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Wikimedia Quarto

Third Edition April 2005

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Jimmy Wales, Founder
Angela Beesley
Michael Davis
Florence Nibart-Devouard
Tim Shell


  Samuel Klein
Executive Editor
  Florence Nibart-Devouard

+/- Erik Zachte, Nicolas Weeger, GerardM, Hashar, Yann Forget, Jean-Christophe Chazalette (villy), 利武, David Monniaux; Florence Devouard, Michael Snow, Maveric, Aphaia, Elian, oshitake, Presroi, Worldtraveller, others

+/- English Copyeditors: Ruth Ifcher, Sj, Quinobi, others

+/- Alexey Krasheninnikov, Aegis Maelstrom, Angela, Arno Lagrange, Blueshade, Carmen, Fruggo, Fulup, Guria, kocio, Minh Nguyễn, Oleg Izyumenko, Patio, presroi, Pubuhan, roc, Sbisolo, Shizhao, Simon Shek, Totti, Cedric31 Shakura


Welcome to the third Wikimedia Quarto. This January marked Wikpedia's fourth anniversary, and in commemoration of that, we have a special treat this issue, a retrospective of the past four years. And what a long, strange trip it has been.



Table of Contents

Cover: Snow-capped icebergs in the Bering Strait

Welcome, Table of Contents . . . . . . 1
Letters from the Founder and the Board . . . . . . 2
Quarterly Reports . . . . . . 3
Out of the Projects . . . . . . 4
Chapter Notes
Retrospective: Wikipedia turns 4 . . . . . . 5
In the Media . . . . . . 6
International Notes, Gallery . . . . . . 7
Endnotes, Mailbox, Editorials . . . . . . 8