Community Wishlist Survey 2017/Wiktionary/Wikisource dictionaries for Wiktionary

Wikisource dictionaries for Wiktionary

  • Problem: Wiktionary is a dictionary but to understand a word, it is always better to look at several dictionaries. Lucky us, Wikisource contains dictionaries! Let's connect them!
  • Who would benefit: Every person in a need for a definition, readers of dictionaries (yes, this kind of person do exist)
  • Proposed solution: Dictionaries in Wikisource have to be properly tagged to transclude targeted paragraphs with entries and definitions. Then, a new tab could be added in Wiktionaries, automatically populated by Wikisource content. So, for an entry "dog" in English Wiktionary, every definition tagged as "dog" in English Wikisource will be displayed automatically, for an entry "chien" in French Wiktionary, every definitions tagged as "chien" in French Wikisource will be displayed automatically. The final picture (in my dreams) is a reader that just click on "Other dictionaries" tab and a list of definitions pops up, with links to the whole quoted dictionaries in Wikisource.
  • More comments: Other online dictionaries are multidictionaries in the same way, like CNRTL for some Dictionnaire de l'Académie française or Dico d'Òc for Occitan with 15 dictionaries. This idea first emerge in Noé and Lyokoï heads and then was discussed with Wikisourcerers in 2016 and 2017.
  • Phabricator tickets: T183047 (created December 15th)


  • Great idea, it could probably benefit from the Lexeme lexicographical data support in Wikidata (@Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) and Lea Lacroix (WMDE):). Cdlt, VIGNERON * discut. 20:28, 19 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
    I think this idea can be realized with or without a support of lexicographical data by an external project. I think the development may be more important on Wikisource side, to capture properly the dictionaries, and I can't figure out how Wikidata may help for this aspect. In general, I do not want to wait for Wikidata+Wiktionary to have any development for the project. Lexicographical data in Wikidata may never be operational, or become a fork of Wiktionary and never be connected with it, so please consider this idea as a distinct development. Noé (talk) 21:27, 19 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
    Obviously, we don't need or have to wait after the lexicographical support (which is not the same thing as 'Wikidata+Wiktionary' but another brick of the same wall), I'm just saying it could help a lot. For tagging what is a dictionary or not on Wikisource, clearly the info is already something Wikidata can do : see this query (both the query and the data in Wikidata need improvement but it works - and way better than current categories -, same thing for entries of Wiktionaries, a lot has been done for the s:Dictionary of National Biography for instance - 28k items already created and structured - and should be easy to replicate to other dictionaries). Cdlt, VIGNERON * discut. 20:07, 20 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  • The idea of the project (wiktionary) is to collect also the knowledge, included in all these wiktionaries, and not just create links to them. Apart of that, linking to other dictionaries without warnings about the definitions, included there, will disorient the reader. Minor example: Some definitions are mistakenly included, but still should exist, for the sake of "originality", in the linked dictionary. The idea says exactly (sic!): Wikipedia is an encyclopedia but in order to understand the lemma we should read more encyclopedias. Then why we create lemmas (both in wiktionary and in wikipedia) and not plain links? So the idea (not the proposed better "category or appendix make" in wikisource) is in wrong basis. --Xoristzatziki (talk) 20:23, 9 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

