Talk:Hausa Wikimedians User Group

(Redirected from User talk:Hausa Wikimedians User Group)
Latest comment: 5 days ago by MediaWiki message delivery in topic Affiliations Committee News (October-December 2024)

Section Translation tool enabled in Hausa Wikipedia


Hello Friends!

The Language team is pleased to let you know that the Section Translation tool is now enabled in Hausa Wikipedia. It means you can translate real content one section at a time using your mobile devices with ease.

Now you can also start translating an article on your mobile device right when you notice it is missing in Hausa. From a Wikipedia article in any language, switch languages and search for Hausa. If the article does not exist, an option to translate it will appear, as shown in the image below.

Image of the entry point

We have enabled this tool in your Wikipedia based on your interest and feedback about the tool. This tool will be useful for your community since data shows significant mobile device activity in Hausa Wikipedia.

Content created with the tool will be marked with the “sectiontranslation” tag for the community to review. We’ll monitor the content created, but we are very interested in hearing about your experience using the tool and reviewing the content created with it.

So, enjoy the tool and provide feedback on improving it.

Thank you!

UOzurumba (WMF) (talk) 10:57, 18 October 2021 (UTC) On behalf of the WMF Language team.Reply

This is great! thanks for the information. Em-mustapha talk 23:59, 18 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

Nigerian Commons Photographers User Group


Hello and good day to you all Affliate co founders and members,

This is to inform the general Wikimedians of Nigeria about the Nigerian Commons Photographers User Group (NCPUG) which was currently submitted seeking for recognition with Affliation Committee.

The user is proposed to be recognize as an Affliate to Wikimedia Foundation with the purpose of carrying Wikimedia ctivities within Wikimedia Commons with Nigerian related Photography, Audio and Video free files upload contribution, details objectives of this User Group can be find here.

In addition, The User Group is created open for every Wikimedian to join the course with the interest of participating in Wikimedia Commons, knowing much about photography, Sound engineering and Video uploads to Wikimedia Commons, you can join us [1]

Moreover, this User Group is not meant to overlap any existing Affliates in Nigeria or in Wikimedia ecosystem, the scope for this User have been limited to Wikimedia Commons and stated here for more understanding. Also, this User Group will work hand in hand with the co-founders of existing Affliates in Nigeria to have cooperation, unity and rapid growth of Nigerian Wikimedia Commons activities and other Wikimedia Projects inline with the Universal Code of Conduct all its members.

lasty, I will like to thank the co-founders of the existing Affliates for working tirelessly to move Wikimedia Projects forward towards 2030, It will be our pleasure to contact the co-founders of the existing Affliates for unity and progressive discussion.

Signed: Co-founders Nigerian Commons Photographers User Group

Learn how the Implementation Grants can support your Movement Strategy plans


We are excited to announce the reopening of the Movement Strategy Implementation Grants. This program funds projects that advance a specific Movement Strategy initiative. The projects can be big or small, but they must all make a case for advancing one initiative. Affiliates that have received funding from the Simple/Annual Plan Grants are welcome to apply.

Read more about the criteria, what to apply for, and how to apply.

Best regards,
Movement Strategy and Governance Team
Wikimedia Foundation
15:31, 21 October 2021 (UTC)

Hausa Wikimedians User Group restructure


To establish a direction and create the structure and disciplined systems required for success and growth

Hausa Wikimedians User Group's propose restructuring and call for every member to join the team. Please read these two documents and write your comments about it below.

Wannan sanarwa ce daga Ƙungiyar Editoci na Wikimedia Hausa akan sabunta ƙungiyar da ake son yi, kuma ana kira ga duk wani mamba da ya shigo ayi tafiyar tare da shi ɗan ganin mun ciyar da ƙungiyar gaba. Ayi hakuri a duba zantuka biyu dake ƙasan wannan rubutu, dan a fahimci inda aka dosa, bayan nan kowane mamba ana son ya bayyana ra'ayinsa game da wannan manufa da yadda yake ganin zata taimake shi ko rashin taimakansa.

Sannan bayan nan, zamu zaɓi Board na ƙungiya waɗanda za'a baiwa damar fitar wa ƙungiya manufofi da tsari. Ga duk wanda yake son zama daga cikin Board, sai ya ayyana kansa a ƙasa ta yin taƙaitaccen bayani a cikin rubutunsa na nuna sha'awarsa, da kuma yadda yake ganin zai iya kawo cigaba a wannan tafiyar. Ƙwarewa: A wannan karo tunda itace ta farko, dole wanda zai nemi zama daga cikin Board ya kasance lallai zai iya kawo cigaban da ake nema, kuma a baya yayi ayyuka tuƙuru wajen ganin cigaban ƙungiyar, domin hakane kawai zai bamu damar samun wanda ke son ganin cigaban ƙungiya. --- Mun gode! Em-mustapha talk 09:54, 27 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

Abubakar Gwanki

This is a major project that will help to improve Hausa Wikimedians. My name is Abubakar A Gwanki, I started editing Hausa Wikipedia since 2014, I Participated at the first event about Hausa Wikipedia before the existence of our User Group. I have personally organized several projects and coorganized some projects of Hausa Wikimedians User Group. I am currently an Administrator at Hausa Wikipedia and I am doing my best to see the development of Hausa Wikipedia and our Editors. I also help New Users by teaching them how to do many things related to Wikimedia. I am interested in becoming a member of the Board of Trustees for the further development of Hausa Wikimedians. I seek your support. Thanks

—Gwanki 20:32, 27 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

Musaddam Idriss


Before I joined Wikipedia in 2017, I'm already a writer, poet, editor and reviewer at 'Translators Without Border' and newspaper reporter in both Hausa and English languages. Currently, I have over 15 merit awards and trophies obtained from English and Hausa writing contests. Now, as a Wikipedian, I have hundreds of edits to my credit and have been contributing towards ensuring the standard of the language used in the contents. My major contributions so far are creating new contents and updating the existing ones. If I happened to be among the BOT, I will majorly focused on the productivity and quality of the language used when creating articles. Musaddam Idriss (talk) 03:50, 28 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

Yusuf Sa'adu


Haƙiƙa ina goyon bayan wannan tsarin kuma tabbas zai taimaka mana musamman Irina editoti masu neman karin kwarewa akan aikin Wikipedia, dan haka ina goyon bayan wannan tsari domin zai taimaka mana sosai kuma zai kara kawo cigaba da kara martabar User Group na Hausa, dan haka ina goyon baya sosai. 08:32, 28 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

Salihu Aliyu


I Salihu Aliyu deserve to be a member of the Hausa Wikimedians User Group Board of Trustees because I have been attending almost every Hausa user group meeting since 2019 when the first Hausa Wikipedia event was held at Kada Hub in Kaduna State. After that i was among the most experience editors in Hausa User Group I'm be able to create a good articles and also provide them a good references after a deep research about it. And further more almost everyone knows that many times when I see a mistake I do not keep quiet, and whoever make it. And me too when I make a mistake I can accept it and take some point of corrections, for these above reasons I think I deserve to be a member of Hausa Wikimedians Board of Trustees (BOT) I believe that restructuring Hausa User Group is a major project that will help to improve Hausa Wikimedians. Thank you all Salihu Aliyu (talk) 09:53, 28 October 2021 (UTC)Reply



Indeed this is a great initiation that will incorporates wellspring potential impact into this humble User group that is Hausa Wikimedians User Group that was being spreading the wings of Hausa Language to fly in the sky. I Umar-askira will donate my peak abilities to work hard for the User Group as a board of trustee BOT. It is my pleasure to propose to become a board of trustee BOT in respect to the above discussion. Best Regards,

Umar-askira  talk 22:13, 28 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

Bello Na'im


I wish to express my profound gratitude to God Almighty whose infinite grace has allowed us to witness this victorious day, of restructuring the Hausa Wikimedians User Group,I will like to also express my heartfelt appreciation to all wikimedians editors. I joined Wikipedia in 2020 (last year), I have been contributing to ensure the quality of the articles, I assure you and promise to bring a noticeable change to this user group,if I may be among the BOT, thank you all, Yours Bello Na'im (talk) 10:06, 30 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

M Bash Ne


Haƙiƙa ina goyon bayan haka ɗari bisa ɗari, domin ta hakan ne za'a iya samun ingantaccen tsari a Hausa Wikimedians User Group dan ganin ayyukan sun samu ci gaba tare da Ingantattun ayyuka. Ina tare da wannan tafiya Ni-M Bash Ne (talk) 18:15, 30 October 2021 (UTC)Reply



DECLARATION OF INTEREST All praise and gratitude are due to Almighty Allah, the Lord of the universe who gave me the opportunity, courage and privilege to declare my interest.

  Esteemed ladies and gentlemen  I wikimedian Abdullahi Hamza(Hamxo).It is with pleasure, honour and a deep sense of humility that I declare before my intention and interest in running for the MEMBER OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES (BOT) Hausa Wikimedia user group. 
  I would like to enhance my experience with BOARD OF TRUSTEES (HAUSA WIKIMEDIAN USERS GROUP),by taking on more responsibility through being your member 
  Considering a good BOT member to be:


 I am particularly good at being    managed,organized,recording expenses and income, and handling tasks efficiently such as setting up document, reports and presenting them nicely. 
  Finally, I have energy and passion to serve Wikipedia.
  Thank you all for your time.
     Long live Wikimedia foundation 
     Long live Hausa Wikimedia user group 
               Yours Truly, 
                     Wikimedian Hamxo

Hamxo (talk) 18:49, 11 November 2021 (UTC)Reply



I am a self-motivated person, and pleased to serve the hausa Wikimedia community.In my academic studies, I acquired knowledge in chemical science.I acquired knowledge of different aspects and approaches in communication including group communication partispatory communication, community consultations,and intercultural communication.i also posses strong interpersonal and communication skills and ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community Ability to make administrative and procedural decisions and judgment on sensitive and confidential issues.i am available for activity and promise to act in the interest of Wikipedia movement in respect to the universal code of conduct and following the strategic direction and movement.

itzedubaba (talk) 12:23, 13 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

Sunday October 31 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

A swan reflects.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and June, July, and September SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter Drafting Committee Set Up Process, Next Steps for Brand Work, 2021, Wikipedia Asian Month 2021, and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday October 31, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and *Note that we have shifted the second call a half-hour later in UTC time due to WikidataCon*.)--Pharos (talk) 01:58, 29 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

Sunday November 28 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Chart a new course on the swan ferry.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Hubs+Hubs Workshop, Movement Charter+Drafting Committee, WMDE's 'Future of Wikimedia Governance' proposal, Wikipedia Asian Month 2021, and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday November 28, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and , note that some areas recently experienced daylight savings time changes).--Pharos (talk) 20:20, 24 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

Affiliations Committee (AffCom) Call for candidates - January 2022


Translations are available.

The Affiliations Committee – the committee responsible for guiding volunteers in establishing Wikimedia chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups – is looking for new members!

The main role of the AffCom is to guide groups of volunteers that are interested in forming Wikimedia affiliates. We review applications from new groups, answer questions and provide advice about the different Wikimedia affiliation models and processes, review affiliate bylaws for compliance with requirements and best practices, and update the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees as well as advise them on issues connected to chapters, thematic organizations and Wikimedia user groups.

The committee consists of five to fifteen members, selected at least once every year, to serve two-year terms.

Being a part of the AffCom requires communication with volunteers all over the world, negotiating skills, cultural sensitivity, and the ability to understand legal texts. We look for a mix of different skill sets in our members.

  • Availability of up to 5-8 hours per month
  • Participate in monthly one and two-hour voice/video meetings
  • Commitment to carry out assigned tasks in a given time.
  • Facilitate and support communications
  • Affiliate Support and growth
Required and Recommended Abilities, Skills, Knowledge for Affiliations Committee Members

Strong interpersonal relationship among members of the committee and also with the Wikimedia community members. Across all committee members, there are additional relevant skills as well as requirements which help to support the committee and its sustainability which include both required and relevant general skills

  • Fluency in English
  • Availability of up to 5 hours per week, and the time to participate in a monthly one and two-hour voice/video meetings.
  • Willingness to use one's real name in committee activities (including contacts with current and potential affiliates) when appropriate.
  • Strong track record of effective collaboration
  • International orientation
Relevant for all members
  • Public Communications (English writing and speaking skills)
  • Skills in other languages are a major plus.
  • Understanding of the structure and work of affiliates and the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Documentation practices
  • Interviewing experience
  • Experience with, or in, an active affiliate is a major plus.
  • Teamwork: Project and people management skills to coordinate and collaborate with different parties on a shared plan and see it through to completion.
  • Problem-Solving: Ability to evaluate various solutions, consider multiple interests and points of view, revisit unresolved issues, seek compromise and work and communicate across languages and cultures.

Given the expectations for maintaining the course in 2022 and preparing for potential 2022 transitions as part of the Movement Strategy implementation process, it is important that we are also clear about two different skill sets critical to committee support at this time. The first skillset is oriented to understanding affiliate dynamics and organizational development patterns to successfully process affiliate applications for recognition; the other is oriented to conflict prevention and intervention support for affiliates in conflict.

Relevant to Affiliate Recognitions
  • Administration & Attention to detail
  • Readiness to participate in political discussions on the role and future of affiliates, models of affiliation, and similar topics.
  • Awareness of the affiliates ecosystem and models and understanding of community building, organizational development, and group dynamics
Relevant to Conflict Prevention & Intervention
  • Communication skills for active listening, clear instruction and turn-taking.
  • Stress Management skills for maintaining patience and positivity
  • Emotional intelligence to maintain awareness of emotions of oneself and others to practice empathy, impartiality, and mutual respect.
  • Facilitation, negotiation, and mediation skills to guide diverse individuals and groups toward cooperation.
  • Ability to work within a team

Do you have relevant skills and interest to support movement affiliates?

We are looking for people who are excited by the challenge of empowering volunteers to get organized and form communities that further our mission around the world. In exchange, committee members will gain the experience of supporting their world-wide colleagues to develop their communities as well as personal development in guiding organizational development, facilitating affiliate partnerships, and professional communications.

Selection process

As a reflection of our commitment to openness, transparency, and bilateral engagement with the Wikimedia community, the 2022 member selection process will include a public review and comment period and a self-assessment survey for candidates to share their skills and their experience. This self-assessment information will help the committee to identify the skill sets relevant and supportive to our affiliate support processes. We invite you to apply for membership to the committee and join us in supporting the affiliates. The data shared in the self-assessment will only be made available to the committee and the relevant staff support. The nomination, candidate Q&A, and endorsements will still take place posted on Meta for public review at January 2022 page. Here the global community is welcome to provide comments and feedback about each candidate.

Once the nomination window closes 31 January 2022, the sitting members who are not candidates for re-election in this cycle will deliberate and then vote, taking into account all inputs from the meta page, self-assessment, advisors, Wikimedia Foundation staff and board liaisons, and committee member discussion.

A final decision will be made in late-February 2022, with new members to be notified for onboarding in February.

How to apply

If you are interested in joining the committee, please:

Step 1. Post your application on the nomination page by 31 January 2022. Your application must include the following information:

  1. Your full name and Wikimedia username
  2. A statement describing your relevant education, experience, abilities, skills, knowledge, availability, and motivation for joining the committee.

Step 2. Complete the self-assessment survey between January 1, 2021 and January 31, 2021.

  • The privacy statement that applies to the survey can be found here.
  • NOTE: The survey will take 15 mins. Please do not close your browser. If you need a break, you are advised to keep the browser open. In case of losing the link, please reach out to mkaur-ctr
  • This survey must be completed before Steps 3 & 4, as it will provide more background as to the type of work and expectations of members of AffCom.

Step 3. Answers the following questions:

  • NOTE: Questions 1-3 are required for all candidates.
  • Question 4 & 5 should be answered by those interested in joining the Recognitions subcommittee.
  • Question 6 & 7 should be answered by those interested in joining the Conflicts Intervention subcommittee.
  • If you are willing to nominate yourself for both subcommittees, answer all questions.
  1. What roles have you served across any Wikimedia projects and affiliates that you think have prepared you for this role?
  2. AffCom members need to manage time, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, and diverse situations across the global movement. How do you envision managing these?
  3. Members of AffCom serve on one of two subcommittees: Recognitions OR Conflicts Intervention. Which one of these are you most interested in serving on?
  4. If you are interested in serving on the Recognitions subcommittee, what do you think makes a group of Wikimedians ready to function together as an affiliate?
  5. If you are interested in serving on the Recognitions subcommittee, what do you think are the benefits and responsibilities of functioning as formal affiliates?
  6. If you are interested in serving on the Conflicts Intervention subcommittee, please describe your experience working with conflicts resolution.
  7. If you are interested in serving on the Conflicts Intervention subcommittee, please describe how you have helped build consensus and support diversity.

Step 4. Once you have completed the above, send an email announcing your application to affcom before the application deadline.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me and/or the committee as a whole. We are happy to chat or have a webinar call with anyone about our work if this helps them decide to apply. Please distribute this call among your networks, and do apply if you are interested!

On behalf of the committee,

--FULBERT (talk) 13:18, 19 December 2021 (UTC)Reply

Affiliations Committee (AffCom) Call for advisors - January 2022


Translations are available.

The Affiliations Committee – the committee responsible for guiding volunteers in establishing Wikimedia chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups – is looking for new members!

The Affiliations Committee – the committee responsible for guiding volunteers in establishing Wikimedia Chapters, Thematic Organizations, and User Groups – is looking for advisors!

The main role of the Affiliations Committee is to guide groups of volunteers that are interested in forming Wikimedia affiliates. We review applications from new groups, answer questions and provide advice about the different Wikimedia affiliation models and processes, review affiliate bylaws for compliance with requirements and best practices, and advise the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees on issues connected to chapters, thematic organizations and Wikimedia user groups.

We are looking for advisors who are excited by the challenge of empowering volunteers to get organized and form communities that further our mission around the world. In exchange, committee advisors selected will gain the experience of supporting their world-wide colleagues to develop their communities as well as personal development in guiding organizational development, facilitating affiliate partnerships, and professional communications.

AffCom advisors can engage with the committee in a variety of capacities:


Individuals with extensive movement experience can be engaged as Consultants for specific cases or initiatives by AffCom.


Individuals with specific expertise may be engaged for short-term projects for training AffCom or Affiliates. They might also lead the Capacity Building initiatives for AffCom or affiliates.


AffCom can request specific or all advisors to act as an observer in different cases to ensure neutrality & compliance with guidelines.

AffCom Support

Development of Policies: While advisors cannot create legally binding policies for the committee, they can help create policies that provide direction and support for the committee.

Planning and Implementing Community Relations: The advisors are long-term wikimedians & also include influential community leaders who can be effective at spreading the word about initiatives and services.

Supporting Subcommittees: The advisors can support subcommittees that have assigned tasks in specific areas.

Other Tasks: Advisors can be engaged to address a specific need. Such engagements are usually short-lived and are disbanded as soon as their specific goals are met.

Key skills

We look for a healthy mix of different skill sets in our advisors, including the following key skills and experience:

  1. Strong understanding of the structure and work of Wikimedia affiliates and the Wikimedia Foundation.
  2. Readiness to participate in political discussions on the role and future of affiliates, models of affiliation, and similar topics.
  3. Availability of up to 2 hours per week, and the time to participate in a monthly two-hour voice/video meeting
  4. International orientation and ability to work and communicate with other languages and cultures.
  5. Knowledge of different legal systems and experience in community building and organizing are a plus.
  6. Fluency in English is required; skills in other languages are a major plus.
  7. Experience with or in an active Wikimedia affiliate is a major plus.
  8. Strong track record of effective collaboration (such as evidenced skills at facilitation, mediation, negotiation, and so forth) is a major plus.
  9. Willingness to use one's real name in committee activities (including contacts with current and potential affiliates) when appropriate.
Selection process

As a reflection of our commitment to openness, transparency, and bilateral engagement with the Wikimedia community, the 2022 advisors selection process will include a public review and comment period. All applications must be posted on Meta between January 01 and January 31, 2022 at Affiliations Committee/Advisors/2022, and the community will be invited to provide comments and feedback about each candidate. At the end of the nomination period, the applications will be voted on by the members of the committee, taking into account comments put forward by the committee's members, advisors, Wikimedia Foundation staff and board liaisons, and the community. A final decision will be made in February 2022, with new advisors expected to begin later that month.

How to apply

If you are interested in advising the committee, please submit your candidacy on Affiliations Committee/Advisors/2022 between January 01 to January 31, 2022. Your application must include the following information:

  1. Your full name and Wikimedia username
  2. A statement describing your relevant experience, skills, and motivation for joining the committee as an advisor.
  3. The advisor role you would like to serve
  4. Answers to the following three questions:
    1. How do you think affiliates work best together to partner on effective projects and initiatives?
    2. What do you see as the role of affiliates in the Wikimedia movement in the next three years?
    3. What do you feel you will bring as an advisor to the committee that makes you a uniquely qualified candidate?

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the committee. We are happy to chat or have a phone call with anyone about our work if this helps them decide to apply. Please distribute this call among your networks, and do apply if you are interested!

On behalf of the committee,

--FULBERT (talk) 13:17, 19 December 2021 (UTC)Reply

Movement Strategy Implementation Grants


The Movement Strategy and Governance team wishes you a good start of the new 2022! As we begin this year, we look forward to seeing more collaboration, increased support and connection between communities and affiliates. We would like to use this chance to share some information on the Movement Strategy Implementation Grants that aim to support volunteers and affiliates looking to help in implementing the Movement Strategy Initiatives within their communities.

These grants support big and small projects that aim to take the current state of an initiative and push it one step forward. Apply for a grant to implement a Movement Strategy initiative with a budget up to $25,000. We understand that ideas flow at their own pace, so Movement Strategy Implementation Grants are designed to be flexible with no set deadline. Your applications are welcome at any time. Applications received after the 15th of each month will be reviewed in the following month.

Get in touch with us if you would like to discuss your project proposal or if you need more information about the program. The Movement Strategy and Governance team is happy to host conversations regarding these grants. Conversations may help answer your questions, develop your ideas, and connect with other communities with similar interests. Please visit this meta page to look at some suggested examples, and you are welcome to join the “MS – Grants Community of Practice” group on Telegram!

Best regards, Movement Strategy and Governance team.--SOyeyele (WMF) (talk) 19:10, 8 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Wiki Loves Folklore & WikiForHumanRights campaigns


Hi, Hausa Wikimedians, I would like to inform you that I'm organising Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 in Nigeria and WikiForHumanRights 2022, the campaings will take place between February to April, 2022. For anyone that's interested to participated or help in anyway, you can look up the grant proposals here and I would be glad if you give us constructive feedback. Thanks, best regards. Em-mustapha talk 00:37, 11 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Wikimedia Promotion in Hadejia


I want to announce to everyone that, I will do a Wikimedia Promotion in Hadejia. --M Bash Ne (talk) 12:01, 15 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Question about the Affiliates' role for the Call for Feedback: Board of Trustees elections

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Hi All,

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Call for Feedback: Board of Trustees elections so far. The Movement Strategy and Governance team suggested another question was still under discussion. As of today, we announce the last key question:

How should affiliates participate in elections?

Affiliates are an important part of the Wikimedia movement. Two seats of the Board of Trustees due to be filled this year were filled in 2019 through the Affiliate-selected Board seats process. A change in the Bylaws removed the distinction between community and affiliate seats. This leaves the important question: How should affiliates be involved in the selection of new seats?

The question is broad in the sense that the answers may refer not just to the two seats mentioned, but also to other, Community- and Affiliate-selected seats. The Board is hoping to find an approach that will both engage the affiliates and give them actual agency, and also optimize the outcomes in terms of selecting people with top skills, experience, diversity, and wide community’s support.

The Board of Trustees is seeking feedback about this question especially, although not solely, from the affiliate community. Everyone is invited to share proposals and join the conversation in the Call for Feedback channels. In addition to collecting online feedback, the Movement Strategy and Governance team will organize several video calls with affiliate members to collect feedback. These calls will be at different times and include Trustees.

Due to the late addition of this third question, the Call will be extended until 16 February.

Join the conversation.

Best, Movement Strategy and Governance.--SOyeyele (WMF) (talk) 10:54, 24 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Affiliations Committee (AffCom) Member & Advisor Elections - Final Reminder for January 2022


Translations are available.

This is a friendly reminder that the Affiliations Committee – which is responsible for guiding volunteers in establishing and sustaining Wikimedia chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups – is seeking new members and advisors! The deadline to post your application on the Member nomination page and Advisor nomination is 31 January 2022.

If you know somebody you think may be interested, please share and encourage them to consider applying. If you have any questions please email before the application deadline or reach out to any of the current members. Good luck to all the candidates!

On behalf of the committee,
FULBERT (talk) 17:32, 25 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

WikiForHumanRights 2022


Assalamualaikum, after successful #WikiForHumanRights 2021, im glad to inform you that I'll organize the similar project this year. WikiForHumanRights of this year will be Workshop and Contest. Please wait for it. You can see the grant proposal here for endorsement. Thanks —Gwanki 16:30, 2 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

Gungbe Wikimedians User Group


Hello Hausa Wikimedians,

We are glad to inform you that we are a newly recognized user group based in Lagos but operating between Nigeria and Rep of Benin as seen on our meta page. We look forward to have a collaboration with your user group very soon. Thanks.--Samatics (talk) 09:22, 10 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

Congratulations, Samatics. We wish you well. – Ammarpad (talk) 22:13, 10 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

Write for Rights in Hausa Wikipedia


I am announcing to everyone that I will be running my Project titled "Write for Rights in Hausa Wikipedia" in April insha Allah. to raise awareness about (wiki for human rights) in Northern Nigeria, to be held in Kano. @M Bash Ne (talk) 23:21, 12 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

Wikipedia Edit-a-thons for Human Rights 2022


I hereby to notify the community that I will be organizing a project on Human Rights titled Wikipedia Awareness & Edit-a-thons for Human Rights 2022. Thank you Musaddam Idriss (talk) 07:50, 27 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sunday February 27 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

To dance is to fly.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Hubs+Dialogue, Movement Charter, Universal Code of Conduct+Enforcement Voting, Brand, International Women's Day+Gender Gap and WikiForHumanRights campaigns, and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday February 27, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and ).----Pharos (talk) 18:05, 23 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

Nigerian Transportation Service on Wikidata


hello friends, i just proposed a project about adding and improving content about all Nigerian Transportation Service companies and their various locations on Wikidata as none existed. Feel free to talk about it via JosefAnthony (talk)

M Bash Ne


Hello to everyone!

I am happy to inform everyone that I have applied for a Photowalk grant at Sokoto. Thank you very much. @M Bash Ne (talk) 00:04, 24 March 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sunday April 3 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Bots in precious metals are part of our community too.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including UCoC Voting, Hubs Global Conversation held + CEE Hub update, Movement Charter + Leadership Development Working Group, Desktop Improvements, Celebrate Women in March + International Women's Day, Wikimania 2022 survey concluded + Wikimedia Hackathon 2022 May 20-22 + local events, and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday April 3, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and , note that some areas recently experienced daylight savings time changes).--Pharos (talk) 17:36, 29 March 2022 (UTC)Reply

Wikimedia Promotions and Awareness in Azare


I'm happy to announce my next project in Azare. Visit Here for more informations. Thanks Yusuf Sa'adu (talk) 07:47, 9 April 2022 (UTC)Reply

Introduction of Wikidata to Nasarawa State Polytechnic & Federal Polytechnic


hello friends, heres my proposed project topic HERE Feel free to talk about it via JosefAnthony (talk) 20:32, 11 April 2022 (UTC)Reply

Good Luck —Gwanki 10:22, 13 April 2022 (UTC)Reply

Africa wiki challenge


This is to inform all the editors of Hausa wikimedia user group, that the Africa wiki challenge will start next month. Bello Na'im (talk) 02:36, 15 April 2022 (UTC)Reply

Notification of proposal:Kasu & Environs training and edit-a-thon


Good all this is to inform you that I have submitted my proposal for training and edit-a-thon.Thanks! Hamxo (talk) 11:12, 15 April 2022 (UTC)Reply

Community Notification For My Project: Black Music Month Celebration 2022 in Nigeria


Dear everyone,

I wish to inform all of you about my proposed Black Music Month Celebration 2022 in Nigeria.

Thank you all for your support.

Clarissagum (talk) 15:09, 3 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sunday May 8 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Swans are musical creatures.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including 2022 Board of Trustees Call for Candidates, Movement Charter/Content preliminary narrative, Human Rights Policy Community Conversations, Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan Feedback, IP blocking and Open Proxies discussion, Wikimedia Hackathon 2022 May 20-22 + local events, and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday May 8, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and , note that some areas recently experienced daylight savings time changes).--Pharos (talk) 18:08, 3 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

2022 Wikimedia Hackathon - May 20th - 22nd


Hello all,

This is to invite you for this year's Wikimedia Hackathon from May 20-22. We hope to see you there! You can share the update with your community as well.

The main event will be held online this year. We have an open call for sessions on our schedule page. If you'd like to host a session, you can simply pick an open slot in the category which best fits your topic. The developer advocacy team also put together some suggestions for how to create a fun session.

You can also add project ideas to the Phabricator Board

We will share more information soon about how to join the online space. You can also check through the list of local meetups holding around the world, you may find any closer to you.

If you have any enquiry or translation requests, please contact

See you there!

Best regards,

James Popoola

On behalf of the 2022 Wikimedia Hackathon Committee.

James Moore200 (talk) 17:12, 5 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

Photowalk in Nok, Zangon Kataf, Kafanchan, Kagoro and Godogodo.


Hello, I want to inform you of my proposed photowalk across five Southern Kaduna towns. Attached here is a link to the proposal.

Please, the pictures we are going to take make use of them in Hausa Wikimedia projects. Thank you. Steve Kally (talk) 17:24, 7 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

Student loves wiki


I’m here to inform that I have submitted my proposal of training and editathons for students which will conduct in kaduna polytechnic. Idris sanusi (talk) 20:42, 10 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

Hausa UserGroup Administrative support grant


Dear all,

This is to inform you about plans by Hausa Wikimedians UserGroup to organize a general group meeting and also formally register the usergroup as a charity in Nigeria. Please find the proposal here and add your thoughts. You can also send your comments to the announcement thread on our mailing list or send an email to contact – Ammarpad (talk) 19:51, 19 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sunday June 5 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Swan impressions.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter, Hubs Global Conversation this June, WMF Proposal for Movement Strategy Forum, New rounds of WMF Conference Funds including in-person events, WMF Proposal for Sound Logo Contest, WMF Elections Analysis Committee selection, wikimania:Program submissions due June 10 (scholarship and local event grants due June 3) and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday June 5, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and ).--Pharos (talk) 20:49, 31 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sunday July 3 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Swan celestial.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter, Hubs Global Conversation last week, Affiliate voting period to shortlist WMF Board candidates (July 1-15), Wikimania updates, Desktop improvements, Wikimedia Enterprise first customers, Call for program submissions and updates for a global diversity of regional/linguistic Wiki-Conferences, Wikidata:Wiki Mentor Africa and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday July 3, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and ).--Pharos via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 12:55, 30 June 2022 (UTC)Reply

Wikipedia Outreach campaign at Dutsinma College of Education


Hello, this is to notify the community about upcoming outreach campaign and editing Wikipedia workshop at Isa Kaita College of Education Dutsinma. You can find the application here. Thank you Ibkt (talk) 18:01, 3 July 2022 (UTC)Reply

Edith a thon on State Legislators


I wish to inform everyone that I am working on organising edit a thon to add content on state lagislators in different wikipedia project which is hoped to hold in Mararaba, Nasarawa State. --Offordile234 (talk) 09:03, 14 July 2022 (UTC)Reply

Wikipedia Workshop at Bichi Emirate's


Hello to everyone,

I am happy to inform everyone that I have applied for a Grant on Wikipedia Workshop at Bichi Emirate's which I will present insha Allah. thank youM Bash Ne (talk) 12:25, 14 July 2022 (UTC)Reply

Propose statements for the 2022 Election Compass


Hi all,

Community members in the 2022 Board of Trustees election are invited to propose statements to use in the Election Compass.

An Election Compass is a tool to help voters select the candidates that best align with their beliefs and views. The community members will propose statements for the candidates to answer using a Lickert scale (agree/neutral/disagree). The candidates’ answers to the statements will be loaded into the Election Compass tool. Voters will use the tool by entering in their answer to the statements (agree/disagree/neutral). The results will show the candidates that best align with the voter’s beliefs and views.

Here is the timeline for the Election Compass:

July 8 - 20: Community members propose statements for the Election Compass

July 21 - 22: Elections Committee reviews statements for clarity and removes off-topic statements

July 23 - August 1: Volunteers vote on the statements

August 2 - 4: Elections Committee selects the top 15 statements

August 5 - 12: candidates align themselves with the statements

August 15: The Election Compass opens for voters to use to help guide their voting decision

The Elections Committee will select the top 15 statements at the beginning of August. The Elections Committee will oversee the process, supported by the Movement Strategy and Governance team. MSG will check that the questions are clear, there are no duplicates, no typos, and so on.


Movement Strategy and Governance Zuz (WMF) (talk) 15:19, 14 July 2022 (UTC)Reply

Vote for Election Compass Statements

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Hi all,

Volunteers in the 2022 Board of Trustees election are invited to vote for statements to use in the Election Compass. You can vote for the statements you would like to see included in the Election Compass on Meta-wiki.

An Election Compass is a tool to help voters select the candidates that best align with their beliefs and views. The community members will propose statements for the candidates to answer using a Lickert scale (agree/neutral/disagree). The candidates’ answers to the statements will be loaded into the Election Compass tool. Voters will use the tool by entering in their answer to the statements (agree/disagree/neutral). The results will show the candidates that best align with the voter’s beliefs and views.

Here is the timeline for the Election Compass:

  • July 8 - 20: Volunteers propose statements for the Election Compass
  • July 21 - 22: Elections Committee reviews statements for clarity and removes off-topic statements
  • July 23 - August 3: Volunteers vote on the statements
  • August 4: Elections Committee selects the top 15 statements
  • August 5 - 12: candidates align themselves with the statements
  • August 16: The Election Compass opens for voters to use to help guide their voting decision

The Elections Committee will select the top 15 statements at the beginning of August


Movement Strategy and Governance

This message was sent on behalf of the Board Selection Task Force and the Elections Committee

Zuz (WMF) (talk) 14:43, 27 July 2022 (UTC)Reply

Notification of upcoming reporting due date


Greetings Ammarpad, Em-mustapha,

This is a notification to bring to your attention that your organization reporting date is coming up in 30 day(s). Wikimedia Affiliates are required to submit an annual activity report covering the entirety of the 12-month agreement period in order to prompt review for a renewal. Reports must be written in English, posted to meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal.

This page is used to track how organizations and groups are meeting reporting requirements described in their agreements with the Wikimedia Foundation (e.g. chapter agreements, thematic organization agreements, user group agreements). It is the central place where affiliates can add reports about their activities, share their plans, and even news or social media channels with the wider movement. When new reports are available, organizations and groups should add them to this page to keep their columns up to date.

As noted on the meta Reports page, your organization’s 2022 annual reporting will be due in 2022-08-31. Please be sure to:

  • Post your 2022 annual reporting to the meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal as soon as possible to return to compliance with your user group agreement.
  • Check that your group’s page is also up to date with past report links for historical record-keeping, and
  • Please send an email to Wikimedia-l in order to share with a movement-wide audience.

If you have any questions or need any further guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to wadportal

Best regards,
Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal

Notification of upcoming reporting due date


Greetings Ammarpad, Em-mustapha,

This is a notification to bring to your attention that your organization reporting date is coming up in 30 day(s). Wikimedia Affiliates are required to submit an annual activity report covering the entirety of the 12-month agreement period in order to prompt review for a renewal. Reports must be written in English, posted to meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal.

This page is used to track how organizations and groups are meeting reporting requirements described in their agreements with the Wikimedia Foundation (e.g. chapter agreements, thematic organization agreements, user group agreements). It is the central place where affiliates can add reports about their activities, share their plans, and even news or social media channels with the wider movement. When new reports are available, organizations and groups should add them to this page to keep their columns up to date.

As noted on the meta Reports page, your organization’s 2022 annual reporting will be due in 2022-08-31. Please be sure to:

  • Post your 2022 annual reporting to the meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal as soon as possible to return to compliance with your user group agreement.
  • Check that your group’s page is also up to date with past report links for historical record-keeping, and
  • Please send an email to Wikimedia-l in order to share with a movement-wide audience.

If you have any questions or need any further guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to wadportal

Best regards,
Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal

Tyap WMUG: Latest User Group in Nigeria


Greetings everyone! I am pleased to inform you that the Tyap Wikimedians User Group is the latest approved user group within the Nigerian community, coming after the Gungbe WMUG. I want to urge you to support us in any way possible by keeping us abreast with happenings and we likewise. Best regards, Kambai Akau (talk) 17:33, 3 August 2022 (UTC)Reply

Congratulations, Kambai. We are glad to see your group developing and being recognised to this level. You can contact us anytime at contact if you need our support or want us to work together on mission-aligned projects. Thank you. – Ammarpad (talk) 10:51, 14 August 2022 (UTC)Reply
My pleasure, @Ammarpad! Sorry for late reply. But better late than never. Warm regards, Kambai Akau (talk) 16:11, 8 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hadin Gwiwa akan dabbaga Hausa Wikitionary


Sannun ku! Barka da Wannan lokacin!!

Ni Admin ne a Hausa Wikitionary, Ina farin cikin sanar daku cewa akwai tsare tsare da da muke dashi na dabbaga Hausa Wikitionary ta hanyar bada gummuwa kyauta da kuma ta hanyar yin Wikimedia Furojet daga Rapid Funds.

Hakan ne yasa muka yi applying Furojet domin gyara Hausa Wikitionary ta hanyar samar da Manazarta da Kuma tattara kalmomi a rukunnai.

Wikimedia Foundation daga bakin ma'aikacin su mai suna Davit Saroyan ya bukaci muyi aiki tare da Hausa Wikimedians User Group, domin samun aiwatar da wannan Furojet din successful.

A dalilin haka nake sanar da mambobi cewa zamuyi aiki tare da HWUG domin gyara Hausa Wikitionary, da fatan zamu samu goyon bayan ku.

Nagode-Abubakr1111 (talk) 20:40, 13 August 2022 (UTC)Reply



The Igbo Language and Culture Institute has applied for a project to conduct a research on Overcoming Challenges of Introducing Wikipedia in Nigeria Classroom. your suggestions will be appreciated.--Obihoja (talk) 10:42, 19 August 2022 (UTC)Reply

Wikidata 10th Birthday


Hi all,

The User Group would be organizing Wikidata Workshop during the 10th Wikidata birthday distributed events. Project page is here. Please give feedback on the project talkpage, here directly on this talkpage or via our mailing list or direct email. Thank you. Hausa Wikimedians User Group (talk) 08:39, 26 August 2022 (UTC)Reply

(Initial Review) Notification of Affiliate Expiration - Renewal pending submission of reporting


Greetings Ammarpad, Em-mustapha,

This is a notification to bring to your attention that your organization is currently past due on its required annual reporting. Wikimedia Affiliates are required to submit an annual activity report covering the entirety of the 12-month agreement period in order to prompt review for a renewal. Reports must be written in English, posted to meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal.

This page is used to track how organizations and groups are meeting reporting requirements described in their agreements with the Wikimedia Foundation (e.g. chapter agreements, thematic organization agreements, user group agreements). It is the central place where affiliates can add reports about their activities, share their plans, and even news or social media channels with the wider movement. When new reports are available, organizations and groups should add them to this page to keep their columns up to date.

As noted on the meta Reports page, your organization’s 2022 annual reporting became past due in 2022-08-31. Please be sure to:

  • Post your 2022 annual reporting to the meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal as soon as possible to return to compliance with your user group agreement.
  • Check that your group’s page is also up to date with past report links for historical record-keeping, and
  • Please send an email to Wikimedia-l in order to share with a movement-wide audience.

If you have any questions or need any further guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to wadportal

Best regards,
Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal

Wiki for NYEEF Nigeria training and Hausa wikimedians user group Collaboration


Good day my fellow editors, I’m happy to announce to you that I was requested to reach out to you about my grant project for collaboration by Davit Saroyan.Can’t wait to see you there Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/Wiki for NYEEF Nigeria awareness and training (ID: 21938061). Best, Hamxo Hamxo (talk) 11:55, 22 September 2022 (UTC)Reply

Wikipedia workshop and training in December


Hello friends,

I would like to notify you about our planned Wikipedia training project to improve articles and teach new editors coming up in December this year. Link here. Thank you. BnHamid (talk) 07:39, 11 October 2022 (UTC)Reply

Reading Wikipedia in The Classroom in Kano


Barka da wannan lokaci 'yan uwa editors, muna sanar da ku cewa muna shirin gudanar da wani gangami na koyar da dalibai da malamai ta yadda zasuyi amfani da shafin Wikipedia wajen samun saukin tattaro bayanai da kuma koyarwa. sannan hakan zai taimaka wajen samun karin editoci da zasu bada tasu gudunmawar da samun karin masu karanta wikipedia. nagode sosai daga M Bash Ne (talk) 10:07, 15 October 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sunday November 13 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

bestiary (Q830560)compendium (Q1459574)reference work (Q13136).

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Wikimedia Research Fund, 2023 Ombuds commission and Case Review Committee appointments process, feedback on consultation and community session of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee, various Wikimania topics: (ideas/suggestions for Wikimania 2023, expressions of interest for Wikimania 2024 and beyond, expressions of interest to join Wikimania Steering Committee), and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday November 13, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and
UTC times are different from before, and also note that some areas may have recently experienced daylight savings time changes.).--MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:18, 9 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

The WMF has posted the annual planning


Mu na ƙarfafawa membobin hausa Wikipedia dasu shiga su karanta Daftarin Tsare Tsaren WMF na shekara shekara na shekara mai zuwa (Yuli 2023-Yuni 2024)

- Ku Karanta daftarin

- Kuyi tambayoyi domin samun ƙarin haske kan abubuwan da ke cikin daftarin da kuma daidaita shi da Movement Strategy Recommendation.

- Halartar tattaunawar APP Gidauniyar za ta shirya wa ’yan uwa da masu ruwa da tsaki.

Tattaunawa na Afirka, MENA da CEE za ta fara ne a ranar 27 ga Afrilu, 16:30-17:30 UTC. (meeting link:

Da fatan za a halarci taron domin ƙarin fahimtar daftarin shirin shekara-shekara da kuma samun damar yin tambayoyi [[Aliyu shaba]]Talk 19:11, 20 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikipedia Awareness and Training in Zamfara State


Hello Friends, I will like to inform the community about my proposed grant aimed at creating Wikipedia Awareness and Training in Zamfara State. I will appreciate your support. Thank you Abubakar Yusuf Gusau (talk) 14:56, 4 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Invitation to join the Wikimedia Affiliate strategy discussions


Hope this message finds you well. I am sharing an update about the Wikimedia Foundation Affiliate strategy initiative. In November, Nataliia Tymkiv, Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees announced the beginning of Wikimedia Foundation Affiliate strategy.

We are working on the next steps of the Affiliate strategy. We invite you to a session with the Board of Trustees, AffCom, and supporting staff to provide input into this process. These sessions will be conducted in groups and the language will be English. If you are able to attend one of these meetings, please sign up here. If you prefer a 1:1 session for a detailed discussion, please reach out to me. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please respond via the survey or in writing to or on the Talk page.

This message was also sent by email to affiliate primary contacts.

Best, MKaur (WMF) 22:30, 22 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Advancing Hausa Language and Culture with Wikipedia in Zaria


This is a project aimed at promoting the advancement of the Hausa language and culture in Zaria local government through the use of Wikipedia. The project seeks to create an online community of Hausa-speaking volunteers who will work together to create and improve Hausa-language Wikipedia articles.

I'm soliciting for feedback and suggestions from this great community. And I'll make sure to be transparent and responsive throughout the proces. Bhaffa (talk) 06:42, 22 June 2023 (UTC)Reply


WikiWomenCamp 2023 Scholarship Application


Hello all,

We are thrilled to announce the opening of the scholarship applications for Wiki Women Camp 2023 which will run from 20-23 October in New Delhi, India. The scholarship application deadline is July 4th, end of the day (anywhere in the world), and applicants will receive notification of decisions in mid-July.

Please submit your application directly through the provided forms available here.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

Maffeth.opiana (talk) 11:25, 23 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
On behalf of the WikiWomenCamp 2023 Team

Taron Wayar da kai game da Wikimedia a Jami'ar Taraiya ta Gusau


Salam dafatan kuna lafiya, muna masu farin cikin shaida maku insha Allah nan gaba zamu gudanar da taron Wikipedia a Gusau ƙarƙashin jagoranci wasu daga cikin editoci, Allah ya bamu sa'a da nasara Yusuf Sa'adu (talk) 11:27, 28 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Sunday July 16 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting (Global Council focus, now available in ar, es, fr!)

SWAN: The Next Generation

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Wikimania Singapore, Future of SWAN, Movement Charter/Content new sections (particularly Movement Charter/Content/Global Council), other activities you submit, and we will top it all off with a grand finale AI Happy Hour / Doom Hour!

This month we are meeting on Sunday July 16, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

UTC meeting times are and
Note that we are now meeting on Zoom, with interpretation in the 2nd session in (Arabic) (Spanish) (French)--Pharos (talk) 02:41, 12 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Call for Affiliates & Call for Trainers WikiWomenCamp 2023


Dear all,

The WikiWomenCamp 2023 team is excited to announce that the calls for Affiliates and Trainers are open now!

Self-funded affiliates attendance

If your affiliate is interested, kindly fill out the registration form by 8 August 2023, anywhere on earth. Please note that self-funded attendance means participants will be responsible for their travel, accommodation, visa (if required), and related expenses. We have 10 seats reserved for affiliates. Here is the form link: Google Forms


The call for trainers to facilitate gender-focused sessions at WikiWomenCamp 2023 is open. To propose your session(s), please submit the application form by 8th August 2023. More details about the call for trainers (benefits for trainers and key dates) are here: m:WWC2023/Program

To read more about the camp, please visit: m:WikiWomenCamp 2023

Maffeth.opiana (talk) 03:37, 29 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
On behalf of the WWC23 team

Notification of upcoming reporting due date


Greetings Ammarpad, Em-mustapha,

This is a notification to bring to your attention that your organization reporting date is coming up in 30 day(s). Wikimedia Affiliates are required to submit an annual activity report covering the entirety of the 12-month agreement period in order to prompt review for a renewal. Reports must be written in English, posted to meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal.

This page is used to track how organizations and groups are meeting reporting requirements described in their agreements with the Wikimedia Foundation (e.g. chapter agreements, thematic organization agreements, user group agreements). It is the central place where affiliates can add reports about their activities, share their plans, and even news or social media channels with the wider movement. When new reports are available, organizations and groups should add them to this page to keep their columns up to date.

As noted on the meta Reports page, your organization’s 2023 annual reporting will be due in 2023-08-31. Please be sure to:

  • Post your 2023 annual reporting to the meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal as soon as possible to return to compliance with your user group agreement.
  • Check that your group’s page is also up to date with past report links for historical record-keeping, and
  • Please send an email to Wikimedia-l in order to share with a movement-wide audience.

If you have any questions or need any further guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to wadportal

Best regards,

Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal

--User:DNdubane_(WMF) 15:14, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

For the record, our reporting timeline has now been adjusted to January - December. This is to align with the changes in our ground operational calander as well as strategic organizational changes and incorporation process we went through in 2022. – Ammarpad (talk) 08:04, 16 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wiki Medicinal Herbs Projects


Dear Community members,

Dear Community members, I am writing to inform the community about my proposal on Wiki Medicinal Herbs which is a project aimed at preserving the knowledge of the inherent in our medicinal herbs through identification,documentation and archiving the over 5,000 medicinal herbs obtainable locally.Interested community members are invited to join us on this project. Oludegun (talk) 20:19, 29 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikimedia Awareness at Bayero University Kano


📢 Announcing the Wikimedia Awareness Initiative at Bayero University Kano! Led by experienced editor Gwanki, with facilitators Yusuf Sa'adu & A Sulaiman Z. Engage in workshops, training, and discussions with students & staff. Contact Gwanki for details. Let's enhance our Wikimedia experience together! —Gwanki✉️ 23:55, 29 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Call for Highlight Videos for WikiWomenCamp 2023


Dear Community Members,

As we gear up for the upcoming WikiWomenCamp in India, we are excited to announce a unique opportunity to share your incredible work and its impact with the global community.

What We're Looking For: We invite you to submit short (3-5 minute) videos highlighting your projects, initiatives, or efforts that have made a significant difference in addressing gender gaps. We know that many of you are doing remarkable work in various corners of the world, and we want to shine a spotlight on your achievements.

Why Short Videos: Our camp sessions are extensive, covering a wide range of topics and discussions. In the interest of time and with a commitment to showcasing the amazing initiatives across our movement, we believe that short videos are an effective way to capture and share the essence of your work.

How Your Videos Will Be Used: The selected videos will be featured on our social media channels and played during breaks at the camp. This provides an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your work to a broader audience and inspire others to get involved or collaborate with you.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Videos should be 3-5 minutes in length.
  2. Please focus on the impact of your work, highlighting how it contributes to addressing gender gap.
  3. Be creative and engage in your presentation.
  4. Ensure video quality is clear and audible.
  5. Narration (optional): If possible, include a brief voiceover or text captions to provide context and explanation.
  6. Language: While English is preferred for wider accessibility, videos in other languages are also welcome. Kindly ensure that non-English videos are accompanied by English subtitles or captions.

Submission Deadline:

To be considered for inclusion in our camp programming, please submit your videos by Thursday, 28th September 2023. Late submissions may still be featured later on our social media channels.

How to Submit:

To avoid any issues with file sizes, we recommend using a file transfer service like WeTransfer or Google Drive while sharing your videos with us at In your email, include a brief description of your project, affiliate name / your name or username, and contact information.

We believe that your stories and experiences are powerful tools for change. By sharing them with our community, you contribute to a collective effort to bridge the gender gap and empower women and girls worldwide.

Thank you for being a part of the camp initiatives, and we look forward to receiving your inspiring videos.

Warm regards,
WikiWomenCamp 2023 COT

Maffeth.opiana (talk) 09:57, 21 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Introducing the Wikimedia photo library and a workshop invite


Dear Wikimedia affiliates communications leads,

We are so excited to share a new resource with you: The Wikimedia Photo Library. In it you will find high quality images that help to tell the story of free knowledge. We hope that this library will help you in the important work you do as a communication lead. Alongside this library, we’ve also updated guidelines on how to effectively use imagery to tell brand stories.

Curious to learn more about these resources?

We will be holding a short workshop for 45 minutes on Tuesday 3 October 2023, at 16:00 UTC (add event to your calendar) and again on Thursday 5 October at 7:00 UTC (add event to your calendar) to accommodate different time zones. During these workshops, we will walk you through some examples of images that align with the Movement Brand Guidelines, some basics of quality photography and answer any questions you may have about this topic.

The need for a Wikimedia Photo Library

Our research showed that there are lots of photos available from Wikimedia events, usually featuring people using computers. There were very few images showing mobile editing or reading, and even fewer showing people using the projects in their everyday lives.

These images are the first steps in creating a photo library that is representative of the whole movement. We have added images that are aligned with the Movement Brand Guidelines in this category on Wikimedia Commons. Photography is a powerful tool to create cohesion in Wikimedia communication. Our hope is that all of you will help to build this resource out with images from your region.

By continuing to add to this category, we will be helping one another tell more impactful stories of the free knowledge movement – learn how on the Brand portal on Meta-wiki.

Thank you so much and please let me know if you have any questions. We hope to see you at one of the workshops!


Samir and the Brand Studio team --MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:53, 23 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Follow up on the last message about the photography workshop


Hi everyone,

This is a reminder about our photography sessions happening this week. Also, some people reached out with concerns about not being able to open the links to meetings in the previous message. Please find a direct link to the Google Meet sessions here:

Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions. If you have any questions please reach out to selsharbaty wikimedia org . --MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 08:21, 2 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Opportunities open for the Affiliations Committee, Ombuds commission, and the Case Review Committee


Hi everyone! The Affiliations Committee (AffCom), Ombuds commission (OC), and the Case Review Committee (CRC) are looking for new members. These volunteer groups provide important structural and oversight support for the community and movement. People are encouraged to nominate themselves or encourage others they feel would contribute to these groups to apply. There is more information about the roles of the groups, the skills needed, and the opportunity to apply on the Meta-wiki page.

If you are aware of participants in your affiliate who may be interested in these roles, please share this message with them.

On behalf of the Committee Support team, Keegan (WMF) (talk) 20:22, 18 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikimedia Foundation Affiliates Strategy: Summary and Report


Dear Wikimedia affiliate,

Last year, the Wikimedia Foundation Board announced they started the process with creating an Affiliates Strategy in collaboration with the Affiliations Committee, the affiliates, and the broader communities with the intention to develop a strategy that will help guide the Foundation’s immediate work in supporting affiliates for the next few years, with a primary focus on the recognition process, as a direct responsibility of the Board.

Over several months, the Wikimedia Foundation Board engaged with an outside consultant to drive a review process of what work the Foundation was doing to support affiliates. The end goal was to have several recommended actions.

You can read more about the findings and the recommendations on this Meta-Wiki page.


MPossoupe_(WMF)21:28, 23 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Kanuri Wikimedians User group


Dear community members i wish to inform you of our proposal for recognition of kanuri Wikimedians User group we need support and we are ready to collaborate with other communities. U can find us here Best regards Umargana1 (talk) 05:44, 16 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

Notification of upcoming reporting due date


Greetings Ammarpad, Em-mustapha,

This is a notification to bring to your attention that your organization reporting date is coming up in 8 day(s). Wikimedia Affiliates are required to submit an annual activity report covering the entirety of the 12-month agreement period in order to prompt review for a renewal. Reports must be written in English, posted to meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal.

This page is used to track how organizations and groups are meeting reporting requirements described in their agreements with the Wikimedia Foundation (e.g. chapter agreements, thematic organization agreements, user group agreements). It is the central place where affiliates can add reports about their activities, share their plans, and even news or social media channels with the wider movement. When new reports are available, organizations and groups should add them to this page to keep their columns up to date.

As noted on the meta Reports page, your organization’s 2024 annual reporting will be due in 2024-01-31. Please be sure to:

  • Post your 2024 annual reporting to the meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal as soon as possible to return to compliance with your user group agreement.
  • Check that your group’s page is also up to date with past report links for historical record-keeping, and
  • Please send an email to Wikimedia-l in order to share with a movement-wide audience.

If you have any questions or need any further guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to wadportal

Best regards,

Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal

--User:DNdubane_(WMF) 12:04, 23 January 2024 (UTC)Reply

Feedback invited on proposed requirements for affiliates & user groups recognition changes

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Dear Wikimedia Affiliates,

Following up on the development of Wikimedia Foundation Affiliates Strategy, we would like to invite you to give feedback on requirements for affiliates & user groups recognition changes. You can find the details of the proposed changes in this message from Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees liaisons to the Affiliations Committee, as well as the ways to give your feedback.

We have also reached out to your contact persons via the emails provided.

Best regards,

Xeno (WMF) (talk) 14:40, 9 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

The full draft of the Wikimedia Movement Charter will soon be shared

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hi there,

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee is happy to announce that the full draft of the Movement Charter will be published on April 2nd, 2024. This will kick off the community engagement period from April 2nd to April 22nd.

The Movement Charter is a proposed document to define roles and responsibilities for all the members and entities of the Wikimedia Movement, including to lay out a new Global Council for movement governance.

Everyone in the Wikimedia Movement is invited to share opinions on the full version of the Charter draft – this is the last chance to offer feedback before the Charter draft is updated for the ratification vote in June 2024.

How to share your feedback?

Read the Committee's latest updates for more information.

On behalf of the MCDC,

RamzyM (WMF) 13:58, 28 March 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hi everyone, Will like to notify you about proposed project Advancing Hausa Wikiqoute with Aged Participants. Your support will be much appreciated. Best Regards. (Abubakar Yusuf Gusau (talk) 10:25, 31 March 2024 (UTC))Reply

The full Movement Charter draft awaits your review on Meta

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hi everyone,

The full draft of the Movement Charter has been published on Meta for your review.

Why should you care?

The Charter is important as it will be an essential document for the implementation of the 2030 strategy recommendations. Participating in the Charter discussions means that you ensure that your voice is heard and your interests are represented in shaping the future of the Movement.

Community Engagement – April 2nd to April 30th, 2024

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC) cordially invites everyone in the Wikimedia movement to share feedback on the full draft of the Movement Charter.

Let your voice be heard by sharing your feedback it in any language on the Movement Charter talk pages, attend a community drop-in session, or email

Please read the Committee's latest updates for more information.

Thank you.

On behalf of the MCDC,

RamzyM (WMF) 13:07, 3 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

Affiliations Committee News (January-March 2024)

Group photo of the 2023 EduWiki Conference in Belgrade, organized by Wikipedia & Education User Group

You can find this newsletter translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Quarterly newsletter sharing news and events about the work of Wikimedia's Affiliations Committee.

read this newsletter in fullsubscribe/unsubscribe

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 12:55, 18 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

Board of Trustees selection call for candidates


Hello all,

The call for candidates for the 2024 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees selection is now open from May 8, 2024 - May 29, 2024 at 23:59 UTC. The Board of Trustees oversees the Wikimedia Foundation's work, and each Trustee serves a three-year term. This is a volunteer position.

This year, the Wikimedia community will vote to fill four (4) seats on the Foundation Board in August 2024. You can see the timeline of the full selection process here.


Wikimedia is a global movement and seeks candidates from the broader community. Ideal candidates are thoughtful, respectful, community-oriented and align with the Wikimedia Foundation mission. Candidates should think about what experiences and perspectives they will bring to the Board.

The Board would like to find perspectives and voices that are essential but underrepresented in our movement. Accordingly, all candidates will be asked to include statements in their application that speak to their experiences in the world and in the movement and share how those experiences have equipped them to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Trustees commitment

Trustees serve a three year term and can serve up to three consecutive terms. The expectation is that Trustees serve on at least one of the Board’s committees. The time commitment is about 150 hours per year, excluding travel. This time is not evenly spread throughout the year. The time is concentrated around meetings.

Trustees requirements

English is the language of business for the Board. Candidates must be fluent in written and spoken English. Previous experience serving on a collective decision-making body, especially Boards or committees, and significant experience in Wikimedia (or equivalent) movement building and organizing are expected from candidates.


Candidates from all projects and communities who meet the criteria to become a Wikimedia Trustee are welcome to apply. Could you - or someone you know - be a good fit to join the Wikimedia Foundation's Board of Trustees? Encourage them to run for election. Candidates can find information and submit their nomination on the candidate application page. If you want to learn more about the role of Trustees or have questions, refer to this candidate resources page.

Community questions for candidates

All community members, including affiliates, are invited to submit questions for the Board of Trustees candidates to answer. From the list of questions, the Election Committee selects 5 questions for candidates to answer, which the candidates are expected to answer. The selected questions may be a combination of what’s been submitted from the community, if they’re alike or related. Questions can be submitted between May 8 - June 12 at 23:59 UTC. Learn more about how to submit your questions on this Meta-wiki page.

Best regards,

The Elections Committee and Board Selection Working Group

MPossoupe_(WMF) 18:33, 8 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Feedback invited on Procedure for Sibling Project Lifecycle

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Dear Wikimedia Affiliates,

The Community Affairs Committee (CAC) of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees invites you to give feedback on a draft Procedure for Sibling Project Lifecycle. Affiliates play important roles in the Movement, working with communities and external partners, and thus they bring valuable perspectives to the table. We warmly welcome you to the conversations. In addition, please share information about this with your affiliate membership, and any project communities your affiliate works with or supports. You can also help translate the procedure into more languages so that people can join the discussions in their language.

This draft Procedure outlines proposed steps and requirements for opening and closing Wikimedia Sibling Projects. It aims to ensure any newly approved projects are set up for success. This is separate from the procedures for opening or closing language versions of projects, which is handled by the Language Committee. It is also separate from the closing projects policy.

You can find the details of the proposal on this page, as well as the ways to give your feedback from today until the end of the day on June 23, 2024, anywhere on Earth.

We have also reached out to your contact persons via the emails provided.

On behalf of the CAC,

RamzyM (WMF) 16:08, 21 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

The final text of the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now on Meta

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hi everyone,

The final text of the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now up on Meta in more than 20 languages for your reading.

What is the Wikimedia Movement Charter?

The Wikimedia Movement Charter is a proposed document to define roles and responsibilities for all the members and entities of the Wikimedia movement, including the creation of a new body – the Global Council – for movement governance.

Join the Wikimedia Movement Charter “Launch Party”

Join the “Launch Party” on June 20, 2024 at 14.00-15.00 UTC (your local time). During this call, we will celebrate the release of the final Charter and present the content of the Charter. Join and learn about the Charter before casting your vote.

Movement Charter ratification vote

Voting will commence on SecurePoll on June 25, 2024 at 00:01 UTC and will conclude on July 9, 2024 at 23:59 UTC. You can read more about the voting process, eligibility criteria, and other details on Meta.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment on the Meta talk page or email the MCDC at

On behalf of the MCDC,

RamzyM (WMF) 08:43, 11 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikimedia Foundation Affiliates Strategy: Affiliate health criteria and changes to User Group recognition process

This communication has been adapted from the original message.

Dear all,

We would like to thank all of you who shared feedback with us during this phase of the Wikimedia Foundation Affiliates Strategy process that started in November 2022, both on- and off-wiki. You can read the report from the first phase here.

Since that point, AffCom has been working with the Board of Trustees, Foundation staff, affiliates, and wider community members to enable them to provide appropriate guidance to affiliates regarding what it means to be an active and healthy Wikimedia organisation. As a result of those conversations, the committee has voted to adopt the following 10 criteria for affiliates, grouped into four main areas:

  • Goal delivery
  • Organisational Development
    • Good governance & communication
    • Financial & legal compliance
    • Affiliate health & resilience
  • Leadership & Inclusion
    • Diverse, skilled, and accountable leadership
    • Diversity balance (especially gender)
    • Universal Code of Conduct compliance)
  • Engagement & Collaboration
    • Internal (membership) engagement
    • Community connection
    • Partnerships & collaboration

You are encouraged to read more details about each of these criteria here, including guidance on how each can be met. All criteria will be tracked for all affiliates, except for the criteria around financial and legal compliance, which only apply to those affiliates receiving funds and/or that are incorporated.

Staff and AffCom are working on streamlining affiliate reporting requirements, and responding to feedback raised during the community feedback period about the reporting burden. The new requirements of data collected in reports would be useful also for different Foundation teams and departments, and allow for the creation of detailed regional or global reports that demonstrate affiliate health and impact.

In July 2024, AffCom will work to finalise the implementation plans for the changes to the affiliate requirements and application process. In August 2024, updates will be made to Meta-wiki and other supporting platforms.

You can follow the process here.

The insights from the 2023 process also included recognising a need to strengthen AffCom processes for evaluating potential User Groups’ furtherance of shared movement goals, sustainability, and general ability to be healthy and active movement participants. AffCom has adopted a revised process for User Group recognition, and will be pausing new User Group recognitions until September 2024.

No immediate changes are happening, except the pause of considering new User Group recognitions until September, for applications received after today, June 12, 2024. Once more detailed implementation plans are developed, there will be an update here and on the relevant Meta pages with the next steps after Wikimania.

To provide your feedback, please leave a comment on the main talk page on Meta.

Alternatively, you can join AffCom's open office hours on June 19 at 14:00 UTC or request a conversation as a part of Talking:2024. You can use the Let’s Talk to sign up for a time to speak with us.

Looking forward to your feedback!

Best regards,

Nat, Mike & Lorenzo

Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Liaisons to the Affiliations Committee

Sunday June 23 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting (WMF BoT statement on Movement Charter ratification)

A group of SWANs heading to the meeting

Hello everyone!

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas about current developments in the Wikimedia Movement. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for further Wikimedia 2030 strategy process work.

At this meeting we will focus on the recent statement by the WMF Board of Trustees liaisons statement on the Movement Charter in which the liaisons stated that they will be recommending the Board of Trustees not to ratify the final draft of the Movement Charter. The community and affiliate votes on the ratification are supposed to start on Tuesday, 25 June. This meeting offers a venue to discuss the situation and formulate the "next steps".

This month, we are meeting on Sunday, June 23, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

UTC meeting times are and

Nadzik (talk) 16:30, 22 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Affiliations Committee News (April-June 2024)

AffCom group photo at Wikimedia Summit 2024 in Berlin, Germany

You can find this newsletter translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Quarterly newsletter sharing news and events about the work of Wikimedia's Affiliations Committee.

read this newsletter in fullsubscribe/unsubscribe

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:20, 15 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

Sunday July 28 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting (Results of Movement Charter ratification)

SWANs gathering for a conversation

Hello everyone!

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas about current developments in the Wikimedia Movement. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for further Wikimedia 2030 strategy process work.

At this meeting we will focus on the results of the Movement Charter ratification. We will also discuss the aftermath of the Board of Trustees' decision to veto the Movement Charter, including their recent proposals. We will also cover updates about upcoming Wikimania 2024.

This month, we are meeting on Sunday, July 28, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

UTC meeting times are and

Nadzik (talk) 19:55, 18 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

Enhancing Information Literacy through 1Lib1Ref Campaign Hausa Community


I am excited to share our proposal, "Enhancing Information Literacy through 1Lib1Ref Campaign in Hausa Community," aimed at promoting information literacy and improving Wikipedia's accuracy on Hausa-related topics. Your maximum cooperation is highly needed. Best regards. Abubakar Yusuf Gusau (talk) 12:45, 30 September 2024 (UTC)Reply

Affiliations Committee News (July-September 2024)

AffCom session at Wikimania 2024

You can find this newsletter translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Quarterly newsletter sharing news and events about the work of Wikimedia's Affiliations Committee.

read this newsletter in fullsubscribe/unsubscribe

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 15:53, 7 October 2024 (UTC)Reply

Nenzit Wikimedians User Group


Date: 16 December 2024

To: Wikimedia Affiliates and the Global Wikimedia Community

Dear Wikimedia Affiliates and Community Members,

We are excited to announce our intent to form the Nenzit Wikimedians User Group, a new Wikimedia User Group with a focus on expanding Wikimedia outreach to Platoid languages spread across Central (Middle Belt) Nigeria and Northwest Cameroon. This user group aims to promote Wikimedia projects, i.e., contribute to, preserve, and expand free knowledge around the Nenzit region.

Our mission is to create and sustain Wikimedia projects in Platoid languages and promote free knowledge in the Nenzit region through awareness, content creation, and community engagement. We are committed to supporting the Wikimedia movement by organizing activities like in-person and offline events, workshops, edit-a-thons, content creation, and collaborations.
Focus Area
Our group will primarily focus on Platoid languages also known as "Central Nigeria" languages, spoken by the Nenzit peoples. Specifically, we will engage with the following:
  • Languages: Jukunoid (e.g., Chomo-Karim, Etkywan, Kuteb, Tigon-Mbembe, Wapan), Kainji (e.g., Atsam, Cinda, Hun-Saare, Tsishingini, Tikurmi) and Plateau (e.g., Adara, Berom, Hyam, Eggon, Tarok) languages.
  • Themes: language, culture, geography, history.
  • Geographical Region: We are based in Central Nigeria, Northwest Cameroon, and Alibori and Borgu departments of the Republic of Benin and plan to extend our activities within this area, fostering connections with local communities and institutions.
Focus area in Yellow (Platoid languages)
Current Location and Regional Activities
Our group is currently located in Kafanchan, Nigeria, and we aim to collaborate with local affiliates and communities across the Nenzit region to ensure widespread participation and representation in our activities. We plan to collaborate with language departments teaching any of these languages and language development boards to foster collaborations, as well as participate in conferences organized by Wikimedia, its affiliates, individuals, and other bodies, with common goals and improve Wikimedia presence across the region.
Call for Collaboration
We welcome collaboration and support from other affiliates and individuals across the Wikimedia movement. We believe that working together with other user groups and affiliates will enhance our efforts and strengthen the global Wikimedia ecosystem.

If you would like to learn more about our user group, share feedback, or explore opportunities to collaborate, feel free to contact us on our talk page. We look forward to contributing to the Wikimedia movement and making a meaningful impact through our activities.

Thank you for your support.


Kambai (for the proposed Nenzit Wikimedians UG) -- Kambai Akau (talk) 17:15, 16 December 2024 (UTC)Reply

Notification of upcoming reporting due date


Greetings Ammarpad, Em-mustapha,

This is a notification to bring to your attention that your organization reporting date is coming up in 28 day(s). Wikimedia Affiliates are required to submit an annual activity report covering the entirety of the 12-month agreement period in order to prompt review for a renewal. Reports must be written in English, posted to meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal.

This page is used to track how organizations and groups are meeting reporting requirements described in their agreements with the Wikimedia Foundation (e.g. chapter agreements, thematic organization agreements, user group agreements). It is the central place where affiliates can add reports about their activities, share their plans, and even news or social media channels with the wider movement. When new reports are available, organizations and groups should add them to this page to keep their columns up to date.

As noted on the meta Reports page, your organization’s 2025 annual reporting will be due in 2025-01-31. Please be sure to:

  • Post your 2025 annual reporting to the meta via the Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal as soon as possible to return to compliance with your user group agreement.
  • Check that your group’s page is also up to date with past report links for historical record-keeping, and
  • Please send an email to Wikimedia-l in order to share with a movement-wide audience.

If you have any questions or need any further guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to wadportal

Best regards,

Wikimedia Affiliates Data Portal

--User:RamzyM (WMF) 20:18, 3 January 2025 (UTC)Reply

Affiliations Committee News (October-December 2024)

AffCom at its Strategic Retreat in Frankfurt

You can find this newsletter translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Quarterly newsletter sharing news and events about the work of Wikimedia's Affiliations Committee.

Affiliates Strategy Update: Notes from the 2024 AffCom strategic retreat

Affiliate Recognition and Derecognition: User group application pause lifted

Affiliate Activities and Compliance Report: Activities reports around the world

AffCom Conflict Intervention: Updates on conflict intervention cases

AffCom Movement Contribution: AffCom engagement at WikiIndaba

AffCom Administration: Mari Avetisyan appointed new AffCom secretary
Return to "Hausa Wikimedians User Group" page.