Pendidikan/Membaca Wikipedia di Ruang Kelas

This page is a translated version of the page Education/Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom and the translation is 9% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Logo Membaca Wikipedia di Ruang Kelas
Membaca Wikipedia di Ruang Kelas adalah program pelatihan guru unggulan Wikimedia Foundation, membantu pendidik dan siswa untuk mengembangkan keterampilan literasi media dan informasi yang penting untuk abad ke-21.

Program Membaca Wikipedia di Kelas mempromosikan keterlibatan kritis dengan Wikipedia yang memungkinkan para guru untuk memanfaatkan penggunaannya sebagai alat pedagogis. Melalui kurikulum yang dikembangkan secara kolaboratif, para guru mengeksplorasi dan merefleksikan berbagai fitur yang menjadikan Wikipedia sebagai sekutu yang berharga untuk praktik kelas mereka. Sesi pelatihan sinkron memungkinkan para guru untuk berkolaborasi dengan instruktur yang berpengalaman dan berbagi pertanyaan mereka, belajar dari pengalaman global, dan terhubung dengan rekan-rekan yang berpikiran sama.

Teachers who participate in the Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom program develop key media and information literacy skills by understanding:

  • How information is produced on Wikipedia
  • How to access and evaluate content online
  • How to identify biases and knowledge gaps in the information they consume
  • How educators can actively contribute to the development of Wikipedia

To date, hundreds of teachers have successfully completed the Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom program in 11 countries including Nigeria, Bolivia, and Guinea. The educational resources created are available on Wikimedia Commons for anybody interested to learn more about the program.

In 2020, Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom was piloted in three countries: Bolivia, Morocco, and the Philippines. The pilot initiative focused heavily on collaboration between civil society actors in the open knowledge sector, secondary school teachers, and government authorities. It was conducted in partnership with Wikimedistas de Bolivia, Wikimedia MA User Group, Philwiki Community, and the Pasay City School District. The training resources and sessions were adapted to the needs of the local context in our three pilot countries. Find out more about the results of the first training and the first cohort of teachers who earned the certificate.

Learn more about the process of creating and piloting the Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom curriculum on K12 Digest.

Learn more about the impact of the pilot in our Final Program Report.

Meet our certified trainers

Through a Training of Trainers program we supported a growing network of Certified Trainers around the world to innovate and localize the Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom curriculum. The Training of Trainers was developed online from 2021 to 2023, reaching educational leaders in 48 countries.

Certified Trainer
Arabic, English
Certified Trainer
Certified Trainer

Meet all the Certified Trainers around the world

Reading Wikipedia in the classroom program modules

Teacher's Guide Module 1 (Arabic) Teacher's Guide Module 2 (English) Teacher's Guide Module 3 (Tagalog)
Teacher's Guide Module 1. url
(March 2021)
Teacher's Guide Module 2. url
(March 2021)
Teacher's Guide Module 3. url
(March 2021)

Program reports

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