Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Candidates/Raavi Mohanty/ru

This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Candidates/Raavi Mohanty and the translation is 11% complete.
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Рави Моханти (Raavimohantydelhi)

Raavimohantydelhi (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

Подробности о кандидате
Викимеддиец Рави Моханти
  • Личное:
    • Имя: Рави Моханти
    • Местонахождение: Нью-Дели, Индия
    • Языки: английский, хинди, ория, панджаби
  • Информация о редакторе:
    • Дата начала участия в Викимедиа: 2015
    • Участвует больше всего в вики-проектах: en.Wikipedia, Commons,,,,,, Wikidata, Mediawiki, Meta.Wikimedia, (13 Projects)
Заявка (не больше 450 слов)

In the words of Malcolm X, "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." Technology has brought human civilization to the cusp of an information revolution, the internet has made sure that access to quality education is not a monopoly of the elite or the predisposition of the moneyed class. It is time that the fruits of technology should go down to the poorest sections of society. I firmly believe that Wikipedia can play a huge role in it.

Education is the linchpin for modern society. One needs to learn about culture, history, and other important aspects so that they would be able to contribute to a peaceful co-existing society without biases based on gender, race, or religion. In a country like India, education is indispensable for achieving gender parity and upliftment of women. Access to free education can empower people by making them aware of their rights, give them knowledge of their civil and economic rights. In India, the exploitation of uneducated people is heartbreaking.

Free education is essential to create a modern and global society. Wikipedia articles can teach people about the history and culture of various countries around the globe. If people learn about each other's cultures and history it would usher in a model world for us and posterity.

The internet presents an excellent opportunity to make a borderless world. At present we are the first generation that is in a position to exchange ideas at a people-to-people level at such a mass scale. Ideas can now flow from one part of the world to another in a matter of minutes. The idea of democracy, human rights should now flow to the most inaccessible parts of the world. Moreover, these ideas can the transferred in a transparent manner.

Being a Wikipedia editor gives me an opportunity to contribute something back to society. The more I interact with people in various parts of the country the more I realize my biggest contribution to the upbringing of the downtrodden would be in my ability to take knowledge to every single individual, without any barrier of language. If more writers from the regional languages would come on board the faster would are goal be reached. Free universal education is the biggest gift to posterity. As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

3 главных приорита в Совете

1. Topic related to Skill enhancement should be given more focus.

2. Videos or illustrations should also be given, so that people with less education can understand better.

3. Focus on topics related to local demands, e.g. easier access to information on Coconut (that includes, history, nutritional value, verities, market demand, etc.) should be mentioned.

3 главных приоритета из Стратегии Движения

1. I believe that everyone should have access to free knowledge.

2. More women-centric topics should be added to Wikipedia.

3. More wiki writers writing in regional languages should be inducted.

Проверка проверка выполнена
Соответствие критериям:   Подтверждено
Подтверждено: Matanya (talk) 20:43, 1 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Идентификация:   Подтверждено
Подтверждено:: Joe Sutherland (Wikimedia Foundation) (talk) 01:22, 1 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Форма оценки попечителя
Форма оценки попечителя
Опыт работы в годах
<1 1–2 2–5 5–10 10+

Опыт в Викимедиа. Кандидат вносит свой вклад в движение Викимедиа. Приемлемые вкладчики: участники проектов Викимедиа, члены организаций Викимедиа (входящих в движение или или аффилированных), активность в качестве организатора мероприятий движения Викимедиа или участие в одной из дружественных движению Викимедиа организаций.

5-10 5-10 years of experience, I have been with Wikimedia Movement since 2015. I contributed thousands of quality edits globally in English in 13 Wikimedia projects. My maximum contributions are in the Wikipedia project in the English language and have been honored with BarnStar, BarnCompass, and Barnstar of National Merit. Besides, I worked on articles for Indian regional languages. Always I tried to discover missing information in our projects. Participated, supported, and organized the WMF International conference in India. Tightly connected with Hindi, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, and other communities. Successfully conducted Tiger project in India to train and engage new editors. Also implemented outreach programs in institutions.

Опыт в Совете. Кандидат работал в совет попечителей/директоров или другом аналогичном руководящем органе организации, ориентированной на национальную или глобальную деятельность (некоммерческой, коммерческой или правительственной).

10+ Years I have 25 years of golden experience as Director, & CEO in an SME in India. Managed many technical, financial, and operational strategies until retired. Worked on the govt projects collaborated with the world's topmost IT brands like Google, Intel, IBM, & Dell. Implemented several AI, & ML technologies across the world. Experienced in making strategies and roadmap to build a working system.

Административный опыт. Кандидат работал на руководящем уровне в организации, отделе или проекте, сопоставимых (или более крупных) по размеру, сложности и масштабу с Фондом Викимедиа.

Yes, I worked with many small projects to gear up education, digital or internet-based training programs for rural people.

Эксперт в области. Кандидат работал или в значительной степени добровольно действовал в области, имеющей отношение к работе Фонда и Совета. Такие области будут определяться на ежегодно и могут включать такие области, как создание Глобального движения и организация сообщества, технология платформ на уровне компаний и/или разработка продуктов, общественная политика и закон, сектор знаний (например, научные круги/ГЛАМ/образование), права человека и социальная справедливость, свободный интернет/свободное программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом, организационная стратегия и управление, финансы и финансовый надзор, сбор средств для некоммерческих организаций, людские ресурсы, управление советом.

IT - Over 20 years of experience in software development, Server Integration with over 5 years of experience in AI, ML, and NLP kind of application development and implementation.

Managed hundreds of corporate clients following Indian Company Acts and policies. Executed several facilitation centers and brand awareness campaigns across the world.

Volunteered in Govt educational project Vidyanjali with Intel corporation. Educated tens of thousands of students in India.

Under an Indian project Umeed, implement a non-voice contact center to empower rural Indian people locally. Provided IT education and certification with scholarships to all deserving students.

Разнообразие: Фон Кандидат принадлежит или принадлежал к группе, которая сталкивалась с исторической дискриминацией и недостаточной мере представленностью в структурах власти (связанной, например, с полом, расой, этнической принадлежностью, недееспособностью, LGBTQ+ идентичностью, социальным классом, экономическим статусом или кастой).


Разнообразие: География Кандидат может внести свой вклад в общее географическое разнообразие Совета Попечителей, основанное на географических регионах, в которых жил.


But, I work globally.

Разнообразие: Язык Кандидат является носителем языка, отличающегося от английского.


Разнообразие: Политический опыт Кандидат имеет значительный опыт жизни и/или работы по расширению знаний в недемократической, цензурируемой государством или репрессивной среде.
