
This page is a translated version of the page Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017 and the translation is 81% complete.

I 2030, vil Wikimedia blive den vigtigste infrastruktur for den frie videns økosystem og alle der deler vores vision vil være i stand til tilslutte sig til os.

Vi, Wikimedia bidragsyderene, fællesskaberne, og organisationer vil rykke vores verden ved at samle vores viden der fuldt repræsenterer den menneskelige mangfoldighed og ved at bygge de tjenester og strukturer der tillader andre at gøre det samme.

Vi vil fortsætte med vores mission for at udvikle indhold som vi har gjort førhen og vi vil gå længere end det.

Viden som en service: For at tjene vores brugere, vil vi blive til en platform der der serverer åben viden til verden på tværs af grænseflader og fællesskaber. Vi vil bygge værktøjer for allierede og partnere til at organiserer og udveksle viden udover Wikipedia. Vores infrastruktur vil tillade os og andre at indsamle og bruge forskellige former for fri og betroet viden.

Knowledge equity: As a social movement, we will focus our efforts on the knowledge and communities that have been left out by structures of power and privilege. We will welcome people from every background to build strong and diverse communities. We will break down the social, political, and technical barriers preventing people from accessing and contributing to free knowledge.

Følg med i processen


There were three cycles of discussions. The first cycle ended on April 18, 2017. The second ended on June, 12. The third cycle ended on July, 31.

You can now read the text of the strategic direction that emerged through this process. If you agree that this is the right way for the Wikimedia Movement to move forward, you are invited to endorse it.

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  Katherine Maher sender en gang ugentligt sammenfatninger over hvad der sker i forhold til Wikimediabevægelsens strategi proces. Du kan også tilmelde dig for at få disse opdateringer leveret til din diskussion side.

Om samtalens publikum (spor)

There are many different groups in our movement, who engage with information in different ways. In order to understand their needs and perspectives better, the core team has organized "tracks" by audience. The main participation tracks are Organized Groups and Individual Contributors. The third audience is for those not in our movement conversation, namely readers, experts, and partners. We are currently doing both research and interviews to better understand their inputs. Learn more here (link coming soon).


Spor A

This group includes Wikimedia movement affiliates, organized movement committees including the Funds Dissemination Committee and Affiliations Committee, staff members at the Wikimedia Foundation, the Foundation Board of Trustees, and other organized or semi-organized groups that help support the movement.


Spor B

Denne gruppe inkluderer individuelle bidragsydere, så som skribenter, kuratore og frivillige udviklere på tværs af forskellige sprog og Wikimedia projekter.

Tidligere spor C og D

We are doing research to better understand the voices that aren’t part of our movement discussions: readers, experts, and partners. To ensure a complete picture, we are engaging in research as well as conducting interviews and hosting small gatherings with these people. This group includes existing and new readers of our projects, and existing and potential partners, in countries or languages where we are both well-known (formerly track C) and where we are much less known (formerly track D).


  The core strategy team has prepared a process in collaboration with a Steering Committee of long-time volunteer Wikimedians.


  Many groups of people from across the movement are working together to organize the strategy process (and you can be one of them!)


  Svar på andre spørgsmål findes under de "Ofte stillede spørgsmål".


(engelsk) Du inviteres til at diskutere processen og stille flere spørgsmål på diskussionsiden.

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