Wikimedia Summit 2022/Documentation/Day 1

Structure of this report
Day 1
Opening · Sharing Activities · Connecting Activities
Day 2
Movement Charter· Hubs · Resources & Revenues
Day 3
Open space · Closing & Next steps

Day 1 (Friday, 9 Sep)


After introducing participants to the purpose and process of the Summit, the rest of the first day of the Summit is dedicated to connecting, and sharing between participants. The day will end by documenting activities that support the implementation of the Movement Strategy, and starting to explore opportunities for collaboration between Wikimedia affiliates.

Session 1: Opening (8:00 - 10:00 UTC)


Welcoming participants to the Wikimedia Summit; Navigating the context, aims and programme of the event; First spontaneous sharing of activities related to the Movement Strategy

S1.1 Opening Plenary Session

session slides; recording available on the Summit platform
Navigating the event with trust and safety
Maiken Hagemeister, Head of Communication and Events, Wikimedia Deutschland and Nicole Ebber, Director Movement Strategy and Global Relations Wikimedia Deutschland
Introduction speech by Nicole Ebber and Maiken Hagemeister (video, click to watch)
Maiken and Nicole welcomed participants and shared their commitment for creating a hybrid space where everyone can work safely, and effectively. They gave directions on how to manage image privacy and COVID safety measures in the Summit’s venue. They also reminded participants of the Universal Code of Conduct for all Wikimedia activities.
Welcome words from the heads of Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia Deutschland
Franziska Heine and Christian Humborg, Co-Executive Directors, Wikimedia Deutschland

“This is a new beginning for all of us. A chance to weave new threads into the fabric that connects us.”

Opening speech of Franziska Heine and Christian Humborg (video, click to watch)
Franziska Heine expressed her joy for meeting everyone online and on site. She recalled the changes that happened in the World since she was a participant in the 2019’s Summit, where she was a member of the Product and Technology working group. Today, she expresses her pride in opening the Summit as Executive Director of Wikimedia Deutschland. She concluded with a message of support. “The threads that connect us got thinner, and we lost sight of each other in our shared work. This is a new beginning for all of us. A chance to weave new threads into the fabric that connects us.”

“It is our duty to provide knowledge as a service. We need the knowledge of all humankind.”

Christian Humborg highlighted the importance of knowledge equity. He gave the example of how the German government controlled access to patents and copyright of the COVID vaccines that could have saved the lives of many people. He underlined that knowledge can be tool of power over others —as are the examples of the recent war in Ukraine or the role of social media in the Rohingya genocide. He encouraged all of the Summit participants to continue their work as a service to humankind, quoting the article 19 of the Charter of Human Rights, the right to freedom of opinion and expression

Maryana Iskander, Chief Executive Officer, Wikimedia Foundation

“Elephants never forget… But how can we bring the past into our conversations in a way that helps us?”

Opening speech of Maryana Iskander (video, click to watch)
Maryana Iskander shared with participants a few reflections she has been holding since she started her new role as CEO of the Wikimedia Foundation. Using puzzles as a metaphor for “things we solve together”, Maryana highlighted some of the critical questions that must be answered by the movement. A self-confessed elephant lover, Maryana used some trivia about these magnificent animals to offer participants some advice on how to address some of the “elephants in the room” they might encounter in their conversations during the Summit.
The role of the Summit in the Wikimedia Movement Strategy
Kaarel Vaidla, Lead Movement Process Architect, Movement Strategy, Wikimedia Foundation

“Building the Movement together!”

Introduction speech of Kaarel Vaidla (video, click to watch)
Kaarel Vaidla introduced himself as a “movement strategy enthusiast”. He shared a personal story from when he attended his first international event. “A story from when I was young and hopeful”—he said. He described the engagement and collaborative spirit that characterised the event, which for him represented the foundation of the Wikimedia Movement Strategy and the Wikimedia Summit.

Kaarel also gave a recap of the Movement Strategy development process, emphasising: “We agreed that by 2030 we will become the essential infrastructure of the ecosystem of free knowledge, and anyone who shares our vision will be able to join us. The Movement Strategy and the recommendations are how we get there”. Kaarel concluded by explaining the logic of the 3-day programme: 1st day is dedicated to connection, 2nd day is dedicated to changing the system, and the 3rd day, dedicated to making commitments to action: How can we use this catalysing event to infuse in our everyday work?

Framing the 1st Day of the Wikimedia Summit
Nikki Zeuner, Senior Advisor Global Partnerships, Movement Strategy, Wikimedia Deutschland and Hanan El-Youssef, Lead Strategist, Movement Strategy, Wikimedia Foundation

"Let’s do what Wikimedians do best!”

Introduction speech by Nikki Zeuner and Hanan El-Youssef (video, click to watch)
Nikki & Hanan explained how the 1st day of the conference is dedicated to connecting, celebrating and catching up; share stories of implementing the Movement Strategy and wikify the storytelling by documenting activities connected to specific Movement Strategy recommendations.

S1.2 Breakout Groups


The purpose of the breakout rooms was simply to share what excited and concerned participants in the past years, while no Summit took place.

Participants spontaneously took notes in the etherpads, with comments ranging from experiences of the Summit to answers to the breakout group guiding questions.

Etherpads with content are marked in green.

Session 2: Sharing Activities (11:30-13:00 UTC)


Further sharing and discussing activities related to the Movement Strategy. Documenting activities and their connection to Regions and Movement Strategy Recommendations to support collaboration

S2.1 Plenary Session

session slides; recording available on the Summit platform

Nikki and Hanan explained the purpose of Session 2, in which participants were invited to continue to share stories about their work related to the Movement Strategy, and to keep an eye out for those which might be good for collaboration.

S2.2 Breakout Groups


Participants spontaneously left notes in the etherpads, with comments ranging from experiences of the Summit to answers to the breakout group guiding questions.

Etherpads with content are marked in green.

Session 3: Connecting Activities (14:00-16:00 UTC)


Exploring connections between activities to increase learning, sharing, partnering, and all forms of collaboration.

S3.1 Plenary Session

session slides; recording available on the Summit platform
Documenting Movement Strategy activities

Hanan highlighted the need for tracking information about activities that contribute to implementing the Movement Strategy, and collaboration between Wikimedia affiliates. She defined “collaboration” broadly, from sharing and learning to co-producing. The hope is that by increasing visibility of what is happening, everyone can work more and better together. Below are the links to the tool (Baserow) that will be used to document activities and collaborations contributing to the Movement Strategy implementation. The input form is a simple way to submit and categorise activities. The database enables you to view and filter all submitted activities, and start identifying opportunities for collaboration. You can also download a short guide on how to use the software.

S3.2 Breakout Groups


Breakout groups were organised by Movement Strategy recommendations.

Etherpads with content are marked in green.

S3.3 Plenary Session


end of session 3, recording available on the Summit platform