Wikipedia biblioteket
Wikipedia biblioteket
Wikipedia biblioteket hjælper skribenter med at tilgå pålidelige kilder til at forbedre Wikipedia.
The Wikimedia Foundation team responsible for running the library has formed partnerships with dozens of publishers of paywalled materials, and makes those resources accessible to Wikimedia contributors who meet the eligibility criteria.
Hold kontakten
email: wikipedialibrarywikimediaorg •
twitter: @wikilibrary •
facebook: The Wikipedia Library •
postliste: Wikipedia-Library •
Hvad vi gør
Database access: Arrange donations of free access to paywalled resources which editors can sign up for.
Sådan kan du involvere dig
Translate: You can help editors who speak your language by translating The Wikipedia Library interface!
Become a coordinator: Help manage and improve the library.
Help us with tech projects: Help complete technical tools, tasks, and changes to improve research on Wikimedia projects.
Læs nyhedsbrevet:Læs om og bliv opdateret med vores nuværende og igangværende aktiviteter.