This page is a translated version of the page Amical Wikimedia and the translation is 22% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Amical Wikimedia (sovent sonat d'un biais mai cort Amical) es una organizacion non-lucrativa qu'es estada reconeguda coma Organizacion Tematica Wikimedia. Son airal d'interès es la lenga e la cultura catalanas. Nòstra mission e nòstre objectiu primièrs son de far possible que la soma de tota la coneissença umana siá disponibla en catalan e tanben que tota la coneissença de la cultura catalana venga a posita de totas las lengas.

Amical ten actualament 126 membres en 2025.


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Background and history

The Associació Amical Viquipèdia was founded in 2008. Several attempts were subsequently made to gain WMF recognition as an affiliated organization. The first proposal of Wikimedia CAT aimed to establish a Wikimedia local chapter in the Catalan-speaking territories. This proposal did not receive a favorable recommendation from ChapCom because these territories fell over several sovereign states and overlapped with existing chapters. The second proposal aimed to frame Wikimedia CAT as a local national sub-chapter, reducing the territory to Spain's Catalan-speaking regions alone. This alternative invited comments from members of the Board of WMF but received clear support from only Jimmy Wales.[1] The third and last proposal, in 2013, was consistent with the new model approved by WMF Board, called Thematic Organizations. Amical Wikimedia was recognized by the WMF on June 7, 2013.

During those five years of existence without the explicit recognition of the WMF, the people supporting the organization worked hard to promote and support the Wikimedia projects in Catalan. Links to monthly reports can be found below.

The organization was legally incorporated as a non-profit in Catalonia (2009). Amical Wikimedia (former Amical Viquipèdia) and the Catalan Wikipedia editing community took a formal decision establishing links with Amical in April 2010. Amical has also been recognized in the Census of organizations for the promotion of the Catalan language by the Executive Council of Catalonia since 2011.

Awards received

Scope, focus of interest and mission

The Catalan language is spoken in Catalonia, the Valencian Country, the Balearic Islands, the border area with Aragon (Spain), Northern Catalonia (France), Andorra, and the town of L'Alguer (Sardinia, Italy).
  • Amical Wikimedia's focus is on the Catalan language and culture.
  • Amical Wikimedia's primary mission and goal is that the sum of all human knowledge will be also available in Catalan and that all knowledge about Catalan culture will be also available in every language.

The Catalan language is spoken in Catalunya (Catalonia), País Valencià (Valencian Country), Illes Balears (Balearic Islands), Catalunya Nord (Northern Catalonia), the border area with Aragó (La Franja), Andorra and a small city on Sardinia, in Italy (L'Alguer). It has around 10 millions speakers, however, it is not recognized by the European Union as an official language[2] despite the fact that it has more speakers than other official EU languages, for instance, Slovak (7M), Lithuanian (3.2M) or Maltese (0.5M), amongst others.

Territorial overlap with national chapters

The territory of activity of the organization is everywhere in the world where there are volunteers willing to work to achieve Amical's mission. Amical will keep other Wikimedia organizations that are active in those territories informed about the projects and activities to be done in these areas, seeking collaboration with them.

Plan estrategic


Amical Wikimedia publishes all its Annual accounts according to the national and subnational laws, both in Catalan and English. Besides, an external economic-financial audit is conducted annually as an instrument of transparency for our members.


Amical publica periodicament sos rapòrts sus las activitats que se son debanadas e los projèctes venidors, a l'encòp en catalan e en anglés.

Group photo, during our annual community meeting: Viquitrobada 2024 in Sabadell

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decembre 2010/febrièr 2011, març, abril/junh, julhet/agost, setembre, octobre/decembre


febrièr, març, abril, mai, junh, julhet, agost/setembre, octobre/novembre, decembre-febrièr


Latest posts

Here we will include latest posts shared in English:

Becoming a member

Evolution of Amical Wikimedia's members since the official recognition as
a thematic organisation of the Wikimedia Foundation in 2013

Any individual can become a member of Amical. To become one more of our 126 members, simply fill out and submit the online form on Amical's website.

Individuals or organizations who want to support Amical Wikimedia can also become collaborator members. However, voting rights are limited to full right members. Collaborator membership benefits are the following:

  • Updates and extended information of the activities,
  • Access to the members' wiki website and internal mailing list,
  • Workshops to become workshop coordinator in Wikimedia activites,
  • Right to vote in internal decisions,
  • Private passes for exhibitions and partnerships' events, and
  • Microgrants and coverage for expenses related with Wikimedia activities.

Please contact our membership team by email at if you have any further questions about becoming a member of Amical Wikimedia.


Lo burèu d'Amical Wikimedia pel periòde 2021-2023 es compausat per las personas seguentas:

Name Username Position
Núria Ribas Valls Kowalskyn Chair
Daniel Gil Solés Dgilso Secretari/Secretària
Lluís Madurell Alemany Lluis tgn Clavaira/Clavaire
Pilar Salvatella Pilardenou999 Membre
Joan Lleonart Gasó Pallares Membre
Yolanda Núñez Raspilla Demekin Member



  1. I strongly support the creation of Wikimedia CAT, for the same reasons and in the same way that I support the creation of sub-national chapters in a variety of contexts where local conditions make it sensible to do so. I say this as a personal opinion of one board member. --Jimbo Wales 14:32, 14 November 2010 (UTC)
  2. Official EU languages