Wikimedia CEE Hub/Steering Committee


Regional hub covering Central and Eastern Europe


The Steering Committee (SC) is the governing body of the CEE Hub project. It decides on matters outlined in the Internal Governance document and it is currently appointed at the annual Wikimedia CEE Meeting.

During the first period i.e. during the implementation of the CEE Hub project in 2022 and 2023 the SC had nine (9) members. At the last Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2023 it was decided that the new SC will be composed of (10) members. The mandate of these members lasts till the next CEE meeting i.e. approximately for one year (till autumn 2024).

Current Steering Committee

Organisational chart of the CEE Hub
2023/2024 Steering Committee in Tallinn (2024)

The Steering Committee currently consists of the following ten members:

  • Anton Protsiuk (Wikimedia Ukraine)
    • Portfolio: media skills, work processes, content campaigns, cross-regional collaboration, outreach
    • Expertise: campaign organizing (article and photo contests), external communications and promoting awareness of Wikipedia
  • Başak Tosun (Türkiye)
    • Portfolio: Eastern Europe, Turkic Languages
    • Expertise: partnership building, education programs, community building
  • Tisza Gergő (Hungary)
    • Portfolio: liaison with WMF about tech information, Movement Strategy, Movement Strategy Forum
    • Expertise: technology, strategy, organization experience
  • Ivana Madžarević (Wikimedia Serbia)
    • Portfolio: Innovation, Balkans
    • Expertise: project and event management, facilitation, process design, grant aplication, strategic planning
  • Kiril Simeonovski (Shared Knowledge)
    • Portfolio: Wikimedia CEE Meeting, international projects, cross-regional collaboration, community building
    • Expertise: research, ideating, documentation, reporting
  • Klára Joklová (Wikimedia Czech Republic)
    • Portfolio: HR, Wikimedia Europe and ED Group liaison (as long as the CEE Hub Coordinator is not part of the ED Group)
    • Expertise: project management, facilitation, strategy, organization development, community work, PR, finance, conflict management, facilitation
  • Michał Buczyński (Wikimedia Poland)
    • Portfolio: Fiscal sponsor liaison, financial management
    • Expertise: Finance, risk management, growth and professionalization, resource allocation, change and programmes
  • Philip Kopetzky (Austria)
    • Portfolio: Responsible for the CEE Hub Grant
    • Expertise: Project management, organisational development, grant applications
  • Toni Sant (Malta)
    • Portfolio: inclusion, community building, skills and capacity development
    • Expertise: education, capacity building (evolve small to functional grantee)
  • Wojciech Pędzich (Poland)
    • Portfolio: AffCom liaison, link between WM Europe and CEE Hub, providing safe and moderate discussion, social network management, Newsletter
    • Expertise: research, communication, conflict mediation

Past SC members


List of the previous CEE Hub's SC members:

  • Käbi Laan (Wikimedia Estonia) in the period October 2022 - September 2023
    • Portfolio: Baltic states cooperation, minority languages, HR and work processes, communication channels
    • Expertise: education, communication, Finno-ugric communities/Minority communities

Special advisers


Special advisers can be appointed by the Steering Committee to assist the CEE Hub project with specific tasks or expertise, for example the onboarding process when hiring new staff members.

Special advisers: