
logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: nl, en-3, fr-2, de-2
  • Personal info: I have been steward for two years. As I said in my election and in last year's confirmation, I didn't intend to be among the most active ones, I rather help out now and then e.g. when requested to do so. Though, as I was probably less active the past year than the year before, I considered resigning. However, in the course of this year I intend to evaluate/refocus my different fields of wiki and non-wiki activity. (Having recently become Wikimedia Belgium board member, that will require more time. Another aspect is changes in real life and uncertainty about how that will affect how much time I spend on wiki stuff.) So, by next year's confirmation I will either be a more involved and active steward or I will decide to resign in order to focus on other activities and responsibilities. However, if the community feels I should not be confirmed this time already, I would of course understand.
  • Lingue:
  • Informazioni personali: translation needed
  • Idiomas:
  • Información personal: translation needed
  • Языки:
  • Личная информация: translation needed
  • Sprachen:
  • Informationen zur Person: translation needed
  • Taalvaardigheid:
  • Persoonlijke informatie: translation needed
  • ভাষা:
  • ব্যক্তিগত তথ্যাদি: translation needed

Comments about SPQRobin
