Bassel Khartabil/ary
We mourn the loss of our colleague Bassel Khartabil.

شكون كان باسل خرطبيل؟
باسل خرطبيل هو مطور برامج مفتوحة المصدر و منطوع فموسوعة ويكيبيدبا.والجنسية ديالو سورية وهو من اصل فاسطيني.
- He was an early and frequent, if anonymous, editor on the Arabic Wikipedia. He also contributed to Mozilla Firefox, and built and led the Creative Commons Syria project; his work on the adoption of Arabic-language Creative Commons licences has been described as "pivotal."
- Bassel was a widely recognised as a leading figure among the developing internet community in Syria, and was a recipient of the 2013 Digital Freedom Award presented annually by the non-profit Index on Censorship. In 2012, he was also named by the Foreign Policy magazine as one of the Top Global Thinkers for "insisting, against all odds, on a peaceful Syrian revolution.”
اشن وقع لباسل؟
قوات الاستخبارات العسكرية السورية اعتقلت باسل ف 15 مارس 2012.ومن ذاك الوقت تحبس فالسجن بدون محاكمة علنية او توجيه تهمة,وتعرض للتعذيب الشديد و سوء المعاملة على يد حراس السجون السورية ,وزيد عليه انه قضى 8 اشهور فالحبس الانفرادي.
- In December 2012, Bassel was brought before a military prosecutor. During his short hearing, Bassel was unable to present his defence nor was he allowed access to legal representation. Afterwards, he was placed at Adra Prison on the outskirts of Damascus to await trial.
في يوم 3 اكتوبر عام 2015 ,تنقل باسل من زنزانة ديال المدنية فسجن "عدرا"لواحد البلاصة مجهولة ,ومن ذاك الوقت مبقى سمع عليه حتى واحد شي خبار.وفنوفمبر ,ظهرت تقارير غير مؤكدة انه "اقدر يكونو حكمو عليه بالاعدام" من طرف محكمة عسكرية ميدانية سرية, بلا ميتعطا ليه الحق فالاستئناف. وفاغسطس 2017 , تبين ان النظام السوري اعدم باسل بعد مدة قصيرة من الاختفاء ديالو ف 2015.
شكون كان كيدعم باسل؟
- In April 2015, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention called for Bassel's immediate release from prison, and described his continued detention as "arbitrary." The Group has further specified that Bassel's imprisonment constituted a violation of Articles 9, 14 and 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, noting that the Syrian government failed to provide "any information that would indicate that Mr. Khartabil's peaceful non-violent activity constituted a threat to national security or public order."
- Subsequently, over 30 human rights organisations (including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Index on Censorship, and the Gulf Center for Human Rights) signed an open letter urging the Syrian government to reveal Bassel's whereabouts and reunite him with his family. The Board of Directors of Creative Commons also approved a resolution calling for Bassel's release, and the MIT Media Lab offered Bassel a position of research scientist at the Center for Civic Media to work on projects to make Syria's history available to the world.
- Wikimedia Foundation, the organisation hosting Wikipedia, also supported Bassel's release. In addition to informing the press about Bassel's situation, the Foundation has spoken about it publicly at events and on social media. In March 2014, it hosted a Wikipedia edit-a-thon in Bassel's honour, and has remained in direct contact with his family.
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