Training modules/Dealing with online harassment/slides/self-care/es
Después de un caso: Autocuidado
Dealing with harassment cases is tough for all involved. This doesn't just apply to the parties of the case, but to the mediator as well. You should know how to effectively care for yourself after handling a case, no matter what the outcome of the case is.
It's not uncommon to feel personally invested in cases, particularly ones which do not have an easy solution or which uncover information that upsets you. You may experience "secondary trauma" or "caregiver burnout" – a common feeling of guilt or mental exhaustion experienced by those providing care to others. Your ability to care for others depends on you keeping yourself safe and healthy enough to effectively give that care.
Some resources around caregiver burnout include WebMD and Australia's HealthDirect, which provide steps on what to do to deal with this. Many other resources are available to help you deal with stress. It is most recommended to speak with your doctor if you feel this is getting in the way of your activities both on and off the projects.