Fundraising 2011/Banners 2/pl

Translation instructions
  • For pages marked "Missing" or "In progress", click the page title and start translating. When you are done, click "edit status" and change the status to proofreading.
  • For pages marked "Needs updating", compare the page to the source page and update the translation accordingly. When you are done, click "edit status" and change the status to proofreading.
  • It is important to have someone else proofread the translated page! If you have proofread a page and it is ready for publication, click "edit status" and change that page's status to ready.
  • If you are changing something that has already been published, change its status back to ready for it to be published again.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding the translation process, please post them here. Translation FAQ

Banners round two
  1. Gdyby wszyscy, którzy to czytają podarowali %AMOUNT%,
    osiągnęlibyśmy zamierzoną kwotę już dzisiaj.
  2. Proszę wesprzyj nas, aby Wikipedia pozostała wolna.
  3. Pomóż nam osiągnąć nasz aktualny cel - milion dolarów!
  4. Teraz przyjmujemy %CURRENCY%
  5. Przyjmujemy %CURRENCY%

Banners round three
  1. Help us reach this year's %AMOUNT% goal
  2. Help us raise this year's %AMOUNT% budget
  3. Our annual goal: %AMOUNT%
  4. Wikimedia's annual budget: %AMOUNT%
  5. Today's goal: %AMOUNT%
  6. Today's target: %AMOUNT%
  7. %AMOUNT% left to go
Where your donation goes 2
  1. Why your donation is needed:
  2. Wikipedia is non-profit, but it's the #5 website in the world – serving 470 million people every month with billions of page views.
  3. We work hard to keep our operation lean. Google might have close to a million servers. Yahoo has something like 13,000 staff. We have 679 servers and 95 staff.
  4. We will never run ads. Commerce is fine. Advertising is not evil. But it doesn't belong in Wikipedia.
  5. If everyone reading this made a small donation, we would only have to fundraise for a few hours. Not everyone can or will donate, but each year just enough people decide to give.
  6. We only raise what we need. When we've raised our budget, we stop fundraising for the year.
  7. This year, please consider making a donation of $5, $20, $50 or whatever you can to protect and sustain Wikipedia.