Избори на Фондацијата Викимедија/2022

This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation elections/2022 and the translation is 55% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

На изборите за 2002 г. ќе бидат одбрани двајца кандидати од заедницата и подружниците за да членови на Одборот на доверители на Викимедија. Оваа страница е преглед на изборите.

The elected candidates were:

You may also view the full results, including the outcome of each round of Single-Transferrable Vote.

About the election

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees oversees the Wikimedia Foundation's operations. Community trustees and appointed trustees make up the Board of Trustees. Each trustee serves a three year term. The Wikimedia community has the opportunity to vote for community-and-affiliate selected trustees. Two candidates will join the Board of Trustees. The selected candidates will first be shortlisted by the affiliates and finally selected by the community.

Пожелни вештини и искуства

Викимедија е глобално движење и Одборот бара кандидати од пошироката заедница. Идеалните кандидати би биле ускладени со Викимедиината мисија и се одликуваат со промисленост, учтивост и насоченост кон заедницата.

The Board would like to find perspectives and voices that are underrepresented and essential for our movement. To fill gaps in historic and current representation within the Board, the Board of Trustees hopes to encourage applications especially from those with experience in the following regions: Africa, South Asia, East and Southeast Asia and Pacific, and Latin America and Caribbean. Desired regional experience is not a requirement, but a bonus factor. Instead of being mandatory, these are important characteristics that the Board asks everyone to consider.

The Board understands it is possible that some candidates from deprioritized regions bring a better lens on diversity than some other candidates from prioritized regions who are not familiar with equity considerations. Candidates should share how their experiences have equipped them to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.


The areas of experience that the Board has indicated would be most beneficial for new trustees to bring are:

  1. Organizational strategy and management
  2. Разработка на технологии и производи на организациско ниво
  3. Јавна политика и закони
  4. Наука за општествени податоци, анализа на големи податоци и машинско учење

За посакуваните перспективи, искуства и способности потребни на кандидатите на овие избори ќе дознаете на страницата Кандидирајте се.

Гласање на заедницата

Членовите на заедницата ќе имаат прилика да гласаат во полза на двајца доверители од шесте во потесниот избор на подружниците. Годинава ќе се користи системот на единечен пренослив глас на SecurePoll.

Некои членови на заедницата забележаа дека избирањето на кандидати за 2021 им одело тешко. Бројот на кандидати беше прилично голем. За да го поддржиме изборниот процес за членовите на заедницата ќе биде разработен Изборен компас (советник за гласање). Ќе изгледа слично како компасот кога се избираа членови на Комисијата за за Нацрт-повелба на движењето.


April 2022
  • The Board announces the timeline for the election and the election process.
  • The Elections Committee and the Movement Strategy and Governance team begin working with affiliates to define the Analysis Committee.
средина на април – почеток на мај 2022
крај на април – почеток на мај 2022
  • Повик кон подружниците да одредат членови на Комисијата за анализа.
средина на мај до почеток на јуни 2022
  • Комисијата за анализа ги оценува кандидатите.
June 10, 2022 – June 17, 2022
  • Претставниците на подружниците ги предлагаат нивните прашања за кандидатите и одобруваат прашања на приватната категорија на МС Форум
June 18, 2022 – June 24, 2022
  • Време за самите кандидати да одговорат на прашањата
крај на јуни
  • Оцените на Комисијата за анализа ќе бидат споделени со претставниците на подружниците преку е-пошта
June 24, 2022 – June 30, 2022
  • The MS Forum private category is made public, and candidates can post their answers
July 1, 2022 – July 15, 2022
  • Affiliate voting period to shortlist candidates.
средина на јули
  • Shortlist of candidates is published
  • The Analysis Committee ratings will be posted on-wiki.
средина на јули – почеток на август 2022
средина на јули - средина на август
  • Campaign period to include community videos of candidates answering community questions.
August 19, 2022
August 23, 2022 – September 6, 2022
  • Community voting period
  • Election Compass opens
September 6, 2022 – September 21, 2022
  • Results scrutinized and confirmed by the Elections Committee.
October 2022
  • Trustees confirmed

Affiliate organization involvement

The affiliate organizations voted in this election in July to shortlist six candidates from the candidate pool. Each affiliate organization was allowed one vote. This selection used the Single Transferable Vote method. Affiliate organizations discussed the candidates the affiliate organization wanted to select. Candidates ranked candidates in order of preference.

The Affiliate Representatives were able to ask questions for the candidates to answer. Candidates published answers starting on June 24.

To assist with this selection process, an Analysis Committee was be formed.

Analysis Committee

For regional distribution of the Affiliates and facilitators who will be supporting it, see Affiliates regional distribution for the Analysis Committee

The Analysis Committee was formed from the affiliates during late April and May. The Analysis Committee was planned to be composed of 9 representatives of affiliates (including all chapters, user groups, and thematic groups) from regions across the movement. One each from:

  • СИЕ (Средна и Источна Европа);
  • ESEAP (Источна, Југоисточна Азија и Тихоокеанија);
  • Потсахарска Африка;
  • Латинска Америка и Карибите;
  • MENA (Близок Исток и Северна Африка);
  • Северна Америка (САД и Канада);
  • Северна и Западна Европа;
  • Јужна Азија;
  • плус еден за тематските подружници.

There was no representative from the Northern and Western Europe or South Asia.

The selection process to form the Analysis Committee was defined by the affiliates, with support of the Elections Committee and the Movement Strategy and Governance team as needed.

The Analysis Committee evaluated the candidates against the skills and diversity, equity and inclusion criteria shared by the Board of Trustees. The Analysis Committee used the statements the candidates answered on their application to rate the candidates. The Analysis Committee rated candidates with a gold/silver/bronze framework. This rating was used to provide input to the affiliate organizations when they planned their vote. The details of the evaluation of each candidate will not be shared.

After the six candidates were selected during the affiliate organization voting process, the ratings of each selected candidate were published to inform the community vote. This process aims to find the best balance between sharing useful information and minimizing unnecessary exposure of candidates.

Одбрани членови на комисијата

Членови на Комисијата за анализа
Регион Претставник
СИЕ (Средна и Источна Европа) Mehman97 (talk meta edits global user summary CA)
ESEAP (Источна, Југоисточна Азија и Тихоокеанија) GDHFang (talk meta edits global user summary CA)
Потсахарска Африка Dnshitobu (talk meta edits global user summary CA)
Латинска Америка и Карибите Superzerocool (talk meta edits global user summary CA)
MENA (Близок Исток и Северна Африка) علاء (talk meta edits global user summary CA)
Северна Америка Megs (talk meta edits global user summary CA)
Западна и Северна Европа
SAARC (Јужна Азија)
Тематски подружници Joalpe (talk meta edits global user summary CA)


The Analysis Committee worked from late May to mid-June. Details of their meetings and process can be found on the Analysis Committee Discussions.

The Board Selection Task Force and the Elections Committee developed a set of evaluation criteria for the Analysis Committee to evaluate candidates against. The Analysis Committee members assessed candidates individually. Only two Movement Strategy and Governance facilitators who supported the process had access to these individual scores.
