WALRUS/August 2012

IRC meeting at #wikimedia-usconnect on August 8 at 9pm Eastern Time / 6pm Pacific Time.


Add your agenda items here



Things that came up

  • The logged nature of the meetings
    • The log is never publicly published
  • Introductions of new members of the meetings
  • The regions
    • There was an agreement that they needs to be nuked at started over from scratch
    • Some didn't think that such overhead was necessary
    • some didn't think that the US should be carved up before organic chapters start
    • It was mentioned that we shouldn't talk about voices before there are people to represent
  • The number of votes/country
    • We shouldn't give up votes without being asked was the agreement
  • Regional Noticeboards Were sent up
    • Organize events, improve communication, ect.
  • There was a call to cut down on speculation
  • The name of our body
    • WALRUS
    • US Chapters Congress
    • US Chapters Federation
    • US Chapters Council
    • US Alliance
  • Wiki loves Monuments / Wiki Takes America
  • Working groups
    • Large meetings produce little real work
    • 5 people or so
  • In person meeting
    • When?
      • March or April
    • Location
      • DC (pending)
        • Othere cities/ares were proposed including: Texas, Pittsburgh, Boston, NYC, Alaska, McMurdo, and Bangor
  • A call to end silly names

