Подружници на Викимедииното движење
Во знак на разновидноста на групите кои учествуваат во Викимедииното движење, Одборот на доверители има утврдено начини на здруженост во рамките на движењето — ограноци, тематски организации и кориснички групи.
Карта на подружниците по географска припадност

Состојба на 24 август 2021 г. Викимедиини ограноци (сино) Кориснички групи со географска задршка (зелено)
History | News | Chapters | Thematic organizations | Wikimedia user groups |
The current Wikimedia affiliation models was developed by the Movement roles project. Development began in 2010 after discussion at the Chapters meeting 2010 and was approved unanimously by the Board of Trustees on March 31, 2012. The Affiliations Committee advises and makes recommendations regarding the recognition and existence of Wikimedia movement affiliates.
History | News | Chapters | Thematic organizations | Wikimedia user groups |
Новости од Комисијата за подружници:
Affiliates Strategy Update: Implementation status of a new affiliate health criteria and changes to User Groups recognition process
Affiliate Recognition and Derecognition: Recognition of Togo, Wayúu, and Singapore user groups
Affiliate Activities and Compliance Report: Activities reports around the world
AffCom Conflict Intervention: Updates on conflict intervention cases
AffCom Movement Contribution: AffCom engagement at Wikimania
AffCom Administration: Results of the officers elections
Upcoming AffCom Events: AffCom at WikiIndaba and a strategy meetup
Other Movement News: Regional conferences, mental health support, and new committee support inbox
History | News | Chapters | Thematic organizations | Wikimedia user groups |
Wikimedia chapters (38)
Chapters are incorporated independent non-profits representing the Wikimedia movement and supporting movement work globally, focused within a specific geography.
History | News | Chapters | Thematic organizations | Wikimedia user groups |
Thematic organizations are incorporated independent non-profits representing the Wikimedia movement and supporting work focused on a specific theme, topic, subject or issue within or across countries and regions.
History | News | Chapters | Thematic organizations | Wikimedia user groups |
Wikimedia user groups (152)
Корисничките групи се членски групи со утврдено лице за контакт и историја на сработени проекти, предвидени да бидат лесни за создавање.