Diru bilketa/Itzulpena/Eskerrik asko posta elektronikoa 20140606

This page is a translated version of the page Fundraising/Translation/Thank you email 20140606 and the translation is 80% complete.

[ifFirstnameAndLastname] Kaixo [given name], [elseifFirstnameAndLastname] Kaixo emaile hori, [endifFirstnameAndLastname]

Eskerrik asko mundu osoko gizaki guztiei ezagutza ekartzeko dohain eskergagatik.

{% if "RecurringRestarted" in contribution_tags %} Hilabeteroko dohaintza batzuk oztopatu dituen arazo tekniko bat konpondu dugu orain dela gutxi. Berriro ezarri dugu zure aldizkako dohaintza, eta hemendik aurrera martxan hasiko da berriro. Ez dizugu kobratuko galdutako hilabeteengatik. Mila esker zure pazientziagatik eta laguntzagatik; edozein zalantza duzula, mesedez idatz eiguzu donatewikimedia.org-era. {% endif %}

{% if "UnrecordedCharge" in contribution_tags %} We recently resolved a technical issue which caused a small number of donors to not receive a confirmation of their donation. Please accept this email as a thank you for your donation on [date]. We truly appreciate your patience and your support, and please feel free to email donate@wikimedia.org if you have any questions. {% endif %}

My name is Lila Tretikov, and I’m the Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation. Over the past year, gifts like yours powered our efforts to expand the encyclopedia in 287 languages and to make it more accessible all over the world. We strive most to impact those who would not have access to education otherwise. We bring knowledge to people like Akshaya Iyengar from Solapur, India. Growing up in this small textile manufacturing town, she used Wikipedia as her primary learning source. For students in these areas, where books are scarce but mobile Internet access exists, Wikipedia is instrumental. Akshaya went on to graduate from college in India and now works as a software engineer in the United States. She credits Wikipedia with powering half of her knowledge.

This story is not unique. Our mission is lofty and presents great challenges. Most people who use Wikipedia are surprised to hear it is run by a non-profit organization and funded by your donations. Each year, just enough people donate to keep the sum of all human knowledge available for everyone. Thank you for making this mission possible.

Wikipedia irakurtzen duten ia mila milioi erdi pertsonen izenean, boluntarioen editoreak eta Fundazioko langileen izenean, eskerrak ematen dizkizu aurten Wikipedia sarean eta iragarkirik gabe mantentzeagatik.

Eskerrik asko,

Lila Tretikov
Zuzendari Exekutiboa,
Wikimedia Fundazioa

Many employers will match employee contributions: please check with your company to see if they have a corporate matching gift program.

Zeure ezagutzarako: zure dohaintzaren zenbakia [contributionId] da, [date] an egina eta kopurua [amount] izan da.

[ifRecurring] Dohaintza hau aldizkako dohaintza baten parte bat da. Wikimedia Fundazioak hileroko kobrantza egingo dizkizu gelditzeko esaten diguzun arte. Ordainketak bertan behera utzi nahi badituzu, ikus itzazu mesedez gure [#recurringCancel indargabetzeko argibide errazak]. [endifRecurring]

Gutun honek zure dohaintzaren froga bezala balio dezake. Inolako ondasun edo zerbitzu ez dira eman, ez osorik ezta zatika, dohaintza honen truke. Wikimedia Fundazioa irabazpiderik gabeko ongintzazko korporazioa da, 501(c)(3) zergatatik salbuetsitutako estatutuarekin EEBBetan. Gure helbidea zera da, 149 New Montgomery, 3. pisua, San Francisco, CA, 94105. EEBBan zergatatik salbuetsitutako zenbakia: 20-0049703.

Baja emateko:

Dohaintza-emaile zarenez, gure komunitatearen jardunei buruz jakin gainean jarri nahi zaitugu. Hala ere, horrelako gure mezuak jaso nahi ez badituzu, azpiko estekan klik egin eta zerrendatik kenduko zaitugu.

[#unsubscribe Harpidetza kendu]

Mesedez, lagun iezaguzu mezu elektronikoa [#translate itzultzen].