Wiki Loves Africa 2023/Participating communities/it

This page is a translated version of the page Wiki Loves Africa 2023/Participating communities and the translation is 4% complete.

Si sottolinea che Wiki Loves Africa è presente in TUTTI i paesi africani (e anche di più!). In alcuni stati, c'è un gruppo di wikipediani disposto ad ospitare eventi ed attività. Se questo è il tuo caso, si prega di aggiungere il vostro paese qui sotto. Ma se il tuo stato non è in questa lista,e comunque vuoi partecipare a Wiki Love Africa es inviarebuna foto, fallo pure!

Wiki Loves Africa 2023 : Climate & Weather – Organisers' Hub

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The countries in which Wikimedia communities were hosting Wiki Loves Africa 2022 events
The countries in which Wikimedia communities were hosting Wiki Loves Africa 2022 events

Activities for organizing teams

We really look forward to working with you on this project and getting some great results!

If you are interested in hosting events around the project then and need funding, submit a rapid grant (see the sessions below for guidance sessions).

Consult this page for how to apply for a Rapid Grant and plan for your events (this page is about 2022... 2023 coming soon). On it you will find helpful resources to support your Wiki Loves Africa local participating communities as you:

  • Apply for a Rapid Grant
  • What needs to be done
  • Plan your events
  • Prepare for your event
  • Communicate about your activities
National Juries

As an organizing team, you may decide to organize a National best images selection process, with national winners. Most organizing teams do that. But this is not mandatory. Unlike Wiki Loves Monument, the national selections and the international selection are independent.

So if you want to organize a best national images selection, a ceremony, gifts for national winners, certificate... please do. It is great. But it is also fine to not have a national winner selection. Some countries do not have enough volunteers to run a selection process and ceremony. This is absolutely fine. Please do what is best for you.

If you want to organize a national selection process, please check these Jury process guidelines.


It is not mandatory to run a pretty successful activity, however that could boost your range and impact. You can apply for Rapid Grants offered by the Wikimedia Foundation at Project/Rapid.

Mind the deadline for applications. The deadline to submit is 1st Dec 2022.

To help you in your request of Rapid Grant, we propose slots of Office Hours.

Office Hours in English

Office hours en français

  • Mercredi 16th November 2022 (20:30 PM UTC+1)

Office hour mix English/French

  • Tuesday/Mardi 22nd November 2022 (20:00 PM UTC+1)

Participating countries in 2023

If you intend to host specific events, lead local actions and you know for sure that you'll be able to participate IN 2023 please list your chapter, your user group, or your name+country below. If you see a mistake in that table, please fix it !

Go to rapid grant portal

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