Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Split up blockedtext into different messages for username block, and IP block and for an IP range block

Split up blockedtext into different messages for username block, and IP block and for an IP range block

  • Problem: All blocked users are displayed the same block message (MediaWiki:Blockedtext) regardless of whether they are registered or unregistered contributors. This is problematic and does not allow to give blocked users specific instructions based on the block they're facing.
  • Proposed solution: Split up MediaWiki:Blockedtext into different messages for unregistered contributors and registered contributors.
  • Who would benefit: Blocked users, giving them the right directions based on the block type (e.g., it makes no sense to advertise for unregistered contributors that they can "email $1" when they can't technically do so).
  • More comments: Partly done for composite blocks (multiple blocks affecting an IP/IP range) and for partial blocks. See system messages. Done already for global blocks. For Wikimedia wikis, if needed, they could probably be further customised via WikimediaMessages overrides (if there's a need to do so).
  • Phabricator tickets: task T60858
  • Proposer: —MarcoAurelio (talk) 10:41, 20 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]

