Wikimedia CEE Meeting
Wikimedia CEE Meeting is an annual conference centered around the Wikimedia projects (Wikipedia and similar projects) in countries of Central and Eastern Europe. It features presentations about Wikimedia projects, other wikis, free/open source software, free knowledge and free content, and the social and technical aspects which relate to these topics.
The idea was conceived at an informal meetup that took place on 6 August 2011 at Wikimania 2011 in Haifa. Most of the attendees from the countries of the region were present, and shared their experience in the efforts to establish a more global community.
editMany countries of the Central and Eastern Europe are not only connected by their geographical proximity, but they also share similar cultural traditions and some historical issues.
edit- a lot in common:
- shared cultural heritage from previous eras (and in many cases also from present co-operation)
- similar legal environment (many EU members or striving to be EU members)
- common copyright problems related to socialist/communist era (e. g. orphan images from dissolved organizations)
- NGO sphere underdeveloped, little willingness for donations
- many languages used only in a single country
- easy & relatively cheap to travel between many of these countries
- great opportunity to exchange experiences, learn best practices, create a meta community that spans country borders but has tighter connections than the global Wikimedia community
- could be used for chapters to learn from each another & to coach new/planned chapters
- could be used to combine national narratives into NPOV on various historical and political topics
editWikimedia CEE Meeting
edit- future events are denoted in italics
Other events
editIt would be nice to have a large event where all CEE Wikimedians can meet at the same time but also have a lot of smaller events like joint wikimeetups for two neighbouring countries, or even just inviting people from neighbouring countries for local wikimeetups. (Maybe we should have a separate Meta page for more general CEE collaboration topics?)
New ideas and recent discussions
editOlder discussions
edit- Old discussion (from 2005) (also some discussion at CEEWikiLink)