thank all those helpers! All in all I did about 2,000 logged steward actions on meta during the last year, and highly likely even more sysop and esp. oversight actions on local wikis which I haven't counted but can be partially seen in the stats. Kind regards, —DerHexer (Talk) 13:13, 14 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about DerHexer


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki logs & activity | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: es, en (and several romance languages at lang-1 level)
  • Personal info: I've been serving as steward for 3 years, among several other roles, and like every year I come here to ask your comments about my steward work and comments on how could I perform my duties better. If you have comments about my other roles, they're also (as always) appreciated but I'd request you to leave them on my talk page instead. Finally, if by any chance (even if unlikely) you think I've done good work, please don't keep it to you, as I will also appreciate kind works of support.

Comments about Drini

huh? what are those fancy strange things? es:Drini 22:55, 8 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki logs & activity | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: sr, en-3, hr-3, bs-3, de-1
  • Personal info: Even though I've been less active in 2009 than in 2008, I think I've had enough steward actions to still be considered active. In my opinion, I've done a relatively good job in the past two years, so I'd like to keep my steward rights, if the community agrees. I'm usually hanging on IRC and most of the times I'm ready to help out. --FiliP ██ 00:19, 17 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Comments about Dungodung


logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights, crosswiki logs & activity | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: nl, en-3, fr-1, de-1
  • Personal info: In the past while, I have not been very active, although I do think I have maintained a level of sufficient activity to be useful. I do admit however that sometimes as a result of this lower activity I do not know all ins and outs of policy and technical ways, so I need to look up more than in the past.

    I realize I have been a pain in the ass sometimes to other stewards when being persistant on how the rules were intended, what the agreements / conditions were when software changes were made and rights added etc, and some might consider that unproductive. I consider it guarding the principles.

    I would not mind a lot if my stewardship would not be confirmed, it is not something I aspire hugely, if people think I am not active enough to know the ins and outs of the technical side.

Comments about Effeietsanders
