This page is a translated version of the page Movement Charter/Content and the translation is 8% complete.

This page highlights the content outline of the Movement Charter.

Supplementary documents


Explanatory videos


This section contain a preliminary narrative of how the charter content is to be developed, from the Movement Charter Drafting Committee as of May 2022.

Extended content

Narativ sadržaja povelje

Preambula Povelje pokreta sadrži Izjavu o vrijednostima, koja sažima i rječito izražava sve ono što nam je bitno u najširem smislu.

Djelotvorne stavke koje pokreću stvarne politike mogu se izvući iz širokog spektra potencijalnih ideja i razvrstati u tri kategorije ili segmenta: za upravljanje, resurse i zajednicu. Ove se kategorije također mogu zamisliti kao osnovni mehanizmi koji igraju ulogu u (1) političkim, (2) ekonomskim i (3) društvenim/informacijskim domenama, te predstavljaju vrlo funkcionalan način podjele uloga. Sve potencijalne ideje i prijedlozi koji imaju izravan utjecaj na politiku bili bi razvrstani u jednu od ovih kategorija, uključujući prijedloge iz prethodnih faza i nove prijedloge zajednica.

MCDC želi u svaku kategoriju raširiti najbolje i najsveobuhvatnije ideje iz prethodnih faza, kao i iz vlastitih rasprava. Bilo bi mjesta za pregled, pojašnjenja i nove prijedloge članova zajednice koji će biti objavljeni na Meta-Wiki podstranici kategorije sadržaja, te putem drugih platformi.


After its in-person meeting in June 2022, the MCDC agreed on a rough outline or "table of contents" of the Movement Charter. The agreed-upon outline is the following:

Draft visualization of the "Movement" area of the Movement Charter's narrative (from the Committee's in-person meeting in June 2022).
Chapter Content description
Preamble Definition of the Charter and its purpose.
Values & Principles Core values and collaboration principles for the whole movement.
Definitions Definition of key concepts outlined in the Charter.
Global Council Definition of the Global Council as the main future global movement governance body. This section will expand the description of the Global Council's role in the Movement Strategy recommendations. It may also outline the process for setting up the Global Council.
Hubs Definition, purpose, set-up process, governance standards, membership composition, responsibilities, safeguards, and relationship of the Wikimedia Hubs to other movement bodies.
Roles & Responsibilities Definition of roles and responsibilities of movement entities. This likely includes definitions about the roles of entities like the Board of Trustees, the Wikimedia Foundation, the Wikimedia affiliates and communities, among others.
Amendments & Implementation Definition of Charter amendment and implementation processes. This describes how the changes to the Movement Charter are made after it is first ratified. It also describes how the changes envisioned in the Movement Charter to the Wikimedia movement will be implemented and enforced in practice.
Glossary Detailed outline of key content and definitions of the key terms used in each chapter of the Movement Charter.