
The following discussion is closed: This election is closed and these pages are an archive of that event.

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: en, it
  • Personal info: This is my second confirmation as a steward, having been elected in February 2012. Since then, I have switched timezone to PST and, after having reviewed my activity levels in the second half of the past year and found them unsatisfactory, I have shed some of my user-rights (on the English Wikipedia and the English Wikivoyage) in order to ensure a proper focus on my Steward duties and to be significantly more active. Most of my recent activity has been handling requests on IRC during the European night and requests on Meta-Wiki. I would love to continue carry on my duties as a steward, if the community thinks me still worthy of their trust.
  • Idiomas: en, it
  • Información personal: translation needed
  • Языки: en, it
  • Личная информация: translation needed
  • Sprachen: en, it
  • Informationen zur Person: Übersetzung nötig

Comments about Snowolf

A comment war... And please, don't ask me for evidence, do it yourself... --Goldenburg111 17:56, 16 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]