Template:Tech news text/dtp

This page is a translated version of the page Template:Tech news text and the translation is 54% complete.
|topic title = Abat teknologi: {{{year}}}-{{{week}}}
|intro = Kawawagu tech news mantad Wikimedia tinimungan teknikol. Sunudai no momomoguno suai kokomoi kosimbanan diti. Okon ko koinsanai kosimbanan kaanu mangampayat dika. [[m:Special:MyLanguage/{{{pagename}}}|komopodolinan]] nopo nga pointounda.
|footer = Tech news pinotounda di Tech News writers om pinaatod di bot • Contribute • [[m:Special:MyLanguage/{{{pagename}}}|Translate]] • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
|recent changes = Kosimbanan wagu
|problems = Kobolingkahangan
|changes later this week = Simbanan kawaagu miggu diti
|future changes = Kosimbanan dumontol
|recurrent item = Kakamot uliton
|next train standard = [[mw:{{{release notes page}}}|kawo wagu]] MediaWiki maan pohoro'o id wikis mumbal om MediaWiki.org mantad 4 Mansak. Iti nopo maan ndo posuango id non-Wikipedia wikis om Wikipedian suai mantad 5 Mansak. Iti haro id koinsanai wikis mantad 6 Mansak ([[mw:{{{roadmap}}}|calendar]]).
|advanced item = Kakamot nokoburu
|wishlist item = Kakamot wishlist
|weekly highlight = Weekly highlight
|updates for editors = Updates for editors
|updates for technical = Updates for technical contributors
|in depth = In depth
|meetings and events = Meetings and events
|view all = View all {{{2}}} community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week.
Template documentation

This template allows translating text used in many Tech News issues at one place rather than every week again and again.