Wikimedia Conference 2011/Documentation/Building a stronger partnership between WMF and Chapters

Building a stronger partnership between WMF and chapters

Introduction: An opportunity for an open discussion on the relationship between chapters and WMF - how it is and why. How we would all like it to be.
Goal: Create an open forum for sharing perspectives on the relationship and breaking down communication barriers.
Description: this session will be a discussion rather than a presentation. It would be great if we took a step back from our day-to-day interactions and discussed areas of common purpose and ways in which we can work through issues with a positive approach that embeds our common purpose rather than our narrower interests in the way we interact.




  • Mainly mentioned: communication between the foundation and the chapters.
  • Basic question turns out to be: Who talks to whom? Who is responsible for what?

It would be easier if there were the same criteria for each chapter.

  • Also the structure and responsibilities within the foundation are not clear and should be communicated.
  • Everybody should know the rules and the rules should be defined and written somewhere(this is very complicated for the foundation because each chapter is different).
  • It seems that professionals not always value the work of volunteers.
  • What are the criteria to become a chapter? This should be communicated.
  • Some chapter members claim waiting too long for answers from the Foundation.
  • How can we make communication work?
  • Is the communication between Foundation and Chapters considered as internal or external communication?
  • Which hierarchy has communication to follow? Should Chapter Board members talk to Foundation Board members or to Foundation staff?
  • Ting Chen says he can be always reached via skype and encourages chapter members to talk to him, though he may not be able to answer each question.
  • Foundation Board do their best to hold direct communication with chapters.


  • Writing a paper on which you have specific contacts (Who is responsible for what, whom can I contact?)
  • Let's not forget we are partners. Let's behave as partners.