Strategy/Wikimedia Foundation/2016/Community consultation/ca

This page is a translated version of the page Strategy/Wikimedia Foundation/2016/Community consultation and the translation is 54% complete.

Benvingut a la consulta d'estratègia de 2016 de la Fundació Wikimedia. Al llarg del 2015, la Fundació ha estat explorant com donar prioritat al seu treball per donar millor suport als objectius del moviment, establerts, però encara no assolits en el pla estratègic 2010-15. L'objectiu d'aquesta consulta és ajudar a la Fundació Wikimedia determinar els camins a seguir en el seu treball a partir de juliol de 2016 i durant de 12 a 24 mesos.

Strategy approaches report

Based on our vision, strategy consultations in 2010 and 2015, and research on external impacts, we have outlined three broad focus areas for the Foundation: reach, communities and knowledge (further information on what we mean by these to follow). Foundation staff and a few small community groups then gave input into the key obstacles and ideas for each focus area. These were summarized into the strategic approaches to be reviewed by community here. Our task now is to determine, in collaboration with communities, which strategies to prioritize within those three areas to best serve our vision.

This consultation includes three pages, each focusing on a different topic area. On each page, we will be asking you one broad question about how you think the Wikimedia Foundation could best resolve a specific major challenge in that focus area. Below that, we will list six potential directions we might take to the focus area. Given limited time and resources, we can't do them all; we have to choose among them. We ask you to help prioritize our approaches by choosing two or three that you think are the most important for us to focus on. You may also, alternatively or additionally, add your own approach. All information collected will be used to help inform the final priorities in our Annual Plan. Please note that the Foundation will also be using the following criteria in its prioritization process: resources needed, the Foundation's ability to have impact, and best fit for work by the Foundation (vs. work that is done by volunteers or affiliates).

Please observe the Friendly Space Expectations when sharing your thoughts or discussing those of others.

La informació d'aquesta consulta ens ajudarà a escollir la nostra estratègia de cara al futur.

align=right Thank you for contributing your thoughts to this consultation!

Línia de temps

Aquestes són les nostres dates límit per a aquest procés.

  • 11 de gener: Penjar pàgines per a la traducció.
  • Gener 18: Llançament de consulta de comunitat en qüestions claus
  • 15 de febrer: Tancar la consulta
  • By February 26: Release synthesis of consultation
  • By March 4: Publish first draft strategy for comment