Grants:PEG/WM BE/Semester Budget 2016 S1

WM BE/Budget 2016 S1
This is a 6 month interim grant application for the general activities of the Wikimedia Belgium chapter. It includes the steps towards our entry in the simple-APG program, to build our community to Engaging people in free knowledge .
targetWikimedia Belgium impacts wiki communities mainly in Dutch, French, German and English; and the communities of smaller Belgian dialects.
strategic priorityGeneral activities
start dateJanuary 1st
start year2016
end dateJune 30th
end year2016
budget (local currency)5265 EUR
budget (USD)5265 EUR
grant typeGroup
non-profit statusYes
creator• [[User:Maarten,Derek|Maarten,Derek]]
created on--DerekvG (talk) 17:12, 6 December 2015 (UTC)



Wikimedia Belgium was set up at the end of 2014.
This is a Grant application for the general activities and administration of the Wikimedia Belgium chapter in its 3rd semester, for 1st semester of 2016 (January-June). This grant covers the general chapter operating expenses that are not related to a single specific project as a stepping stone towards our first Simple APG grant to be submitted by June 2016.

Goals and Objectives for 1st Semester 2016


The chapters goals are:

  • Part #1 - WMBE organizational development & WMBE board capacity building
WMBE needs to refocus : our primary focus will be on recruiting, developing and training a team of off-wiki volunteers to run events and projects.
This goal is more problematic than recruiting membership, and is necessary before we can handle and care for any serious number of members. Many Wikinauts devote a lot of their time contributing behind a computer screen. Getting then out and about doing off-wiki projects is a big step to take, even for the motivated members of our association itś difficult to make them to join us during our off-wiki activities (passive participation), and they are reluctant to actively involve themselves in or take up responsibility for any new projects. This is partly due to their natural reluctance for face to face contacts and resistance towards taking up responsibilities about projects that other people have expectations about. Moreover to act in the public eye (e.g. like giving presentations or assist others during an hands-on workshop) requires self-confidence exceeding their capacity. To overcome that "natural" shyness of the average Wikinaut skills training and confidence building are the necessary course of action.
  • Part #2 - outreach efforts and community building ;
We need to rebuild a new community of Belgian Wikinauts : Belgium geographically being astride across 4 major Wikiproject languages (FR NL DE and EN) editors have suffered from problematic situations on all of those Wikiprojects. Belgians have suffered in editwars, verbal violence and harassment. Many new contributors gave up shortly after joining and some experienced editors have abandoned Wiki altogether disgusted by the working conditions, which are much worse then for instance in the English Wikipedia . Belgian editors therefore are reluctant to join our association and new potential users shy away from contributing. WMBE needs to overcome this problem in order to be able to act against its root causes and wants to reunite existing and future contributors, this also requires us to tackle the gender issues in the Wikicommunity.
  • Part #3 - the projects

Separate project grant request Grants:PEG/WM BE/Public facing Activities 2016 S1

WikiSaturdays & Wikimeets





Part #1 WMBE organisational development & capacity building

On-wiki and off-wiki volunteers
recruitment and training
    • On line Volunteer recruitment
    • Volunteer training, mentorship, presentation techniques and workshop facilitation
    • Preparation of a Wikipedia train-the-trainer course for Off-wiki Volunteers, and
    • Activities within the Community Capacity Development and Volunteer Supporters Network activities as proposed by the WMF
Organisation of the board, meetings with volunteers, partners and stakeholders
  • - Office/Meeting space : Free space is an illusion (in Brussels)
Currently we share office space with Dimi (OKF & Wikimedia Germany), result we have no office cost, basically it provides the official address of the chapter, however the office space provides no reception area, work- or meetingspace . Because of the lack meeting space facilities, we cannot organise meetings or public events at the office, and we've had to pay for space.
So the board has decided to establish an agenda of public facing events combined with the board and volunteer meetings. We will have to pay for spaces to rent, unless if we can get free space and we can make use of free facilities. see - WikiSaturdays / WikiMeets
  • - general assembly to address 2016 association legal/financial reports and discuss issues with the membership amd volunteer recruitment
Communications to community and general public
    • Set up of WM BE website, (continued from 1st semester 2015 )
    • WMBE e-Newsletter
    • WM BE Micro Grant System, On hold (although a strong argument is that the dutch experience shows that it onboards volunteers, and each time this matter is put to the attention, people are surprised that it exists and they ste forward to volunteer and propose projects
    • Membership management.

Part #2 - outreach efforts and community building


See Grants:PEG/WM BE/Public facing Activities 2016 S1

  • Wikipedia 15th aniversary theme ( see comments)
  • "Wikimeets", Edit-a-thons, Wiki-cafés or Wiki-Saturday events
Getting in touch with our community and determining their needs
    • Preparation and planning of multi-lingual Community ON-WIKI survey to be held 2016-2017 in the FR NL DE EN + smaller wiki projects
    • Preparation and planning of NL OFF-WIKI mail survey among regular & evening schools, women's, cultural and educational organisations, professional associations, etc about collaboration interest for Wikimedia.
Planned Conference Attendance
    • WM related conferences
      • - WMCON Berlin 2016 (if funded by WMF)
      • - Wikimania 2016 Italy (if funed by WMF)
    • Regular meetings with WM NL, and meetings with FR and DE.
    • Attending conferences sbout subject that relate to GLAM, Open Knowledge, Copyright, Freedom of Panorama(see Agenda)

Part #3 - the projects


See Grants:PEG/WM BE/Public facing Activities 2016 S1

  • Wikimedia in residence & GLAM projects
wmbe:Wiki Loves Art 2016 (separate project plan and grant)
    • GLAM recruitment / presentations
    • Establishing Collaboration programs
    • GLAM Education workshop(s) ( as covered by grant)
    • Collaboration protocol about WiR with Flemisch ministery of CJSM (culture, GLAMś), and partners Faro and Packed, with the Flemisch comittee for Unesco, KikIrpa
    • International collaboration program with ICCROM and Athar (Brussels, Rome, Tunis, Dubai, Kuwait)
    • Partnership UCL Louvain-la-Neuve Annulled





Target public


Belgium is a multilingual community best compared to Canada and South Afrika. Like Canada there is no such thing like a "Belgian language" the official languages are Dutch, French, German (de iure) and de facto English, so Belgian wiki contributors work in the Dutch, French, German and English wikiprojects. Like South Afrika, Belgium has a larger number of languages and therefore Wikimedia Belgium impacts in total 6 other Wiki language communities of smaller Belgian regional languages.

More specifically, WM BE wants to reach out to

  • the existing Wikiproject volunteers, contributors, illustrators
  • GLAM organisations, GLAM institutions and GLAM-support organisations
  • Education institutions
  • existing open knowledge organisations in Belgium ('Communication efforts')
  • off-wiki volunteers (to strengthen the Micro Grant Program).

However this particular situation has an impact on our expences. Printing is still a matter of diminishig cost as the number of copies rises, however we need to produce each brochure, leaflet or folder in 4 different languages, which quadruples the cost of any printed brochure produced. Luckily we don't need to produce printed matter for the dialects, the 4 base languages are enough. We notice that our public relies heavily on printed folders, brochures, and leaflets. When we present ourselves, that printed material is really in demand even from digital natives.

Fit with strategy


What crucial thing will the project try to change or benefit in the Wikimedia movement? Please select the Wikimedia strategic priority(ies) that your project most directly aims to impact and explain how your project fits. Most projects fit all strategic priorities. However, we would like project managers to focus their efforts on impacting 1–2 strategic priorities. Examples of strategic priorities can be found here.

WMBE Effort Fits with Goal(s) How respond Intended outcome
Part #1 - outreach efforts and community building Increasing participation to recruit and train off-wiki and on-wiki volunteers to conduct public facing projects to increase the number of editors
Moderator workshops education and certification program for current moderators to increase friendly environment for newcomers, friendly space policy and mentoring newbees otherwise there is no need to even start thinking about recruiting new contributors or a education program
Part #3 - WMBE organisational development & capacity building Expand public awareness and support for the Wikimedia movement. Spread information about Wikimedia’s mission, vision, values and practices. Help people better understand our work, and motivate them to help us do it.
Grow the number of Wikimedia donors, to ensure steady, robust support.
Increase capacity to safeguard the movement's reputation and support the advancement of legal conditions that enable unimpeded access to information online, worldwide.
GLAM information and education sessions (planned as part of Wiki Loves Art )

Measures of success


Please provide a list of both quantitative and qualitative criteria that will be used to determine how successful the project is. You will need to report on the success of the project according to these measures after the project is completed. See the PEG program resources for suggested measures of success.

Outreach efforts to our community (Part #1)
  • Well organised General Assembly (Januari 2016);
  • Redesigned website (by june, postponed from 2015 H1);
Projects (Part #2)
  • 6 Wikiducation cafes during 2 pilots
  • succesful Wiki loves Art 2016
Capacity building of the board (Part #3)
  • Increase the level of involvement of 2 boardmembers (Maarten)
  • recruitment and education of x of new off-wiki volunteers

We are not focussed at any measures of success about new or improved articles, new contributors (articles or illustrations), neither for any editor retention, on-wiki results are totally irrelevant. Any on-wiki results are fall-out, byproducts of our activities. We are primarily focused at building an off-wiki community to build and support in the future a diverse and multi-wiki contributor community.

Note: In addition to your project-specific measures of success, you will also be asked to report on some global metrics at the end of your final report. Please keep this in mind as you plan, and we'll support you as you begin your project.

Resources and risks




The grant request is supported by the Wikimedia Belgium board.

Project Volunteers

Project Volunteers Art+Feminism organisers :

And members

and +/- 40 other on our memberlist


Risk Impact on Mitigating measures
Lack of external funding Budget, WMF contacts Request contributions in kind from our partners. Request support from surrounding chapters. As we get more established in the collaboration with our GLAM partners we can discuss more openly their resource commitments, and funding through their grant/subsidy channels"
Lack of good meeting venue. Budget Find good meeting venue, organise meeting in different towns to welcome different language groups.
Lack of support and commitment from WMF Budget WMF stalls approval, does not honour previous commitments, possibility to use cheap deals is lost and expensive, increased cost of activity
A lack of experience in the first years of our organisation Organisation "Capacity building": trainings for the board and our volunteers
Different expectations between the board members and volunteers Organisation Conflict Resolution, including mediation efforts. ""face to face"" board meetings"
Peer review of budget and financial activities Budget, Projects Avoid single person projects, always a reviewer. Following good accounting principles"
Lack of procedures, and resistance against procedureal approach Organisation Apply procedures as imposed by BE-authorities, WMF. Organise trainings.
Troll attack on our activities (eg. On our budget requests) Organisation, WMF contacts
Difficulties finding volunteers Organisation, Projects Increase membership, good communication with our members. Organise events and trainings.
Staffing problems : experience, commitment, volunteer burn out; Organisation, Projects WMF Capacity Building programme. Volunteer trainings
Unwelcoming attitude for new users at wikipedia Organisation, Projects



Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here. See Budget Guidelines.

Grantees are subject to line-item scrutiny of expenses. Changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.

Project budget table
Description Cost Notes
Running general and administrative costs € 1,550.00
Website maintenance, hosting costs, email hosting € 725.00 External hosting (80€). Drupal updates (free). Content design and implementation of agenda/newsletter/... tools (2d work=16h=640e à 40e/h). Free email hosting (Google for non-profits).
Communication (postal mail, telephone) € 225.00 Reimbursement for phone calls (50e). International post (24e, estimated 3x). Postal costs to our members (60p)
General Administrative expences € 400.00 Including support with accounting (250e) and updates of Staatsblad (assuming 1 update: 150e)
Advertising on social media € 200.00 Promotion of our Twitter account (budget of 30€ pm).

Free Promotion via Google AdWords

Capacity development and Volunteer and board training € 2400.00
Organisation of general Assembly € 425.00 legally required Rent of venue, drinks and pizzas, transport costs
Booth at FOSDEM € 0.00 Diectely handled by WMF.
Wikimedia presence at several opensource conferences in Belgium € 650.00 6x. Conference fee, accomodation, travel costs. Current planning includes Open data dag Vlaamse overheid, OKFN day, TEDx Brussels
WM BE Training Day: for board members and for volunteers € 575.00 Required to get more volunteers and board members.
Attendance at meetings of Dutch, French and German WM € 650.00 annulled Estimate 4x present for 3 people. 90€ transportation costs (Paris, Utrecht, Berlin) and 2 accomodations (Berlin, Paris).
Wikimedia Conference Berlin

April 20- Sunday, April 24

deadline for registration : jan 15th

€ 100.00 WM BE proposes to request direct funding from WMF.

Include 2x35e misc costs (national travel, food&drinks).

€ 2,420.00 without committed direct funding from WMF.

WMBE : 2 delegates Includes transport, accomodation, conference fee. (amount not added to total grant request)

Wikimania Conference Italy

2 WMBE delegates + 3 scholarships

Esino Lario, Province of Lecco, Lombardy Region, Italy. date 21-28 June 2016.

€ 1,890.00 WM BE proposes to request direct funding from WMF for 2 delegates 1890.- otherwise Annulled
€ 2,835.00 without committed direct funding from WMF.

WMBE :3 scholarships. Includes transport, accomodation, conference fee. (amount not added to total grant request)

Total grant request (excl. VAT and reserve) € 3.950.00
Contingency (10%) € 400.00
VAT (21%) € 915.00
Total grant request (incl. VAT and reserve) € 5,265.00

Notes with Budget :

  • Travel cost for WMCON 2016 Berlin : the cost mentioned is our estimate, the amount is not included in the total as the WMCON seems to have travel arrangements in place, as arrangements have not been confirmed to WMBE the amount is shown
  • Wikimania Italy : As per the "gentlemen's agreement" made with WMF, WMBE has opted in 2015 NOT to send a delegation to Mexico, as Romaine was there on a scholarship and Dimi was there on copyright business, and the expenses for further delegates for the trip to Mexico were quite steep and not planned in our budget; we did agree that we would send a bigger delegation to Wikimedia Italy(2016). We propose to have a delegation of 2 boardmembers (cost estimate not included in our the budget) and three scholarships (the costestimate is not included in the total) as we request direct funding from WMF.
  • WMBE is not eligible for TPS.

Total cost of project
Total amount requested from the Project and Event Grants program
Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this project, and amounts funded

Non-financial requirements


See a description of non-financial assistance available. Please inform the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) of any requests for non-financial assistance now.

Requests for non-financial assistance, if any

Summary last Report of 2015 1st semester


These links provide an insight in the first semester budget and its report



Community notification


You are responsible for notifying relevant communities of your proposal, so that they can help you! Depending on your project, notification may be most appropriate on a village pump, talk page, mailing list. Please paste a link below to where the relevant communities have been notified of this proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions. Need notification tips?

This project has been prepared at the WMBE wikipage announced at our Wikimedia_Belgium main page since september 2015



Do you think this project should be selected for a Project and Event Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project in the list below. Other feedback, questions or concerns from community members are also highly valued, but please post them on the talk page of this proposal.