Wikimedia Conference 2011/Schedule


Thursday 24th Friday 25th Saturday 26th Sunday 27th
09:30 Walk-in Walk-in Walk-in 09:30
09:45 09:45
10:00 Opening & Introduction Introduction 10:00
10:15 State of the Chapters II Introduction 10:15
10:30 State of the Chapters I International communication and coordination Grants 10:30
10:45 10:45
11:00 11:00
11:15 Break 11:15
11:30 Break Break 11:30
11:45 Common projects II: Wiki loves monuments Chapter revitalization Professionalization: The first employee Outreach to educational institutions 11:45
12:00 Introduction to Movement Roles 12:00
12:15 12:15
12:30 12:30
12:45 Lunch Lunch Lunch 12:45
13:00 13:00
13:15 13:15
13:30 13:30
13:45 Editor Trends Study Working Groups Wrap up and report to the world 13:45
14:00 14:00
14:15 14:15
14:30 14:30
14:45 Break 14:45
15:00 Common projects I: Ten years of Wikipedia - looking forward Volunteer management 15:00
15:15 Break 15:15
15:30 Working Groups Wrap up and discussion 15:30
15:45 15:45
16:00 Break 16:00
16:15 Break 16:15
16:30 Building a stronger partnership between WMF and chapters Public outreach experiences 16:30
16:45 GLAM Outreach Accountability and Legitimacy 16:45
17:00 17:00
17:15 17:15
17:30 Wrap up 17:30
17:45 17:45
18:00 18:00
18:15 Wrap up 18:15
18:30 18:30
18:45 18:45
19:00 19:00
19:15 19:15
evening 18 - 22 h Informal welcome for those already in Berlin, pre-registration, Cosmo Lounge at baxpax downtown Hostel Hotel 20 h Public get together, meet local Wikipedians and Friends, at HomeBase Lounge 19:30 h Surprise! :) Don't miss it! evening

Side programme


Thursday 24th


Most of the participants arrive on this day. You can join the two sightseeing tours. The Movement Roles Working Group has an all-day meeting.

Friday 25th


Opening & Introduction

Duration (min): 30

The meeting will be opened, and the facilitators will introduce themselves, explain how they will work and what is being expected.

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State of the Chapters I

Documentation: Michael Jahn (WMDE), southgeist
Facilitator: Anja, Sabria
Duration (min): 60
Speakers: chapters representatives
Goal: giving all attendees an overview of the Wikimedia Chapters Universe

The "State of the Chapters" session will consist of lightning talks. Each chapter will have 3 minutes to present themselves. They will be welcomed to introduce whatever topic about their chapter they think is important to share with the rest of the group, such as most important activities from the last year, future plans or encountered problems. Part of the chapters will present on Friday morning, part of them on Saturday morning. Please see the preparation page for more details about what to prepare.


  • (The rest of the chapters will present on Saturday.)

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Introduction to Movement Roles

Documentation: southgeist
Facilitator: Anja, Sabria
Duration (min): 45
Introduction: Movement Roles Working Group
Goal: To introduce the status of the Movement Roles Charter, gather initial feedback.

The purpose of the movement roles project is to clarify the roles and responsibilities of different entities, groups, and people working to support the international Wikimedia movement. It is working on recommendations for the development of Wikimedia as a global network of organizations. Over the coming months the active participants will develop an initial draft of a 'charter' and recommendations, to be improved iteratively.

The conference will have a number of sessions dealing with organizational roles and responsibilities that will inform the shape and contents of the final Charter to be presented at Wikimania 2011.

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Documentation: Michael Jahn (WMDE), southgeist
Visual documentation: Anna Lena
Facilitator: Anja, Sabria
Duration (min): 60
Presenter: Sue Gardner (possibly Erik Möller)
Description: A presentation of the results of the Editor Trends Study.

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Common projects I: 10 years Wikipedia – looking forward

Documentation: Julia Kloppenburg, Michael Jahn (WMDE)
Visual documentation:: Anna Lena
Facilitator: Sabria
Duration (min): 60
Introduction: Catrin Schoneville, Sebastian
Description: A presentation of ideas and plans on extending the Wikipedia 10 celebrations.

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Volunteer management

Documentation: southgeist
Facilitator: Anja
Duration (min): 60
Goal: Come up with recommendations on how a chapter can recruit and keep active new and existing volunteers
Description: The question of how to recruit volunteers into the chapters, and once members how to encourage them to be active.

Open discussion: Definition Volunteers: Volunteers are not paid Chapters are supposed to help who is how working Chapters are supposed to support the editor community How is the situation at the moment? It differs from chapter to chapter, but in general there is a small group of more active members and a bigger group of passive members Netherlands: it is very necessary to look in types of volunteering more detailed: Speaking of just passive people is not a fair description. The biggest group is willing to be active but just for a short term. There are short term active people and long term active (less) You can also speak of organizers and attenders

Types of volunteers: Types: Proactive – active – observers – passive who are: organizers - attendees - absent Conclusion: The main question is: How can you bring people to the next step? (passive to active to proactive people)

Discussion: Austria: Problem of small chapters: Just few people shouting about what you are (not) doing. Two to three volunteers control the whole situation often and dominate mailing lists as well. It is not a solution don´t let them speak, but other people have to speak up. Discussion: More control? Most participants are against controls. This would determine the fun-aspect. Finland: There is another distinction of the motivation of volunteers: Enthusiasm and obligation, often people switch between these positions. Keep that in mind that there are different motivation. Discussion: Slowenia financing a person, who does the administrative work. But If you pay them, they are not anymore volunteers. And if you pay people the volunteers may drop down some of their tasks because there is someone else paid for it. Idea: For more integration one can create a list of tasks, so that people know what tasks there are at the moment and what they can do. Idea: Share more information, so that you don´t lose information if someone leave the organization. Don´t centralize tasks too much. One chapter which has been a very good development is Kenya, they have many active members and very few passive members. New volunteers doing many workshops in schools.


  • Different types of volunteers
  • Many ways to communicate with volunteers
  • To experiment is a very important thing
  • Give proactive volunteers freedom to create more ideas, so that they don´t get bored

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Building a stronger partnership between WMF and chapters

Documentation: Julia Kloppenburg
Visual Documentation: Anna Lena
Facilitator: Sabria
Duration (min): 60
Introduction: An opportunity for an open discussion on the relationship between chapters and WMF - how it is and why. How we would all like it to be.
Goal: Create an open forum for sharing perspectives on the relationship and breaking down communication barriers.
Description: this session will be a discussion rather than a presentation. It would be great if we took a step back from our day-to-day interactions and discussed areas of common purpose and ways in which we can work through issues with a positive approach that embeds our common purpose rather than our narrower interests in the way we interact.

Public outreach experiences

Documentation: southgeist
Facilitator: Anja
Duration (min): 60
Goal: Share experiences on outreach events that chapters' have held and the lessons learned

An important part of a chapter's activity is reaching out to the public, educating them about Wikipedia and encouraging them to get involved.

This year, on or around 15 January, as the world celebrated the 10th anniversary of Wikipedia an enormous amount of events were held worldwide and therefore most chapters have built up some experience on what kind of events were successful and why.

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Saturday 26th


State of the Chapters II

Documentation: Tim Moritz (buecherwuermlein)
Facilitator: Anja, Sabria
Duration (min): 60
Speakers: chapters representatives
Goal: giving all attendees an overview of the Wikimedia Chapters U niverse

The "State of the Chapters" session will consist of lightning talks. Each chapter will have 3 minutes to present themselves. They will be welcomed to introduce whatever topic about their chapter they think is important to share with the rest of the group, such as most important activities from the last year, future plans or encountered problems. Part of the chapters will present on Friday morning, part of them on Saturday morning. Please see the preparation page for more details about what to prepare.


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Chapter revitalization

Documentation: Tim Moritz (buecherwuermlein)
Facilitator: Anja
Duration (min): 60
Introduced by: Alice
Description: This session is aimed at finding and recommending ways that can (re)vitalize chapters that are either still young or have for some reason suffered a decline in their activity levels. This could involve listing small activities or other ways that can help build and expand a community that can achieve new and more complex projects and tasks.

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Common Projects II: Wiki loves monuments

Documentation: Michael Jahn (WMDE)
Visual documentation: Anna Lena
Facilitator: Sabria
Duration (min): 60
Introduced by: Lodewijk
Description: Wiki Loves Monuments 2011 is a public photo contest around monuments, organized by Wikimedia chapters. In 2010 this was organized for the first time in the Netherlands , and in 2011 it will be organized in several European countries. For more information, see: Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2011.

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Working Groups

Documentation: Tim Moritz (buecherwuermlein), Michael Jahn (WMDE), User:Anthere (WM FR) (See detailed documentation at each working group's page linked below)
Visual Documentation (on the Wrapup): Anna Lena
Facilitator: Anja, Sabria (each group will have a note taker and somebody presenting the outcomes of the discussion)
Duration (min): 90 + 45 (report to the others)

This timeslot is reserved for about 5 working groups. These working groups will focus on specific questions or topics, which can lead to an actual answer or solution within the time frame. The working groups can be used to either cover important topics not covered in the set schedule, or to go more in-depth into the topics covered.

Following the group discussions, the results will be presented plenary in a short presentation, and there will be a discussion about the outcomes.

Working groups:GLAM, Movement Roles: Accountability, Movement Roles: Informal Groups (Matrix), Developing World, Toolserver Governance, Education,

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GLAM Outreach


Documentation: Tim Moritz (buecherwuermlein)

Facilitator: Sabria
Duration (min): 90
Introduction: Liam Wyatt
Goal: Sharing best practices, ideas, general awareness of what everyone is doing in the GLAM field. Get feedback on what priorities might need to be addressed centrally. Introduce main priorities of the 'Cultural Partnerships Fellow' and identify Chapters interested in focusing on specific areas therein.
Discussion: Forming relationships with the cultural sector (museums, libraries etc.) is one of the few areas that is unequivocally a Chapters-level responsibility. It is also an area where successes have been achieved that are useful to the movement and given wide mainstream press coverage. This session will focus on helping Chapters that are "new" to GLAM run their first project, and expanding on the effectiveness of those Chapters already engaged in these activities.
Framing Questions: Which chapters are actively engaged in GLAM activities and which are interested in doing so? Which Chapters have or plan to professionalise these activities (e.g. "outreach mananger")? Which kinds of activities are most useful to the movement and easiest to achieve?

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Accountability and Legitimacy

Documentation: Michael Jahn (WMDE)
Visual documentation: Anna Lena
Facilitator: Anja
Duration (min): 90
Goal: To discuss how organizations in the movement get their legitimacy and ways of accountability towards the legitimacy base
Description: The session is aimed at answering some of the fundamental questions underlying the existence of the Foundation and the chapters, and to agree on principles of accountability that can help address future legitimacy challenges. (See also some initial thinking on the questions by the movement roles working group.)

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Sunday 27th


Note: Daylight Savings Time commences on this day (at 1am the time jumps to 2am).


Documentation: Michael Jahn (WMDE)
Visual documentation: Anna Lena
Facilitator: Sabria
Duration (min): 60
Introduced by: Asaf Bartov
Introduction: WMF continues to be committed to our grant making program and we see it as an important funding source for chapters and others to pursue important work that advances our collective work. We expect to expand the program further in 2011/12 and would like to have a discussion of ways to improve moving forward.
Goal: Reflect on grants over the past two years and prepare for 2011/12 grant process
Description: We have two years of experience with the grants program and it would be good to reflect on what we have learned and how we should adjust as we continue to grow this area of work. Of particular interest would be discussion of:
  • program opportunities that chapters might pursue with the support of grants.
  • barriers chapters face in designing and/or implementing grants and ideas for overcoming the barriers
  • ways that we can integrate community input and feedback into the design of grants and the decision making process.
  • ways that we can make the grant-making process more efficient
  • others?

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International communication and coordination


Documentation: Tim Moritz (buecherwuermlein)

Facilitator: Anja
Duration (min): 60
Goal: Come up with recommendations on how to make coordination and information sharing between entities in the movement smoother and more effective.
Description: Effective communication and coordination inside a global movement is a difficult task and this issue comes up often in the Wikimedia movement. This session is aimed at discussing common principles and ways that lead to better, sustainable information sharing among actors.

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Professionalization: The first employee

Documentation: Tim Moritz (buecherwuermlein)
Visual documentation: Anna Lena
Facilitator: Sabria
Duration (min): 60
Goal: To come with recommendations for chapters on the brink of hiring their first employees
Description: Following last years' successful fundraiser, many chapters are in a position where they can hire their first employee. This session is aimed at giving recommendations on how should chapters go about the hiring process and what kind of employees they should hire and to share their current plans.

As background material see these blog posts, and the corresponding recommendations from last year.

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Outreach to educational institutions

Documentation: Michael Jahn (WMDE)
Facilitator: Anja
Duration (min): 60
Goal: Share experiences and recommendations
Description: The session is aimed at discussing chapters experiences and successes in reaching out to educational institutions either to teach them about Wikipedia or to involve them in contributing to a Wikimedia Project.

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Wrap up and report to the world

Visual Documentation: Anna Lena

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