User talk:Millosh/Archives/2010

Latest comment: 13 years ago by Castelobranco in topic Wikisource Esperanto

Српскохрватски Викиречник

Здраво, Милош. Jа сам створио чланке на српскохрватском Викиречнику, хтео сам да он има више од 100 чланака, да се види на страни (тренутно има 114 чланка). Да ли можеш укључити га на у 100+ ? Да ли можеш дати администраторство на sh:User:OC Ripper, он jе активан корисник од Википедиjе и ако се преварим, да можем дозвати га да брише. Jа сада учим српскохрватски, ако видиш грешке, можеш уређивати коментар. Поздрав Bogorm 13:30, 6 May 2009 (UTC)

Jа сам скоро сваку седмицу тамо. Добио jе своj 700. чланак, па се надам да ће добити ускоро и 1000. чланак. Да ли мислиш да бих могао постати администратор? Bogorm 08:04, 10 June 2010 (UTC)

Global sysops/Vote

I don't know if anyone has told you, but per your request on my talk page: voting started a couple days ago :) NW (Talk) 03:38, 7 January 2010 (UTC)

Prekmurska wikipedija

Zdravo Millosh! Jaz sem en slovenski uporabnik iz madzarske in slovenske wikipedije (hu:Szerkesztő:Doncsecz, sl:Uporabnik:Doncsecz). Moj materni jezik prekmurščina, to je takšno osamosvojeno narečje slovenskega jezika, na srbski wikipediji tudi lahko bereš o prekmurščini. Zato ker ima večjo tradicijo in večjo književnost kot druga slovenska narečja, želim ustvariti prekmursko wikipedijo. Prekmurščina še nima ISO koda, in od leta 1945 so umaknili iz liturgije in tiska, ampak govorni jezik v Prekmurju danes tudi prekmurščina. Pri nas, na Madžarskem, mi madžarski Slovenci imamo časopis, ki ga pišem v našem narečju, v Prekmurju pa pisatelji pišejo prekmurske knjige, časopise, pred kratkim pa so režirali film v prekmurščini. Tukaj je en videoklip, mož ki ima kolo in modri predpasnik govori v prekmurskem jeziku. V commonsu pa sem razmestil slike o prekmurskih knjigah.
V našem sosedu govorijo en drugi jezikovni varijant, gradišćanski jezik (en:Burgenland Croatian language), to je zdaj na Gradiščanskem poučni v šolah. Hotel sem iskati hrvaške uporabnike na nemški in hrvaški wikipediji, in jih vprašati ali nočejo ustvariti gradiščansko wikipedijo, ampak nisem imel sreče. Če bi bila sreča, tako bi morda skupaj ustvarili wikipedijo in skupaj bi delali, ker gradiščanščina nekoč je vplivala prekmurski jezik, tudi prekmurščina gradiščanski jezik.
Tukaj na wikimediji sem gledal kakšne wikipedije so hoteli ustvariti v narečjih, kot dalmaško wikipedijo, ampak ne razumem, zakaj dalmaško in ne čakavsko, čeprav dalmaščina je bila romanski jezik.
Millosh! Ti znaš svetovati ali pomagati? Doncsecz 17:55, 25 January 2010 (UTC)


Hello. Why did you remove the request of European Portuguese from the table of "recently closed" (as you can see here). Jesielt 01:30, 28 February 2010 (UTC)

Ouch.. I'm sorry... I really did not look it right. I'm sorry. =) Thank you for the answer. Jesielt 01:50, 28 February 2010 (UTC)

Hi. Could you read this request? Thanks...--Sabri76 20:41, 6 March 2010 (UTC)

Nepotrebno prozivanje

Milloshe, molim te upozori Antu Perkovica da me ne proziva bez razloga. Lijep pozdrav :-) --Roberta F. 12:38, 20 March 2010 (UTC)

Policy of Wikimedia

Milloshe, ljubazno te molim da predstaviš zajednici Wikipedije na hrvatskome jeziku na temelju kojih pravila, glasovanja i odluke je uveden moratorij na predlaganje novih administratora i Securepoll za hr:wiki. Lijep pozdrav. --Roberta F. 15:43, 25 March 2010 (UTC)

Millosh, I kindly ask you to present to community of Wipedia on Croatian language on which grounds, voting and decision is made (brought up) moratory on proposing of new admins and SecurePoll for hr:wiki. Regards. --Roberta F. 15:48, 25 March 2010 (UTC)

Teochew Wikipedia

Hi Millosh,

Could you place this application on hold? The reason would be as follows:

There is currently no ISO 639-1/3 code. Request will be on hold until at least a new ISO 639-3 code has been successfully applied to SIL International. If you are a native speaker of Teochew, please take a look at the SIL page which describes the formal process for submitting requests and submit the request for the Teochew ISO 639-3 code to

--Jose77 22:15, 8 April 2010 (UTC)

I hope you please open / approved the wikipedia Ottoman Turkish, Manchurian ,Palembang and Teochew language. I hope you all please open that wikipedia as soon as possible.--Lousyi 03:03, 13 June 2010 (UTC)

Why? I think Ottoman Turkish Wikipedia must be open. Why Classical Chinese is the historical language are opened. I want Ottoman Turkish Wikipedia are opened. Please.. I hope very much!!.. Please.. But this wikipedia are more than 1550 articles.. But why wikipedia less than 100 articles are opened!!. Thinking!!--Digimon Adventure 03:42, 18 June 2010 (UTC)

Про флаг бюрократа

В русском разделе сложилась следующая ситуация. Правила нашего раздела позволяют избираться в бюрократы участнику (user), который никогда не был администратором, но был членом Арбитражного комитета. Сейчас есть именно такая ситуация — бывший член Арбитражного комитета не есть администратор, но многие участники хотят, чтобы он стал бюрократом. В связи с этим есть вопрос — приобретает ли бюрократ также полномочия администратора автоматически в случае присвоения ему флага бюрократа или нужно дополнительно присваивать ему полномочия администратора? Дядя Фред 20:31, 9 June 2010 (UTC)


Sem napisal prošnjo SIL-u, še nisem dobil odgovor, ampak Marko Jesenšek, rektor mariborske univerze, pa tudi nekaj ljudi (znanstvenikov) podpirajo prekmursko wikipedijo. Lahko, da kmalu bom prosil tukaj ostvaritev. V slovenski wikipediji je en uporabnik, tudi iz Prekmurja, ampak je rekel, da samo takrat podpiše prošnjo, če vidi, da bodo podpiralci. V Prekmurju je nekaj pisateljev, ki piše prekmurščini, mislim da oni tudi z veseljem bi pisali na wikipedijo. Če bom začel, takrat boš pokazal, kak treba delati. Doncsecztalk 13:32, 13 June 2010 (UTC)

Mdf Wiki Disambig

Thank you very for Moksha Wiki Disambiguation page and for kind assistance! I made the request--Khazar II 20:40, 14 June 2010 (UTC)

mdf wiki adminship

Hi, Millosh, I made the adminship request on meta and now in pending status, was offered to wait for community voting as per wiki regulations. The problem is that community too small for the moment :-( Still checking with users available. Is it too much if we put request also for mdf:User:Numulunj pilgae for temporary adminship? He is always available as he is the mdf wiki founder but his adminship also expired--Khazar II 10:11, 16 June 2010 (UTC)

Thank you, Millosh! Numulunj pilgae made the sr and was granted sysop rights last week. Hope at least one of us will be granted permanent rights in future. Thank you very much for help and advising! One more thing I wanted to ask you about. If I put username change request may this affect my adminship?--Khazar II 08:21, 26 June 2010 (UTC)
Thank you very much, Millosh!! Now all clear! Very much appreciate.--Khazar II 20:43, 27 June 2010 (UTC)

Serbian Wikiversity

Hi. Create please your page in Beta and add to that page CATEGORY:SR_Wikiversity_member (in [[ ]] of course) at the end of page. --Anatoly Makarovsky 07:42, 17 June 2010 (UTC)

Malay Wikiquote

Hi. I want to approval Malay Wikiquote. Malay is my languages.--Md. Farhan 06:43, 25 June 2010 (UTC).

When Banjar Wikipedia and Manchu Wikipedia can be approval ?.--Md. Farhan 10:06, 28 June 2010 (UTC)

My respects

Millosh, your political and social beliefs notwithstanding, I have followed with great interest your efforts to improve the governance of the Wikimedia projects. I have abstained from commenting for several reasons: it is not my area of expertise; not enough disposable time to embrace such complex and unfamiliar matter; and a delicate situation on the Portuguese Wikipedia, as a direct result of challenging it's governance. My beliefs would bring into the fore some interpretations and misuses of statements like "Wikipedia is not a democracy," "Consensus," "Wikipedia is not a bureaucracy," and "Wikipedia is not an anarchy." Briefly, until some principles are well established in Wikimedia projects, their governance will continue to face great obstacles. Without trying to be exhaustive let me mention just a few: respect for Human Rights, separation of powers, transparency, accountability, civility and everything else that its at the base of the functioning of any civilized society. Since virtual communities are made up of persons, not machines, until such principles are fully adopted those communities will always be at an earlier stage of development, like the real ones have been but fortunately have evolved from.

Best of luck in your endeavors. Please don't hesitate to call on me if some important vote or decision is at stake, but bear in mind that I'll always speak my mind and vote according to what I think is best, and will make no attempt to please or appease any of the opposing choices.

Best regards,

Virgilio A. P. Machado

Vapmachado 02:11, 1 August 2010 (UTC)

your answer needed

Hello Millosh!
There are a few unanswered questions on Talk:Language committee. As a member of the language committee, I am kindly asking you to reply to the users' concerns posted there. Please don't be offended if the tone of my last posting there sounds a bit harsh, as I was a little disappointed because some questions weren't responded to in a while. Thank you!
--Saberon 12:33, 7 August 2010 (UTC)

Добрый день

Здравствуйте, я Ильнар. У меня для вас одна просьба по проекту wikibooks. На данный момент на проекте wikibooks созданный на моем родном языке Татарском нет администратора. И я хотел бы у вас попросить дать мне права администратора данного проекта. Жду от Вас положительного ответа. С Уважением Ильнар Шайдуллов 16:04, 21 August 2010 (UTC)

Ильнар, здравствуйте! Позвольте мне ответить Вам на русском, с позволения и по просьбе Милоша: чтобы получить права администратора, Вам необходимо оставить запрос в разделе Steward requests/Permissions#Administrator access, а не здесь. Если в проекте пока нет активного сообщества, которое может проголосовать за присвоение Вам флага, стоит попросить временные права (скажем, на 3 месяца; спустя это время можно будет попросить продлить срок). После того, как разместите заявку - напишите ещё раз на эту страницу, чтобы привлечь внимание, и Вы получите права. Lvova 19:06, 21 August 2010 (UTC)
Огромное вам спасибо Lvova! Я разместил заявку, которую вы мне порекомендовали, надеюсь я ее правильно заполнил. Ильнар Шайдуллов 20:10, 21 August 2010 (UTC)

Помогите нам решить вопрос там. Help us to solve a question there. SergeyJ 12:54, 24 August 2010 (UTC)


Hi, Milosh, thank you. Please forward my thank you to Language Committe and board who approved Wikipidia Bahasa Banjar. Thanks.--J Subhi pamandiran 13:19, 26 September 2010 (UTC)


Ali si ga videl? Eden ruski uporabnik je dal, ampak tukaj ISO 639-6 je dobila prekmurščina in že leta 2008, ampak jaz nisem jo prosil, ker leta 2009 smo prosili SIL. Ne vem, če je pomembna 639-3 koda. Doncsecztalk 14:19, 27 September 2010 (UTC)

"eml" code

I replied to your post dated 28 February 2010 here. Sorry for the late! -- 18:57, 11 October 2010 (UTC)

your answer needed

Hi Millosh! Please note that there are some unanswered questions on Talk:Language committee. As a member of the language committee, I kindly ask you to post a reply. Thanks, Candalua 18:19, 15 October 2010 (UTC)

Proposal for closure of Tahitian Wikipedia

Hello Millosh, Me and Tahitians need your help about this possible project: "Proposal for closure of Tahitian Wikipedia" ( I saw you talked to Lousyi to help similar projects. He sees things with the Malay technology in front of his eyes but we in the fenua (land), we don't have (very slow) internet on the majority of the territory, nor TV or sometimes no electricity. We don't have good learning books for Tahitian, our teachers are 98% French and most come and go back to France without speaking our language etc. etc. and I could add many things. We are not Malays, with money and help to some Wikipedias. The Tahitian Wikipedia needs support, while other French Polynesian languages still wait for their project. Could you talk to Lousyi to help us? 22:46, 18 October 2010 (UTC) (Eva, the Tahitian)

Tahitian Wikipedia won't be closed. I've started discussion at the Internal Wikimedia list to see is it possible to help you in any other way. --Millosh 01:01, 19 October 2010 (UTC)

Milbot, sr.wikinews & sr.wikipedia

Zdravo. U clanke o svakoj drzavi i njenim glavnim gradovima sam dodao vezu ka kategorijama na vestima. Moze li Milbot da dodaje tagove npr Ulan Bator, Dzakarta, Bogota? -- Bojan  Talk  15:59, 22 October 2010 (UTC)


If it is a policy that there should be one Wikipedia for a language, why Belarusian has two Wikipedias? be and be-x-old (only orthography is different)? Why English has three wikipedias? en, simple and ang? Anglo-Saxon has another problem: it's historical too. Why while there are Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian Wikipedias there should be another one like Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia? I don't have problem with this Wikis but with this discrimination and unfairness for people who speak different languages. This is a total discrimination and unfairness. Please answer. You cannot delete those Wikis, can you? Maybe you should revise you policy.--Companionship 11:27, 23 October 2010 (UTC)


Zdravo, Miloše. Sam Chapman me je zamolio za pomoć oko prevoda ovog pisma. Ja sam nešto odradio i gledao sam da, osim prostog prevoda, malo to i prilagodim našem jeziku. Možeš li da pogledaš i ispraviš eventualne greške? Verujem da ti to neće oduzeti puno vremena. mickit 18:17, 25 October 2010 (UTC)

Fala   mickit 07:12, 26 October 2010 (UTC)

Wikisource Esperanto

The Esperanto Wikinews and Esperanto Wikisource were both approved. The first one was created, but I think Wikisource was not been requested on Bugzilla yet. The questionnaire is already filled. Did we forgot something? Should we do something else? Thanks in advance. CasteloBrancomsg 05:32, 16 November 2010 (UTC)

That's ok, Milosh, it happens. Thanks for your help! CasteloBrancomsg 05:02, 27 November 2010 (UTC)


Zdravo, Miloše! Šta se dešava sa tvojim botovima na vikivestima? Primetili smo da već neko vreme ne šljakaju   mickit 07:25, 16 November 2010 (UTC)

Add at the wikinews template Modèle:Statistiques

Hi, could you add eo:n to [1] thank you very much. Otourly 17:41, 24 November 2010 (UTC)

Serbian Wikinews

There is a discussion here about your bot User:Michaello that may warrant your attention. Regards, :| TelCoNaSpVe :| 01:09, 27 November 2010 (UTC)

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