Amical Wikimedia/November 2014


Group photo after Cambrils's editathon
  • 4th November - WikiWomen workshop at Women Cultural Centre Francesca Bonnemason La Bonne, Jey
  • 4th November - Wikipedia workshop for specialized libraries of the Catalan Government. Kippelboy
  • 5th November - Wikipedia workshop at Tarragona Public Library. Lluis_tgn
  • 12th November - Image Creativity Center. Open Knowledge and Wikipedia inspiring speech. Kippelboy
  • 17th November - Intellectual Property and Creative Commons licensing course to Museum proffessionals of the Barcelona County. Kippelboy
  • 20th November - III Conference on Heritage Libraries and Future of open GLAMs. Ateneu Barcelonès. Barcelona. Kippelboy & Amadalvarez
  • 21th November - Wiki Takes Lloret de Mar, organized by Local Public Library.
  • 21th November - Roca Umbert Edit-a-thon, organized by local Public Library.Pitxiquin
  • 25th November - Vallès Oriental county Wikipedia Workshop for librarians, given directly by a librarian.
  • 26th November - Performing Arts Sector meeting with Catalan Government. Kippelboy
  • 27th November - Andorra Wikiproject Kick off meeting with Public Libraries Network and National Library of Andorra- Kippelboy
  • 28th November - Wikipedia Workshops for Catalan Esperanto Association. Kippelboy
  • 29th November - Editathon in Cambrils Local Public Library about local themes. Lluis_tgn & Unapersona

  • 3rd November - Meeting with Barcelona contemporary Art Museum (MACBA) for planning a 2015 Wikipedian in Residence.Kippelboy
  • 6th November - III Annual meeting of Catalan Public Libraries Network. Kippelboy
  • 14th November - Meeting with Mercè Toldrà head curator of Tarragona's Port Museum to explore possible collaboration. Kippelboy & Lluis_tgn
  • 25th November - Meeting with Enric Cobo (Catalan Head of Archivists) to plan 2015 workshops in his sector.
  • 2th November - Follow up meeting with Anna Ramos from Radio Web MACBA wikiproject. Kippelboy
  • 27th November - Attendance of Gaudí warehouse Guide presentation, explore possible collaboration with Mataró council communication dept Dvdgmz, Vàngelis Villar


wikiArS exhibition at Pompeu Fabra Library in Mataró
  • 10th November - Meetings at Llotja School of art with Clara Garrigosa, internship responsible, and Nora Ancarola, depuy director, about wikiArS. Dvdgmz
  • 10th November - Meeting with Medicine Faculty of hte University of Barcelona.Kippelboy
  • 13th November - Follow-up meeting with students from University of Barcelona barcelona
  • 17th November - Meeting at Llotja School of Art to start internship with 5 students; and Ancient Egypt adviser Joan Montserrat (assignment first strikes). Dvdgmz
  • 18th November - Meeting at Tarragona Archeology Museum with museum curators, teachers and 5 students from Tarragona School of Art and Design to kick-off intership producing Roman age assignments. See the assignaments for WikiArS here Lluis_tgn & Dvdgmz
  • 20th November - Meeting with Manel Edo and Pablo Martínez to define an assignment for WikiArs. dvdgmz Vàngelis Villar
  • 21th November - Meeting at Llotja School of Art to start internship with 2 students; and ecology adviser Mercè Piqueras (assignments: food webs and biogeochemical cycles). Dvdgmz
  • 24th November - Meeting at Pedagogical Resources Center (Badalona) exploring Badalona wikiproject education possibilities. Sorenike, Dvdgmz
  • 27th November - Meeting with Manel Edo and Pablo Martínez to show his assigment to David Allué for WikiArS at La Industrial School of Art. Vàngelis Villar
  • 31th November - Meeting with Sants public library to organize Sants Editathon in late December Jey


Amical Annual Meeting in Tarragona (2nd day)
  • 15-16th November - Amical Annual Meeting in Tarragona with +50 members attending. Program included:
    • Wiki takes Tarragona (see pics)
    • Sister projects workshop. Included detailed presentations with active users on several projects.
    • Technical meeting. Aims to create a stable technical group inside Amical.
    • Training for trainers. On advice and lessons learned in past Wikipedia workshops and trainings.
    • Tarragona editathon.
    • Wikilove.
    • Featured articles. Discussion included methods and processes on evaluating and featuring best Wikipedia articles.
    • Growth rate.
    • Does the size matters?
    • Wikidata and infoboxes.
    • Redirects and wrong names.
  • 21st November - Wikipedia Workshop at Centre d'Estudis Riudomencs Arnau de Palomar (CERAP) in Riudoms (Tarragona). Lluis_tgn



  • Participation in Iberoconf 2014 in Buenos Aires Arnaugir
  • November 4th: Communication meeting. Davidpar Kippelboy
  • November 19th: Meeting on Visual Editor campaign with Katherine Maher and Juliet Barbara from WMF. Davidpar
  • November 21st: Meeting on Visual Editor campaign with Katherine Maher and Juliet Barbara from WMF. Davidpar



See also
