Outdated translations are marked like this.
კრიტიკული შეკითხვა
- თქვენი აზრით, როგორ შეუძლია ფონდ ვიკიმედიას საკუთარი მდგომარეობის, განვითარებისა და საზოგადოების მრავალფეროვნების გაუმჯობესება, მიმზიდველობით, გახსნილობითა და სიმტკიცის ხელშეწყობით?
სავარაუდო სტრატეგიული მიდგომები
Please read through these and let us know by number up to three of six you most support. You can also share your own idea!
- Approach one: Reduce harassment issues and the gender gap to facilitate a safe, welcoming, and supportive environment for contributors and editors.
- Approach two: Create and support programs to increase volunteer participation such as recognition, facilitated mentorship, and personalized re-engagement.
- Approach three: Increase communication and transparency with and between our communities and across Wikimedia affiliates.
- Approach four: Align efforts between our affiliate organizations and the Wikimedia Foundation to increase local language and community coverage on key initiatives.
- Approach five: Improve automation tools to reduce manual work for managing content and projects.
- Approach six: Simplify policies and processes for building communities and wikis.
- Approach seven: your idea.
Please note: You do not need to fill in the Subject/Header box, the template will take care of that.