East African Wiki communities- Wikimania scholarship fund distribution

You can see the grant talk page for this fund distibution here



Despite that all 11 communities produced theirs individua reports, the general report for the all project was compiled using the individual reports to capture key things that happened during this project. Hence you are welcome to visit the Wikimania 2021: East Africa Wiki Communities participation General report.



Below are the links to the reports submitted by each community and the overall report.

1 REPORT FOR THE WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY USER GROUP UGANDA Wikimania 2021/Scholarships/Wikimedia Ccommunity User Group Uganda/Report also this is the Meta page used by the User group for reporting
2 REPORT FOR THE WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY IN KENYA Wikimania 2021/Scholarships/Wikimedia Community in Kenya/Report
3 REPORT FOR THE WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY IN RWANDA Wikimania 2021/Scholarships/Wikimedia Community in Rwanda/Report
4 BREPORT FOR THE WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY IN BURUNDI Wikimania 2021/Scholarships/Wikimedia Community in Burundi/Report
5 REPORT FOR THE WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY IN ZAMBIA Wikimania 2021/Scholarships/Wikimedia Community in Zambia/Report
6 REPORT FOR THE WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY IN SOMALIA Wikimania 2021/Scholarships/Community in Somalia/Report
7 REPORT FOR THE WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY IN BOTSWANA Wikimania 2021/Scholarships/Community in Botswana/Report
8 REPORT FOR THE WIKI IN AFRICA Wikimania 2021/Scholarships/Wiki In Africa/Report
9 REPORT FOR THE WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY IN SOUTH SUDAN Wikimania 2021/Scholarships/Wikimedia Community in South Sudan/Report
10 REPORT FOR THE WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY IN ETHIOPIA Wikimania 2021/Scholarships/Wikimedia Community in Ethiopia/Report
11 REPORT FOR THE WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY USER GROUP TANZANIA Wikimania 2021/Scholarships/Wikimedia Community User Group Tanzania/Report


1 BUDGET FOR WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY USER GROUP UGANDA 1819 I confirm to send 1819 USD to Wikimedia Community in Uganda on 3rd September 2021.Jadnapac (talk) 13:51, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply] WikiUganda received the Wikimania grant from the Usergroup in Tanzania. --Douglaseru (talk) 21:58, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
2 BUDGET FOR WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY IN KENYA 1469 I confirm to send 1469 USD to Wikimedia Community in Kenya on 3rd September 2021.Jadnapac (talk) 13:44, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply] I confirm that the Ammount was received.--Ms Kabintie (talk) 06:25, 3 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
3 BUDGET FOR WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY IN RWANDA 2000 I confirm to send 2000 USD to Wikimedia Community in Rwanda on 3rd September 2021.Jadnapac (talk) 13:46, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply] I confirm that, The mentioned amount was received Ndahiro derrick (talk) 13:56, 6 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
4 BUDGET FOR WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY IN BURUNDI 1483 I confirm to send 1483 USD to Wikimedia Community in Burundi on 7th September 2021.Jadnapac (talk) 13:09, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply] I confirm that, The mentioned amount was received Ferdinand IF99 (talk) 10:18, 8 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
5 BUDGET FOR WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY IN ZAMBIA 700 I confirm to send 700 USD to Wikimedia Community in Zambia on 3rd September 2021.Jadnapac (talk) 13:25, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply] I can confirm that the 11,175.50 was received on the 7th of September at the exchange rate of 15.965000. Isaac Kanguya✌ (talk) 13:09, 5 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
6 BUDGET FOR WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY IN SOMALIA 549 I confirm to send 549 USD to Wikimedia Community in Somalia on 7th September 2021.Jadnapac (talk) 13:43, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply] I confirm that, The mentioned amount was received on 15th of September Abdullahi.Kelly (talk) 11:33, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
7 BUDGET FOR WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY IN BOTSWANA 1975.68 I confirm to send 1976 USD to Wikimedia Community in Botswana on 3rd September 2021.Jadnapac (talk) 13:52, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply] I confirm that the Amount was received.--Shoodho (talk) 07:33,22 December 2021 (UTC)
8 BUDGET FOR WIKI IN AFRICA 1900 I confirm to send 1900 USD to Wiki in Africa on 9th September 2021.Jadnapac (talk) 13:20, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply] I confirm that 26 478 rands was received on the 09th of September (The rand/dollar was 14,20 back then). with transfer costs on top, it fits the amount of the allocation. Anthere (talk)
9 BUDGET FOR WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY IN SOUTH SUDAN 800 I confirm to send 800 USD to Wikimedia Community in South Sudan on 3rd September 2021.Jadnapac (talk) 13:48, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply] I confirm that the mentioned amount was received by the south Sudan Wikimedia community
10 BUDGET FOR WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY IN ETHIOPIA 685 I confirm to send 685USD to Wikimedia Community in Ethiopia on 9th September 2021.Jadnapac (talk) 14:01, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply] I confirm that I have received 685USD equivalent of 31,000 ETB on 9th September 2021. Nebiyu.s (talk)
11 BUDGET FOR WIKIMEDIA COMMUNITY USER GROUP TANZANIA 3710 I confirm to the amount was arrived.Jadnapac (talk) 14:02, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply] I confirm to receive the amount on 25th August 2021.Jadnapac (talk) 14:06, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]
GRAND TOTAL 17090.68 I confirm that the amount was received by Wikimedia Tanzania.Jadnapac (talk) 14:08, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply] I confirm that the amount was received by Wikimedia Tanzania on 24th August 2021.Jadnapac (talk) 14:08, 12 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]



This page highlights the key steps that are being taken by Wikimedia Tanzania in collaboration with other East African Wiki communities concerning the distribution of the Wikimania scholarship fund that Wikimedia Tanzania applied on behalf of the other Wiki communities from East Africa.

Arrival of the fund

  • The joint fund arrived between 24th August 2021 and 31 August 2021, Wikimedia Tanzania did all necessary bank procedures to get the fund ready for distribution.
  • East Africa community representatives (Douglas Ssebagala, Winnie Kabintie and Antoni Mtavangu) discussed on the need of the joint call for all communities involved in the joint scholarship fund. The purpose of this call is making sure each community is aware of the needed fund accountabulity once it is received in their communitie (reimbursements, post Wikimania events and reporting). The call was suggested to be between 30th August 2021 and 31st August 2021.
  • Upon communication with other communities, the suitable date for many for the joint accountability call was to be held on 31st August 2021.

The EA Wiki Communities -Wikimania 2021 Accountability Discussion on 31st August 2021


Time: 08:00pm  - 09:00 pm EAT via google meet:meet.google.com/wgb-ybcp-qkq


Antoni Mtavangu (Tanzania), Paul Mandele (Tanzania), Clement Makangabila (Tanzania) Douglas (Uganda), Winnie (Kenya), Chabota (Zambia), Boris (Rwanda), Derick Ndahiro (Rwanda), Ceslause (Wiki In Africa/Nigeria), Candy (Botswana) Gilbert (Burundi), Ferdinand (Burundi) Abdullah (Somalia) Nebiyu (Ethiopia)


  1. Reimbursement can be done for the already spent money for Wikimania (receipts, screenshots e.t.c maybe be needed to show accountability on how reimbursement was done)
  2. Post Wikimania events should be documented by providing receipts/any way to show how fund was used
  3. If mobile money method was used for data support, you may take screenshot of the money sent (screenshot of amount send, it can be any other way that was used to support volunteers)
  4. Bank charges (need to be tracked) -Wikimedia Tanzania will be responsible for the wire transfer Bank charges and individual communities will be responsible for any charges associated with their Bank transactions, such as fund withdrawal charges)
  5. There will be a meta page that documents key fund  distribution processes as a way to show  accountability and can be used for future reference.
  6. Communities should do their best to find any way to document their expenses properly.
  7. Every community can go with the usual way that they use for accountability reportining to the WMF (Except that the receipts will be sent to Wikimedia Tanzania)
  8. Every community should write an individual report on meta about the activities they had as a result of being awarded the Wikimana fund.(this will help Wikimedia Tanzania to come up with the overall report)
  9. Timeline for post Wikimania event reports is suggested to be until 10th of October. (This will leave some room for Wikimedia Tanzania to prepare the general report up to 30th October 2021)
  10. Communities are reminded to send their Bank details to antonicmtavangu@gmail.com (those Bank details will be used for the Wikimania fund distribution purpose only)

Open Floor for Accountability Discussion

  1. Participant 1: There should be an East Africa Wikimania Scholarship fund meta page with people given the money, and timeline of when the reporting will be done - that transparency can help communities to schedule their activities timele.
  2. Participant 2:This was the first ever Wikimania, I had a session on 15 August with some other participants.
  3. Participant 3: The dollar rate has drastically reduced due to the elections, some adjustments will be done on the original budget to balance the amount that will be obtained
  4. Participant 4: It was the first time for Burundi to attend Wikimania and it was a good experience.
  5. Participant 5: In Rwanda, participants were joining at the convenient time and depending on chosen sessions. But in general, the experience was great as first time attendees and we got to connect and learn  deeply about different programs. The online version was totally fun.
  6. Participant 6: I had lightning talk at Wikimania  and some of my community members attended the  sessions.


  • It will be good if we write all key processes that are involved with accountability of funds on the meta page ,
  • We can even propose a session about funds accountability for Wikimedia movement volunteers in future.

The 13th-17th virtual Wikimania 2021 Experience


Participant 1: It was my 1st Wikimania to attend, it was an awesome experience. I hosted some sessions.

Participant 2: It was a great experience, I only attended some sessions due to fatigue, and facilitation

                        issues owing to late access to funds.

Participant 3: It was my first wikimania to attend, it was a great experience. Out of 8 participants only 4

                        attended. There is also a challenge with the current exchange rate.

Participant 4: First Wikimania was great. I managed to attend two sessions related to our East Africa

                        community. I was happy to see more volunteers from across EA who attended. For the

                       Tanzania Community user group we had 15+ users who attended different  


Participant 5: In Rwanda, participants were joining at the convenient time and depending on

                        chosen sessions. But in general, the experience was great as first time attendees

                        and we got to connect and learn  deeply about different programs. The online

                        version was totally fun.

Participant 6: People joined but there was no communal forum for the specific community

Participant 7: I was not able to participate in live events due to time constraints, yet to get feedback on  

                        the rest of community members to know if they participated.

Participant 8: 2 of my friends attended the sessions but agreed to have post wikimania where 30 pax

                        acan attend.

Participant 9: Community members attended, I spoke in 3 different sessions but in terms of community

                        members participationit’s somehow  difficult to know/track who attended wikimania and

                        how many days due to that communities didn’t have direct access to statistics of their

                        participating membe

Participant 10: The experience was good. Burundi we attended Wikimania for the first time , participants were joining the convenient time and depending on chosen sessions.

Suggestions for the upcoming Post Wikimania events

  • When we are doing the post Wikimania events, let's try to document well the number of participants  and the kind of support the community offers to participants.
  • What are the post Wikimania activities?  (You can go to meta page and identify the programs of interest to your community and Watch the recorded Video)
  • Feel free to invite some people who attended Wikimania to help in any way as it may be seed necessary
  • For platforms like Remo, I recommend to ask for a screenshot for attendee during the session to easy accountability
  • Communities may choose to use a google forms to collect data from participants (registrsttion to attend post Wikimania activities)


  1. Limited way of knowing who actually attended the Wikimania
  2. Remo was a good platform, however it was not so familiar platform to some participants hence some challenges on finding the specific sessions they intended to participate



All the communities agreed on the issues written above and hence the Wikimedia Tanzania will proceed with the fund distribution effectively from 01st September 2021.