Estratégia do Movimento/Iniciativas
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Esta é uma versão simplificada da lista de iniciativas (incluindo: resultados, mudanças ou ações chaves) incorporadas nas recomendações estratégicas do Movimento Wikimedia 2030. As iniciativas desta lista são parte da implementação da Estratégia do Movimento.

Esta é uma lista resumida de iniciativas de fácil leitura e tradução. Você pode consultar a tabela completa para a lista original ou para obter mais detalhes.
Change log
- October 2022 changes:
- The three sub-parts of initiative 9. Community engagement around product design and UX are separated (now comprising initiatives 9 to 11).
- Previous initiative 18. Baseline of community responsibilities is renamed to Healthy community atmosphere to better reflect the text of the recommendation.
- Initiative 23. Interim Global Council is removed, as it is not being implemented anymore. The Movement Charter is still expected to establish the Global Council.
- Initiatives of the recommendation Identify Topics for Impact are significantly-restructured to better reflect the content of the recommendation:
- Initiative 36A. Identify the impact of Wikimedia projects & content is renamed to 37. Identify the impact of Wikimedia projects & content.
- Initiative 36B. Misinformation is renamed to 38. Identify the effects and mitigations of misinformation and disinformation.
- Initiative 36C. Identifying impactful topics is merged into 37. Identify the impact of Wikimedia projects & content.
- Initiative 37A. List of high-impact topics is merged into 37. Identify the impact of Wikimedia projects & content.
- Initiative 37B. Bridging content gaps is split into: 39. Bridge gaps in high-impact content and 40. Build capacity to improve high-impact content in underrepresented communities.