Wikimedia Foundation elections/FDC Ombudsperson elections/2015/Candidates/id

This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation elections/FDC Ombudsperson elections/2015/Candidates and the translation is 27% complete.
Info The election ended 31 Mei 2015. No more votes will be accepted.
The results were announced on 5 Juni 2015. Please consider submitting any feedback regarding the 2015 election on the election's post mortem page.

This page contains candidates for the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation FDC Ombudsperson elections. Members of the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, or the Wikimedia Foundation staff, will verify wiki based candidate requirements. Wikimedia Foundation staff will verify identification and later verify offline candidate requirements. Verification of wiki-based requirements and identification will be identified on this page. Offline candidate requirements will be verified at a later stage.

Kirill Lokshin (Kirill Lokshin)

Kirill Lokshin (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

Rincian kandidat
  • Pribadi:
    • Nama: Kirill Lokshin
    • Umur: 31
    • Lokasi: Washington, DC, United States
    • Bahasa: English-N, Russian-N, French-1
  • Pengalaman kontribusi:
    • Wikimediawan sejak: June 2005
    • Wiki-wiki aktif:, meta
Pernyataan Saya sudah menjadi anggota Wikimedia selama hampir sepuluh tahun, setelah pertama kali mulai mengedit pada bulan Juni 2005. Pada waktu itu, saya telah memegang berbagai peran dalam gerakan ini, termasuk menjabat di dewan Wikimedia DC dan menjadi anggota Komite Afiliasi, Komite Arbitrase Wikipedia Bahasa Inggris, dan sejumlah grup kepenasihatan lainnya.

Selagi proses FDC telah matang dan meningkat secara signifikan selama beberapa tahun terakhir ini, saya percaya bahwa peningkatan lebih lanjut selalu dimungkinkan, dan bahwa filosofi evaluasi dan perbaikan berkesinambungan terhadap proses utama tersebut merupakan hal yang sehat untuk Komite Diseminasi Dana, Yayasan Wikimedia, dan gerakan Wikimedia lainnya. Ombudsman memiliki peran penting yang dimainkan dalam advokasi untuk perbaikan berkesinambungan tersebut dan memastikan bahwa kekhawatiran peserta dan pemangku kepentingan terhadap proses tersebut ditangani secara konstruktif.

Pertanyaan wajib 1. Apa pengalaman Anda yang Anda pikir akan memajukan proses kerja dan pengusulan dari FDC?
1.1. Seputar mengatur dan/atau menilai program dan rencana tahunan?
As a board member of Wikimedia DC, I've been a part of the chapter's annual planning and evaluation processes since they began in 2012; this has included developing annual plans, soliciting corresponding funding through the WMF's grants programs, executing the planned programs, and conducting end-of-year evaluations of program success and impact. I've also had the opportunity to review other affiliate organizations' annual plans during as part of my participation on the Grant Advisory Committee.
1.2. Seputar pemberian hibah?
I've been involved with the Wikimedia movement's grantmaking processes at various levels for a number of years. I served on the Grant Advisory Committee (GAC) in 2012–2013, and have been a member of the Individual Engagement Grants (IEG) Committee since 2014. In addition, I oversee the Wikimedia DC small grants program.

2. Apa yang Anda mengerti untuk menjadi peran Ombudsperson?

The role of the Ombudsperson is twofold. First, the Ombudsperson collects, investigates, synthesizes, and documents complaints and other feedback about the FDC process from participants and observers, and provides recommendations based on this feedback to the various stakeholders in the process. Second, the Ombudsperson is available to assist the Board and the FDC in investigating formal complaints when an independent evaluation is requested.

3. Apakah beberapa kemungkinan keluhan mengenai proses FDC yang Anda percaya dapat didokumentasikan Ombudsperson, dan bagaimana Anda akan menghadapi mereka?

Historically, the majority of complaints about the FDC process appear to relate to poor documentation and communication, as well as differences in expectations between the FDC applicant organizations and the WMF staff and FDC members who review their applications. By identifying insufficiently documented or misunderstood process elements and acting as an advocate for process evaluation and improvement from cycle to cycle, the Ombudsperson can help to resolve the sources of these miscommunications and misunderstandings.
Verifikasi Verifikasi dilakukan oleh komite pemilihan atau staf Yayasan Wikimedia.
Eligibilitas terverifikasi:   Telah diverifikasi
Diverifikasi oleh: Ruslik (talk) 22:05, 30 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Identifikasi:   Telah diverifikasi
Diverifikasi oleh: Jalexander--WMF 21:20, 30 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Mykola Kozlenko (NickK)

NickK (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

Rincian kandidat
Visiting Wikimedia UK office, August 2013
  • Pribadi:
    • Nama: Mykola Kozlenko
    • Umur: 25
    • Lokasi: Kyiv, Ukraine / Paris, France
    • Bahasa: Ukrainian-N, Russian-N, English-3, French-3, German-2
Pernyataan Posisi Ombudsman FDC bukanlah posisi yang paling terlihat secara kasat mata, tapi memainkan peran penting dalam meningkatkan pekerjaan Komite Diseminasi Dana. Program Hibah Rencana Tahunan sedang terus berkembang, dan akan memberikan manfaat bagi gerakan Wikimedia untuk mempertimbangkan saran dari pihak yang berkepentingan: organisasi yang mengirimkan proposal, FDC dan anggota dewan yang terlibat dalam tinjauan proposal, anggota staf Yayasan Wikimedia yang memfasilitasi proses serta anggota komunitas pada umumnya. Misi penting dari Ombudsman FDC adalah memastikan bahwa transparansi proses tersebut dipertahankan dan semua kekhawatiran ditangani.

Saya aktif dalam gerakan Wikimedia selama 7 tahun, dan saya memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang komunitas Wikimedia Selatan Global (Ukraina) dan Utara Global (Prancis). Secara online, saya seorang administrator, pemeriksa (CheckUser), dan mantan arbiter Wikipedia Ukraina, dan saya juga memberikan kontribusi terhadap sejumlah proyek Wikimedia dalam bahasa lain. Secara offline, saya anggota Wikimedia Ukraina sejak 2009, anggota dewannya sejak 2012 dan bendahara sejak 2013, dan saya terlibat dalam sejumlah proyek, seperti Wiki Cinta Monumen & Wiki Cinta Bumi, kontes artikel, QRpedia, dan lain-lain.

Pertanyaan wajib 1. Apa pengalaman Anda yang Anda pikir akan memajukan proses kerja dan pengusulan dari FDC?
1.1. Seputar mengatur dan/atau menilai program dan rencana tahunan?
As a board member of Wikimedia Ukraine since 2012, I have been involved in both planning and evaluating our annual programmes. In particular, for the last two years I was a contributor to the chapter's annual plan and an author of our annual reports. As a treasurer, I have written and supported the grant proposals, worked on the execution of the respective programmes and prepared reports measuring results and impact of these activities. While preparing Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2014, I was also involved in evaluating activities of other chapters and communities of Central and Eastern Europe.
1.2. Seputar pemberian hibah?
I have an extensive experience in grantmaking, most notably, I am involved in submitting grant proposals for annual PEG grants for Wikimedia Ukraine for the last three years. I also contributed to the review of a number of grants to other Wikimedia affiliates, and I was a member of the team managing travel scholarships for Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2014.

2. Apa yang Anda mengerti untuk menjadi peran Ombudsperson?

The role of FDC Ombudsperson involves documenting complaints and suggestions of the participants of the process in order to improve it. On one hand, the Ombudsperson should deal with formal complaints from the participants of the process, which involves collecting evidence from all parties of the process, publicly documenting complaints and assisting investigations if needed. On the other hand, the Ombudsperson summarise general feedback about the FDC process by taking into account suggestions by the participants of the process.

3. Apakah beberapa kemungkinan keluhan mengenai proses FDC yang Anda percaya dapat didokumentasikan Ombudsperson, dan bagaimana Anda akan menghadapi mereka?

I believe that complaints regarding the FDC process can be split into two groups:
  • Complaints affecting one particular participants of the process. The most likely conflicts here will be those regarding eligibility or fund allocations, and these conflicts mean that the outcome of the FDC process did not meet the expectations of these organisations. In these cases I will collect points of view and evidence from all involved parties and will analyse and investigate them in impartial and transparent way.
  • Complaints affecting many participants of the process. The most likely concerns here will be around usability of the FDC portal for both applicants and reviewers and clarity of the requirements regarding information and documents to provide. In order to deal with these problems, I will collect suggestions by different participants of the process and will summarise them and raise these issues.
Verifikasi Verifikasi dilakukan oleh komite pemilihan atau staf Yayasan Wikimedia.
Eligibilitas terverifikasi:   Telah diverifikasi
Diverifikasi oleh: Varnent (talk)(COI) 00:06, 1 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Identifikasi:   Telah diverifikasi
Diverifikasi oleh: Jalexander--WMF 00:16, 1 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]