ვიკიმედია უკრაინა

This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Ukraine and the translation is 39% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

ვიკიმედია უკრაინა — ფონდ ვიკიმედიის რეგიონული განყოფილება უკრაინაში. განყოფილება დაარსდა 2008 წლის 31 მაისს. ამ დღეს გაიმართა ახალი ორგანიზაციის, „ვიკიმედია უკრაინის“ პირველი კრება.

Wikimedia Ukraine
მდებარეობა უკრაინა
ორგანიზაციის კოდიWMUA
ქვეყნის კოდიUA
დაარსების თარიღიJuly 13, 2009
დამტკიცების თარიღიJuly 3, 2009
სათავო ოფისი01010, Kyiv, Levandovska St. 3B
ოფიციალური ენებიუკრაინული ენა
ChairIlya Korniyko
საკვანძო პირებიBohdan Melnychuk (secretary)
Mykola Kozlenko (treasurer)
Incorporation paperStatute
ბიუჯეტი$118,085 (2021)
კავშირივიკიმედია ცენტრალური და აღმოსავლეთი ევროპა
ვიკიმედია ევროპა
ტელეფონი+380 67 343 74 34
ელ-ფოსტაinfo(_AT_)wikimedia.org.ua (general)
TwitterWikimedia Ukraine
FacebookWikimedia Ukraine
InstagramWikimedia Ukraine

2009 წლის 3 ივლისს ორგანიზაცია „ფონდმა ვიკიმედიამ“ რეგიონულ განყოფილებად აღიარა.

2009 წლის 13 ივლისს „ვიკიმედია უკრაინა“ იურიდიულ პირად დარეგისტრირდა და უკრაინის იუსტიციის სამინისტროში მიიღო შესაბამისი მოწმობა.


The field of activities of Wikimedia Ukraine is divided into four general directions:

  • Content enrichment which includes projects aimed at new information being added to Wikipedia and related projects, such as article contests (like CEE Spring, Woman in STEM) or photographs contests (like Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Monuments, Science photo competition) which bring thousands of new articles to Ukrainian Wikipedia and thousands of new photos to Wikimedia Commons every year, as well as collaboration with GLAM institutions. Wikimedia Ukraine is in charge of organizing the international part of Wiki Loves Earth.
  • Enlargement of participation aimed at bringing more people into Wikipedia and related projects, with the biggest project being the Educational program which attracts school and college students to editing. The other big project is the annual Wikimarathon when every Ukrainian is invited to make a contribution to Ukrainian Wikipedia, either by coming to one of numerous wikitrainings at different locations in Ukraine or by doing it online.
  • Community support and development which focuses on making the community of Ukrainian wikipedians more connected and skilled. Wikimedia Ukraine organizes many meetings for members of the community, most notably the annual Wikiconference which brings together more than 60 wikipedians from all over the country and abroad, enabling them to discuss current issues, share their skills, get more knowledge about wikiprojects and to know each other better. Other meeting are the Annual General Meetings of the organization, occasional training for volunteers (editings trainings for newcomers, trainings for trainers, technical trainings, strategy sessions, governance trainings etc). Organizations gives grants to volunteers for attending international Wikimedia events (such as Wikimania, Wikimedia CEE Meeting or Wikihackaton) and for expenses aimed at adding content to Wikipedia or related projects (most often for wikiexpeditions and to buy books needed as sources).
  • Awareness about Wikimedia and promotion of free knowledge with a goal of as many people as possible becoming aware about Wikimedia movement and its purpose and a goal of removing obstacles to development and circulation of free knowledge. Members of the organization often give interviews to media, explaining how Wikipedia works and what is Wikimedia movement. The biggest challenge the organization has in this field is that unlike many other European states, Ukraine does not have the freedom of panorama yet, which is a giant barrier to free knowledge. Wikimedia Ukraine advocates legislative amendments which would implement freedom of panorama in Ukraine.

Membership and structure

Any person who reached the age of 14 and who participates in at least one Wikimedia project can apply to become a member of Wikimedia Ukraine. If the Board after public discussion approves the membership, the applicant becomes a member of organization immediately after paying the first annual membership fee, which currently is 100 UAH (approximately 2.5 USD). As of December 2022, the organization has 70 members.

Functioning of the organization is regulated by the Statute. The main governing body in Wikimedia Ukraine is Annual General Meeting, which meets once in a year, make plans for the next year, elects the Board and Audit Committee. The Board consists of seven people. They appoint among themselves a secretary, a treasurer, a responsible member for each of four directions of activity and a chair, who is also the head of whole organization. The Board runs the organization during the year between Annual General Meetings. The Audit Committee oversees the actions of the Board and issues recommendations to them. All of the above-mentioned and the press-secretary are volunteers. A big part of operations are carried out by the employees and contractors, of whom there are currently seven (including part-time employees & contractors).

ამჟამინდელი მმართველობა

წლიური ანგარიში 2015

28 თებერვალი 2021 დროს არჩეული ბორდი:

(Due to martial law being imposed in Ukraine as a result of Russia's full-scale invasion, the AGM scheduled for 2022 has been postponed until the end of martial law; the board elected in 2021 continues operating).

ამჟამინდელი აუდიტის კომისია

  1. ვიაჩესლავ მამონ (თავმჯდომარე)
  2. მარინა ლიუტინსკა
  3. სერგიი ლიპკო


თანამშრომლები და კონტრაქტორები

Wikimedia Ukraine's organizational chart in 2021




board wikimedia.org.ua
info wikimedia.org.ua
დასაგზავნი სია (საჯარო)
wikimediaua lists.wikimedia.org
ინტერვიკი პრეფიქსი :wmua:

სხვა ინფორმაცია