Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, June 2012

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. A new page, Wikimedia Highlights, June 2012 is available for translation. Please translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2012-09-15.

This is the first large-scale notification from the system you signed up to a little while ago (thank you!). If you are experiencing any trouble with the notification system at all, please post it on [1], or post a bug in Bugzilla if you are familiar with it.

Thank you!

Meta translation administrators‎, 13:13, 26 July 2012 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, July 2012

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, July 2012 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Note: This time, the "Wikimedia Foundation highlights" section does not include the usual coverage of the most notable work of Foundation staff during that month. Instead, it contains a list of talks given by Foundation staff at Wikimania, summarizing their most important work the year over. It looks like a lot of text, but only the talk titles will need to be translated. The intention is that these titles alone can already give readers a good overview of what the Foundation is working on in general.

You are receiving this message because you signed up to the new translation notification system. Questions about this system can be asked at [2], and you can manage your subscription at [3].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:23, 3 September 2012 (UTC)

Translation notification: Fundraising 2012/Translation/Jimmy Appeal

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Jimmy Appeal is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2012-10-07.


Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 12:57, 4 October 2012 (UTC)

Translation notification: Fundraising 2012/Translation/Srikeit&Noopur Appeal

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Srikeit&Noopur Appeal is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2012-11-14.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 11:54, 9 November 2012 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, November 2012

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, November 2012 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, and project village pumps. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [4]. You can manage your subscription at [5].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 16:45, 12 December 2012 (UTC)

Translation notification: Grants:Start

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Grants:Start is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

This is the Wikimedia Foundation's new grants portal, which is planned to launch this Wednesday (January 16). It includes the new Individual Engagement Grants program, which finances projects by individual Wikimedians. Please help making it easier for non-English speakers to learn about these funding options, by providing a translation. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [6]. You can manage your subscription at [7].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 02:09, 15 January 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, January 2013

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, January 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, and project village pumps. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [8]. You can manage your subscription at [9].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 04:43, 18 February 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: FDC portal/CentralNotice2013-2

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page FDC portal/CentralNotice2013-2 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

These banners are for a "last call" inviting logged-in editors on all projects to participate in the current public review phase (until March 31) about funding requests by 4 Wikimedia organizations, for around 1.3 million US dollars of donation money. (Questions about the translation notification system can be asked at [10], and you can manage your subscription at [11].)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 13:44, 27 March 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Single User Login finalisation announcement/Personal announcement

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Single User Login finalisation announcement/Personal announcement is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-05-13.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 08:23, 1 May 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Translation/SecurePoll

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Translation/SecurePoll is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2013-06-06.

We could greatly use your help doing some quick translations for the SecurePoll (voting) interface that will be used for this years Board and FDC elections. The translation consists of a short, 2 sentence, intro for the vote and 3 short 'titles' saying which vote or question they will be on. The page also lists the candidates for each election which do not need to be translated but can be transliterated if that makes sense for your language/script. Thank you! If you have any questions please feel free to ask on the Elections talk page.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:28, 3 June 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Admin activity review/2013/Notice to communities

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Admin activity review/2013/Notice to communities is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2013-07-20.

This text will be used to inform communities which will be affected by the new global Admin activity review process which is carried out by stewards. You can also translate the page about the review itself. In order to ensure the global community understands what is happening, your translations will be very helpful.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 01:55, 16 July 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Admin activity review/2013/Notice to communities

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Admin activity review/2013/Notice to communities is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2013-07-20.

This text will be used to inform communities which will be affected by the new global Admin activity review process which is carried out by stewards. You can also translate the page about the review itself. In order to ensure the global community understands what is happening, your translations will be very helpful.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 01:56, 16 July 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, July 2013

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, July 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:31, 31 August 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, August 2013

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, August 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is low.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from August, with a focus on topics from Wikimania. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 09:52, 6 October 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, October 2013

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, October 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 06:10, 15 November 2013 (UTC)

Translation notification: Privacy policy

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Privacy policy is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

The discussion phase about the draft for the Wikimedia Foundation's new privacy policy is ending on January 15. Your help is welcome in translating the current version of the draft, which is expected to be

close to the final version. This will also enable more community members to contribute comments before the discussion phase ends.

The main text of the privacy policy is contained in the following pages, please click "Translate" on each of them:

Privacy policy / Summary / What the policy doesn't cover / Definitions

Please also consider translating the FAQ and other supplementary material, which can be found (along with the main text) here:


Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 08:45, 8 January 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Data retention guidelines

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Data retention guidelines is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

The discussion phase about the draft for the Wikimedia Foundation's new data retention guidelines is ending on February 14. Your help is welcome in translating the current version of the draft, which is expected to be close to the final version. This will also enable more community members to contribute comments before the discussion phase ends.

Please click "Translate" on both of these pages:

Introduction explaining the discussion phase / Main text of the guidelines

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 05:19, 10 February 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Heartbleed

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Heartbleed is available for translation. You can translate it here:

This is the text of a just published blog post summarizing the actions taken to protect users of Wikimedia sites against the recently discovered "Heartbleed" security vulnerability. (The post explains that users will need to re-login the next time they use their accounts and suggests to change passwords as a standard precautionary measure, but it is currently not intended to enforce a password change for all users.) Completed translations will be added to the blog post.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:24, 10 April 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, April 2014

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, April 2014 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 08:59, 26 May 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, May 2014

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, May 2014 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from May. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 07:40, 1 July 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Mailing lists/List info

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Mailing lists/List info is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

We are re-designing our mailing list information pages and we would very much appreciate if you could please translate a few short phrases so that non-English speakers are able to easily sign up to our Mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:09, 19 August 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: File metadata cleanup drive/How to fix metadata

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page File metadata cleanup drive/How to fix metadata is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

There is a new initiative to clean up file information pages across Wikimedia wikis. In order to reach out to the communities in their native language, we would like to ask for your help to translate a few pages. In addition to the one linked above, there are two short pages: We have done our best to prepare the pages to minimize the work for translators, and if you notice anything else we could do to make translation easier, please do let us know. Guillaume is also happy to answer any questions you might have while translating the documents.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 13:28, 20 October 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Grants:APG/FDC portal/FDC recommendations/2014-2015 round1

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Grants:APG/FDC portal/FDC recommendations/2014-2015 round1 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 18:59, 21 November 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Admin activity review/2014/Notice to inactive right holders

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Admin activity review/2014/Notice to inactive right holders is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 03:36, 24 December 2014 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, December 2014

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, December 2014 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from December, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, ask them here. You can manage your subscription here

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 23:58, 31 January 2015 (UTC)

Translation notification: Oversight policy

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Oversight policy is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Oversight policy, an important global policy page, was recently migrated to the Translate extension system along with other updates to the page. You are invited to participate in the translation of this page and and a few other related pages.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences here.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 16:31, 7 March 2015 (UTC)

Translation notification: Single User Login finalisation announcement/Post-rename notice

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Single User Login finalisation announcement/Post-rename notice is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2015-04-12.

This is a short message for accounts that will be renamed next week as part of single-user login finalisation.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences here.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:36, 7 April 2015 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, April 2015

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, April 2015 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from April 2015, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:53, 13 May 2015 (UTC)

Translation notification: User:Johan (WMF)/HTTPS

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page User:Johan (WMF)/HTTPS is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

This is an important message about all Wikimedia wikis moving to HTTPS only, logged in or logged out. This affects all users.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 17:45, 17 June 2015 (UTC)

Translation notification: Confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2015-08-15.

This is the agreement that will be agreed to by all holders of advanced rights such as Oversight or Checkuser. Having it translated to as many languages as possible is incredibly useful do that everyone can understand, fully, what they are agreeing too.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:43, 23 July 2015 (UTC)

Translation notification: Template:Friendly Space Expectations/Announcement

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Template:Friendly Space Expectations/Announcement is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 16:33, 2 September 2015 (UTC)

Translation notification: User:MarcoAurelio/NS trans

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page User:MarcoAurelio/NS trans is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Hi. New namespaces have been added to the projects, and your language may not have them translated already. Please help translating few words so we can upload the new namespace names localized to your project. If the namespaces are already translated in your project, please disregard this message and hope that you can forgive me for the spam. Best regards.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 09:56, 4 October 2015 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, October 2015

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, October 2015 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from October, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:57, 12 November 2015 (UTC)

Translation notification: Grants:IdeaLab/Towards a New Wikimania

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Grants:IdeaLab/Towards a New Wikimania is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2016-01-05.

Hey translators, please see review and translate what you are able for this important consultation regarding Wikimania. Because part of the consultation is aimed at fundamentally changing how Wikimania is planned (even considering the possibility of making multiple events regional throughout the year rather than one global event), it's important that folks understand the options on the table. I've tried to prioritize only the most important parts of the consultation for translation, but if you want to translate more, please feel free to add translation tags and get in touch with me if you need me to reconfirm the page for translation. Please also see the discussion page, as we are requesting translations of the small number of survey questions. With thanks, User:I JethroBT (WMF).

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 05:05, 15 December 2015 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, December 2015

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, December 2015 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from December, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:51, 25 January 2016 (UTC)

Translation notification: Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire/Translation

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire/Translation is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2016-03-14.

Hey translators! This page is actually a hub for several pages related to the current Inspire Campaign, an event associated with IdeaLab to invite editors to propose ideas along a specific theme. Because we ran a campaign last year, and some materials are being reused, some pages may not require much translation. Some pages, however, are completely new for this campaign. In terms of what pages are most important, the main landing page (Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire) and the FAQ page (Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire/FAQ should be prioritized if possible. Please let me know if you have any questions on the discussion page for the translation hub. Thank you so much, and I am very grateful for any time you can give. -- I JethroBT (WMF) (talk)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 09:10, 28 February 2016 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, March 2016

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, March 2016 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from March, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:21, 13 April 2016 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Highlights, April 2016

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, April 2016 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the Wikimedia blog's most notable posts from April, covering Wikimedia Foundation activities and other important events from across the Wikimedia movement. Completed translations will be announced on social media, project village pumps and (for some languages) mailing lists.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 20:45, 17 May 2016 (UTC)

Translation notification: Grants:Project/2016 R1 MassMessage

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Grants:Project/2016 R1 MassMessage is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2016-07-12.

Hi translators, this is a short mass message for a new grant program offered by the Wikimedia Foundation called Project Grants. There is currently an open call for applications this month, and we want to encourage people to apply if they have an idea for improving Wikimedia projects that needs funding. Translations for a mass message for the now-deprecated Individual Engagement Grants may have some similar translated content if needed for reference: [13]. Thanks very much for your help with translating! I JethroBT (WMF)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 16:02, 5 July 2016 (UTC)

Translation notification: Right to vanish

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Right to vanish is available for translation. You can translate it here:

We have migrated the above mentioned page to the new translation system. The source and translated text differ and it would be good if you could update the translation in your language to the new source text.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 13:57, 3 August 2016 (UTC)

Translation notification: Template:Usurpation requested

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Template:Usurpation requested is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:27, 5 September 2016 (UTC)

Translation notification: Template:Usurpation requested

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Template:Usurpation requested is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:29, 5 September 2016 (UTC)

Translation notification: Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Toolkit/Discussion Coordinator Role

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Toolkit/Discussion Coordinator Role is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 23:33, 9 March 2017 (UTC)

Translation notification: Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Process/Briefing

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

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The priority of this page is medium.

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 22:19, 10 March 2017 (UTC)

Translation notification: Bassel Khartabil

Hello Balticbaywatcher,

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The page has been renamed and updated and many parts of the former translations are now outdated.

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 13:35, 11 August 2017 (UTC)

Translation notification: Template:2030 movement brand project nav/text


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The priority of this page is high.

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 07:51, 18 June 2020 (UTC)

Translation notification: Tech/News/2020/32


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Meta translation coordinators‎, 05:26, 31 July 2020 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia CH


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The priority of this page is medium.

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 07:43, 17 December 2020 (UTC)

Translation notification: Project wiki representatives


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Project wiki representatives is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2021-02-14.

The five year old strategy process has resulted in recommendations. After Global Conversations the number one priority is to establish an Interim Global Council, who will draft a Movement Charter, which will lead to the formation of a Global Council. Please help in translating the concise page "Project wiki representatives" which asks contributor to select for each project wiki a representative, who will help in implementing the first strategic priority.

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 12:09, 6 February 2021 (UTC)

Translation notification: VisualEditor/Newsletter/2021/June


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page VisualEditor/Newsletter/2021/June is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2021-06-20.

This short newsletter is good news about posting comments on wiki. You can try out the "Discussion tools" in the Beta Features here at Meta-Wiki, too: Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-betafeatures. Thank you!

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 00:15, 16 June 2021 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Voting


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 10:21, 2 August 2021 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/2021-09-07/2021 Election Results/Short


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/2021-09-07/2021 Election Results/Short is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high. The deadline for translating this page is 2021-09-07.

This short text (125 words) is meant to announce the results of the board elections on September, 7 to as much communities and volunteers as possible on such short notice in their native tongue. Please help us to make that happen!

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 19:03, 6 September 2021 (UTC)

Translation notification: Movement Charter/Drafting Committee/MCDC Voter Email short 12-10-2021


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Movement Charter/Drafting Committee/MCDC Voter Email short 12-10-2021 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2021-10-11.

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee Election starts next Monday. We would like to send eligible voters an email, letting them know that now is the time to vote. Of course this should happen in the respective language of the voter. It is only 195 words, a few minutes of work with a great impact! Any language is highly appreciated, we appreciate your help a lot. Thank you and have a great weekend! :)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 17:49, 8 October 2021 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Board of Trustees elections


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees/Call for feedback: Board of Trustees elections is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2022-01-10.

This year four seats of the WMF Board of Trustees are to be newly filled and there will be a Call for Feedback about the Board of Trustees selection processes from 10 January to 7 February 2022.

The Movement Strategy and Governance team is supporting this Call for Feedback. For widest outreach across the Wikiverse we kindly ask you to support this by helping us out with additional translations.

Postscriptum: During the last year many of you have helped us a lot to reach out to many different communities by translating in dozens of languages. We are utterly grateful for this - thanks to all of you for your ongoing support! You are the best!

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 17:24, 7 January 2022 (UTC)

Translation notification: ContribuLing 2022


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

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The priority of this page is medium.

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 12:04, 12 February 2022 (UTC)

Translation notification: ContribuLing 2022/Program


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page ContribuLing 2022/Program is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2022-03-31.

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 15:49, 26 March 2022 (UTC)

Translation notification: GLAM School/Questions


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page GLAM School/Questions is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The deadline for translating this page is 2022-12-31.

Thank you for the wonderful work you are doing!

I have made a couple of small modifications to the existing text and added one new section. I hope you would be willing to have a look at those.

Thank you again!

Cheers, Susanna

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 07:06, 29 April 2022 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation elections/2022/Announcement/Board voter email


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections/2022/Announcement/Board voter email is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

Hi all!

The community vote of this year's Board Elections are close. As always voter mails will be sent out. To invite as many community members as possible in their native tongue your help is very much appreciated. While there are already plenty of translations we would appreciate you to check for languages still missing and to contribute translations for these.

The mails are short, just a bit about two times 200 words, a few minutes of work.

Your support is very important as it helps communities to learn about the election and to cast their vote.

Best, Denis Barthel (WMF)

(Movement Strategy and Governance)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 12:51, 9 August 2022 (UTC)

Translation notification: Global rights


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Global rights is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Global rights is a useful page that has information about global user rights. Kindly help to translate them into your language.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 14:50, 12 September 2022 (UTC)

Translation notification: Tests


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

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The priority of this page is low.

= This is a test message, please ignore = = ଏହା ଏକ ପରୀକ୍ଷା ସନ୍ଦେଶ, ଦୟାକରି ଅଣଦେଖା କରନ୍ତୁ =

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 17:38, 13 January 2023 (UTC)

Translation notification: VisualEditor/Newsletter/2023/February


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 23:54, 17 February 2023 (UTC)

Translation notification: $1


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

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Hello translators. Please help us with this group page.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 13:41, 22 March 2023 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimédiens du Burkina Faso


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Wikimédiens du Burkina Faso is available for translation. You can translate it here:

Please help us translating this page

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 13:44, 22 March 2023 (UTC)

Translation notification: Movement Charter


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page Movement Charter is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 11:57, 18 May 2023 (UTC)

Translation notification: WWC2023/Scholarship


Hello Balticbaywatcher,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to Russian on Meta. The page WWC2023/Scholarship is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2023-10-22.

this page is available for translating, you can start working on it

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Meta translation coordinators‎, 21:40, 26 June 2023 (UTC)