Njoftim personal për finalizimin e kyçjes/Njoftimi i Skemës

This page is a translated version of the page Single User Login finalisation announcement/Schema announcement and the translation is 43% complete.

Single-user login finalization is scheduled to occur on or around 15 April 2015. The text of the general announcement can be found on this page. Basically, the finalization will rename users so that every account on general, public Wikimedia projects will be global and have a unique name. This process has been occurring in stages and is now near the point of completion. This will require renaming 2,851,363 accounts that exist on local wikis that do not exist globally and have clashing usernames. Accounts that are already global (check on Special:CentralAuth) will not be renamed and will not be affected by this process. Some basic metrics will be updated as the process moves forward.

Të gjitha llogaritë që kërkojnë riemërtimin do të kontaktohen në faqen e diskutimit të përdoruesit, të çdo wiki ku një llogari është regjistruar. Përveç kësaj, çdo wiki ka Special:UsersWhoWillBeRenamed, një faqe që liston çdo përdorues që do të riemërohet në këtë wiki. Anëtarët e komunitetit lokal janë të mirëpritur dhe të inkurajuar të përdorin këtë informacion për të ndihmuar përdoruesit të cilët mund të kenë nevojë për këtë. Nëse një llogari e riemëruar përpiqet të hyjë me emrin e vjetër pas përfundimit të procesit të riemërimit, ata do të informohen për ndryshimet e riemërimit. Përdoruesit mund të kërkojë një riemërim global në wiki-t e tyre vendore në çdo kohë para ose pas këtij procesi duke përdorur Special:GlobalRenameRequest.

Si përcaktohet se si llogaritë riemërohen?

In the event of a clash, where a global account has clashing local accounts, the global account holder will get to keep their name and clashing local accounts are renamed either to a new username of the account holder's choice, or to a localized form of the username if a new username is not selected (e.g. Oldusername~ptwiki). In the event of a clash, where multiple local accounts clash with each other, and no global account exists, the following username conflict resolution scheme is used to decide who gets the global account name. This is determined and executed by a software script. All of the same conditions above and below will be applied to blocked accounts.

Note that if a right is not listed here, then it is not considered during the calculation of who will own the global account name.

  1. Global account holder
  2. CheckUser
  3. Oversight
  4. Bureaucrat
  5. Administrator

Zgjidhja e përplasjeve mbetura

If there is a case of local accounts clashing where none of the accounts holds a user right mentioned above or a user right is shared and there is no global account, the local account with the most edits on any wiki at the time this announcement is posted will keep the name. In the event there is a tie with the number of edits, the local account with the earliest registration date will keep the name. If there is a tie with the registration date, or neither account has a registration date due to the age of the account, the script will choose the owner at random.

Pse kjo skemë?

  • User rights are the fairest way of determining unique account name ownership. No way of doing this is perfectly fair, but others involve too much variance between wikis. For example: the value of an edit count varies massively between wikis, and we have no way to account for that programmatically if we had to use the edit count as the chief determining factor and not just as a tie breaker.
  • Këto të drejta, dhe vetëm këto të drejta, janë zgjedhur si të drejtat themelore të përdoruesëve në të gjitha wikit tona.
  • The ordering chosen represents the difficulty of acquiring the respective user right, and the perceived need for the person with the right to act on a cross-wiki basis.
  • The problem of clashing usernames requires a technical solution to solve. However, it is not the only solution. Ultimately, the stewards and global renamers can override this scheme on a case-by-case basis by renaming users through the appropriate community channels, processes, and policies, and with discussion among the affected parties. This process should be as collaborative as possible.