Rêziknameya Halûhereketan ya Navneteweyî/Prensîbên tetbîqkirinê/Dengdan/Werger

This page is a translated version of the page Universal Code of Conduct/Enforcement guidelines/Voting/Translations and the translation is 62% complete.
Universal Code of Conduct

This page coordinates translation of the 2023 Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines Ratification poll question.

Deng bide




Tu piştgirî didî tetbîqkirina Rêziknameya Halûhereketan ya Navneteweyî yê li ser esasa vê rêbernameya revîzekirî?

Ev dengdan parçeyeke tesdîqkirina proseya ji bo prensîbên tesdîqkirina Rêziknameya Halûhereketên Navneteweyî ne. Dengê xwe ji xwatê bişîne. Ji bo agahiyên zêdetir li ser Meta-Wîkîyê li rûpela alîkariya dengdêran binêre.

Xêra xwe "na" an "erê" bibijêre. Dengên ku ne "na" ne jî "erê" ne wê di hejmartina fînal de neyên jimartin.

If you have concerns about the Enforcement Guidelines, please indicate the section or sections that are of concern and what concerns you have. Comments will be public. Please do not provide personal information in your comments. Thank you.

Other material

  • title: Universal Code of Conduct Revised Enforcement Guidelines Ratification
  • jumptext: The vote will be conducted on a central wiki. Please click the button below to be transferred. Please note that when you vote certain information including your IP address and user agent will be collected to allow scrutineers to ensure the integrity of the vote. That information will be deleted 90 days after the election concludes and will only be visible to scrutineers and staff election advisors.
  • returntext: Universal Code of Conduct project
  • unqualifiederror: We apologize, but you do not appear to be on the eligible voter list. Please visit the voter help page for more information on voter eligibility and information on how to be added to the voter list if you are eligible.