Laster, mantentze-lanak egingo dira. Bitartean, baliteke arazo teknikoren bat gertatzea baina ahal bezain laster konponduko dira. Tarte hartan, agian ezin izango duzu ediziorik gorde. (2018ko irailaren 12an, 14:00-15:00 UTC).
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The Wikimedia Foundation will be testing its secondary data centre. Horrek bermatuko du Wikipedia eta Wikimediako beste wikiak online geratzea, triskantzaren bat gertatu arren. Dena ongi dabilela ziurtatzeko, Wikimedia Technologia sailak aurrez prestatutako proba bat egin behar du: proba horrek data-gunez data-gune ziurtasun osoz igaro ote daitekeen erakutsiko du. Hartarako, talde asko probarako prest egotea beharrezkoa da, baita espero gabeko arazoak konpontzeko ere.
"Asteazkenean, 2018ko irailaren 12an", trafiko osoa data-gune sekundariora bideratuko du. "2018ko urriaren 10ean (asteazkena)",data-gune nagusira itzuliko dira.
Tamalez, MediaWikiko muga batzuk direla kausa, aldatzen dugunean, edizio guztiak bertan behera utzi beharko dira. Arazoa gertatu izana sentitzen dugu: aurrerantzean, haren eragina txikiagoa izan dadin lanean dihardugu.
Denbora-tarte labur batean, edozein wiki irakurri ahal izanen duzu, baina editatu gabe.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Wednesday, 12 September and Wednesday, 10 October. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 10:00 EDT, 07:00 PDT, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 02:00 NZST on Thursday 13 September and Thursday 11 October).
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- There will be code freezes for the weeks of 10 September 2018 and 8 October 2018. Non-essential code deployments will not happen.
This project may be postponed if necessary. You can read the schedule at Any changes will be announced in the schedule. There will be more notifications about this. Please share this information with your community. /User:Johan(WMF) (talk)