Wikimedia Summit 2019/Buddy Project

Summit 2019
Program Fringe Events Registration & Participants
Reports, Reviews

Venue and Hotel

At the Wikimedia Conferences 2017 and 2018 we organized something we called "Buddy Project". The idea was to match two participants, who are interested in joining this idea, one who’s been on a Wikimedia Conference at least once and one who hasn’t. Additionally, the matching process was influenced by the participants’ individual interests and expectations they will state in their registration. Participants were matched by the WMDE staff and got to know their buddy at the first evening of the Wikimedia Summit.

(Symbolic picture for two buddies)

For 2019, we would like to try something else, as the buddy matching was not effective as expected (or hoped). For the Wikimedia Summit 2019 we will host 6 introduction calls for newbies before the Wikimedia Summit at different days and time zones covering the Movement Strategy Process and the Wikimedia Summit. Furthermore, we will host on each conference day a Newbie breakfast. The breakfast will be hosted in the breakfast area of the venue on Friday (8:00 to 9:30), on Saturday (8:00 to 9:30) and on Sunday (9:00 to 10:30). Join us!