Training modules/Keeping events safe/slides/dealing-with-the-subjects-of-reports/bg
During the event: Dealing with the subjects of reports
Whether a report is valid or not, the person being reported may still experience frustration or anger. It is, therefore, important that you:
- Stay calm. Remaining level-headed will help the subject of the report calm down.
- Make sure you are not alone. Dealing with a person reported for valid reasons may be a tense process. It’s good to have another person with you to help. Having witnesses can also protect you against future claims on inappropriate handling.
Действителни оплаквания
- Consider removing the person involved from the premises. You may not always be required to take such drastic action, but be prepared to do so should the situation require it.
- Make sure you are always polite to the accused person, even if what they did was unacceptable. There is no justification for treating anyone badly.
- Ask for help if the accused person refuses to comply with your request. This can be from venue security, venue management or even local law enforcement.
- Report out. Let the event organizing team know that the issue has been handled as per applicable policies and protocols. Keeping the team updated allows them to address further concerns that may be brought to them.
Недействителни оплаквания
- Be fair and understanding. Nobody enjoys being accused unfairly. The accused individual may be upset and need your help calming and reassuring them. Depending on the nature of the invalid report, it may be necessary to open disciplinary action against the person who made the report.