
This page is a translated version of the page Fundraising/Translation and the translation is 52% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
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at: Fundraising.

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Fundraising Translation Hub

I løbet af året vil Wikimedia-fonden køre en række internationale fundraisingkampagner. Ligesom tidligere år, vil vi benytte et banner placeret i toppen af Wikipedia-siden. Målet er at udarbejde kvalitetsoversættelser af den mest succesrige engelsksprogede bannertekst og vise fundraisingmeddelelser på så mange sprog som muligt. Derudover vil vi fokusere på ét eller to sprog ad gangen for at lave tiltalende meddelelser som er veltilpasset specifikke sprog og kulturer.

If you would like to offer your support by helping us translate fundraising messages or provide localization feedback, please follow the instructions below.

Hvordan kan du hjælpe med at oversætte?

For at oversætte fundraising-beskederne skal du følge de simple trin herunder.

  1. Kig under 'Beskeder, der mangler oversættelse' herunder, vælg dernæst en af de manglede opgaver (sorteret efter vigtighed)
  2. Tryk på linket for at gå i gang med at oversætte
  3. I oversættelsesværktøjet skal du vælge hvilket sprog du vil oversætte til i toppen af højre hjørne
  4. Begynd at oversætte!
  5. Hvis alle opgaver er oversat, kan vi stadig bruge din hjælp til korrekturlæsning. Skift til "Review" på knappen til højre og klik på feltet for at markere beskeder, som du vil rette. Please note that you have to be logged in to Meta to proofread texts.

Tryk på Template:$clickable-button for at få besked om nye oversættelser (hvis du ikke allerede har gjort det)

Beskeder, der mangler oversættelse og korrekturlæsning

How you can help us with localization

The fundraising team is always looking for ways to improve and localize our international fundraising campaigns. If you are interested in supporting us by answering questions related to local/cultural insight and provide feedback on localization, please take a minute to fill in this quick form.

To give you a better idea on the type of question we are looking to get feedback on, here is an example: As you can see in the banner from our UK campaign below, we encourage readers to make a small donation by referring to "the price of a cup of coffee". In order to make our messages culturally relevant, we test country-specific ideas for the equivalent of a "small amount of money". In Japan for example we tested the concept of 'one coin price', referring to the 500 yen coin, in Israel we tested 'a coffee and a pastry', something that a is common in Israeli cafes, in Brazil we tested ‘um lanche’, similar to a snack, etc. If you have ideas and suggestions that you think we should try out in the country you live, or the culture you know, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please add your ideas to the talk page section dedicated to this question, and don't forget to add your name to a list of localization experts by filling out this this quick form. Thank you in advance for your support!

Eksempel på fundraising-banner

Dette er et eksempel på, hvordan banneret vil se ud:

Eksempel på banner på engelsk.

Link to live preview of English banner


  • We recognize that certain messages may not necessarily translate well, or appeal to every audience, so when translating you do not have to do an exact literal translation if you feel that you can offer a wording that achieves a similar effect, linguistically or culturally. If there's no wording that will work, just indicate that inside the translation request and leave a message on the talk page.
  • Please add comments to your translations if you feel your contribution needs work or if you feel there is another that should not be used.
  • Some messages are the same as (or are based on) those from previous years. You may be able to reuse some of the old translations: 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007.
  • You can look up the FAQ for 2012 translators.
  • Wikimedia Deutschland and Wikimedia CH have fundraising agreements with the WMF, and run the fundraising campaigns in Germany and Switzerland respectively. Please contact them for feedback on translations in these countries.


Har du spørgsmål, kommentarer eller feedback, som du har lyst til at dele angående oversættelser eller selve oversættelsesprocessen, så post dem på diskussionssiden, eller send en e-mail til jrobell wikimedia org.